
Well-Known Member
Hey I just want to see how many people on here are using the aeroflo2 systems. Maybe we can learn some things from each other. I was wondering how you all drain the system. It seems to be a bitch when I try and drain mine all the way cuz the valve kind of sux when the system is on the floor. A lot of the time the posts fall down too when trying to wash out the rez. Worst part about it in my exp.


Uses the Rollitup profile
I just used the pump, there's a valve to change, and turn the pump on. Then used a different pump to refill.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Oh shit, so I can just take the valve off the posts and put it into the drain and it will spit the water out of the valve on the side? With enough pressure to push it through a hose?


Uses the Rollitup profile
Man, you got me, I don't know what those "posts" are. There's a water pump, and an in-line gang valve, and yeah, hoses, and so on. The pump is used to circulate the system, or you can pump out the system.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
duct tape the shitty legs togeteher at the end will work well for holding them up my friends fell over his first day till he did that and you can drain it with a hose from you house from outside

Hidden Dragon

Well-Known Member
I bought a couple of 1/4 hp pumps from Menard's when they were on sale for $29 ea aout a month ago. (Barracuda) Just fits thu that large cap on the reservoir. Drop it in with hose to sink and it empties in about 4 minutes. This way I don't have to disturb the main pump in any way.:peace:

Let's keep this as a continuous thread for Aeroflo users to trade info.


Well-Known Member
So you all don't need to scrub your res? I had my plants fall like 6 times when I tried to take my res out to scrub it....what a pain.


Active Member
I just put a transfer pump on my drain and pumping it into the sewer to empty the rez.

When I do rez changes it leaves about 6 gallons in the bottom of the tank still below the level of the drain tube. so when i refill the rez i let it run for a wile without nutes to help wash out any nuit/salt build up and then empty again don't know it that is necessary (probably just waisting water but I want to be safe. my friend has a 36 table and does not do this and has no problems i have a 60) but it does lower the ppm of my water by another 100 when i do that as apposed to leaving the 6 gallons and just filling up. as for wiping the rez out I will not do that until harvest. I figure as long as i change it once a week to 10 days and keep using hydroguard shouldn't have any problems with cleanliness.

awsome thread marking this one so I can come back every day and check it out. Aeroflow users unite and let's keep this thread rolling. This is my first grow hell it is my first time growing anything at all and I am loving the aeroflow2 60. of course I have nothing to compare it with but seams easy so far, things seam like they move along pretty fast also.

I would like to say thanks to the whole RIU community this is an invaluable source of information and I would be completely lost without u guys. The FAQ kicks ass.


Active Member
Whatup ya'll, it might be your lucky day!

I just jumped on and have been using these systems for 5 years STRONG. I take it that the current topic if res changes, Lets start one topic at a time and I'll go through any and all situations I have ever experienced. I have done 19 aeroflo2 120 grows, and feel that if you have entered this forum, want to be on this team, then this is the start of an amazing new life for you. Don't believe me? Well, ask and yee shall receive.

So lets start with the system and getting comfortable with changing the res, and get our mind thinking about what we should be thinking about when we take this action:

First, using the jelly they provide for the level tubes is awesome, and a must for easy level changes.
once u got those babies all lubed up you can easily drop them when you want to go ahead and get all your used nutrient outta there.

As for the basins themselves you should never attempt to take them out and scrub them mid grow....ever...this is a great way to fuck yourself up,,get electrocuted THROUGH A GREAT TERM WE NOW USE IN THE AEROFLO2 COMMUNITY:::::

TSUNAMI!!!! Definition: The occurrence during an aeroflo2 120 grow where you accidentally run into one of the tubes, or have a failure of the tube stands causing a huge splash of water to hit your floor.

I have even done a 120 2nd floor residentially tarped grow and in this case TSUNAMI can be a complete disaster..... If possible using wood screws or masonry screws utilize the holes in the tube stands to affix them to the floor, for if you loose the stand 1 and 2 HAHAHAHA MEGTRON TSUNAMI!!!!! I laugh because this happens and when one reflects it ends up being funny a few years down the line. when you buy your boat or 3rd car.

I personally do not use the aeroflo2 pump to drain my res,,,, reason being it is a really nice and expensive pump and when you take this action you almost always will cavitate, bubbles sucking into the impeller causing damage over time. I have gotten these bitches to run 24/7 for 3 years without breaking. They are great, but buy a shitty waste pump from Lowes to change the res,,, the ones with the flat suction attachment, and you can get even more water out then with using the actual pump... the intake of the pump is like a half inch or whatever above the bottom anyways.

Also if you get one of these shop pumps you can mount it next to the Flo, and this way you can use it also to fill from a water collection standby res from an RO filter,, or who knows..... MAYBE YOU EVEN GO OUTSIDE AND SCOOP FRESHY SNOW TO MELT TO USE WITH A PPM OF 0050..... tits

This brings on another great topic of res changes,,,, you want this thing to get clean... use shit that doesn't stain the system,,,, ORGANICS CAN BE A NIGHTMARE unless your using a high quality fertilizer that is meant to stay soluble for a long time.

USE CLEAN WATER: The starting PPM of your water is important,, the lower the better, and when you start make sure you record the starting PPM of the water so you can take subtract that from the total PPM of the NUTE solution.

The guard to the Aeropump is real real important, as where if you are using Hydroton Medium which I would recommend, after using everything,,
{{{{{with no cocco shit cups,,, even though they give them to you they restrict air flo to the tubes,,, and thus lower solution oxygen content.}}}}
Anyway the pump guard has to say on man, one little hydroton finds it's fucking way in your pump and you are up shits creek, no paddle....

Always keep the pump on.... I have heard stupid people talk about shutting it off... and thats what that is.... STUPID.

When you have your res full you can't drop all the tubes at once or the res's will overflo!

Thus if the Panda Res holds 40 Gal. and you have 2, thats 80.. but the tubes can hold somewhere around 5 gal a piece, that means a full 120 with the tubes where they should be, a little above halfway, can easily have 100 gallons. WERD! that volume is tits and is great once PH is stabilized for "cruzing speed"

I don't sue flushing agent when i reschange I don't think it's really worth it,,,... and yes, HYDROGUARD is a must have.

Thats all today, I'll be back soon for a followup, so if there are anymore questions about reschanges then fire them now,, then we can figure-out a new topic after that and get this thing rollinnnnn


Well-Known Member
Whatup ya'll, it might be your lucky day!

I just jumped on and have been using these systems for 5 years STRONG. I take it that the current topic if res changes, Lets start one topic at a time and I'll go through any and all situations I have ever experienced. I have done 19 aeroflo2 120 grows, and feel that if you have entered this forum, want to be on this team, then this is the start of an amazing new life for you. Don't believe me? Well, ask and yee shall receive.

So lets start with the system and getting comfortable with changing the res, and get our mind thinking about what we should be thinking about when we take this action:

First, using the jelly they provide for the level tubes is awesome, and a must for easy level changes.
once u got those babies all lubed up you can easily drop them when you want to go ahead and get all your used nutrient outta there.

As for the basins themselves you should never attempt to take them out and scrub them mid grow....ever...this is a great way to fuck yourself up,,get electrocuted THROUGH A GREAT TERM WE NOW USE IN THE AEROFLO2 COMMUNITY:::::

TSUNAMI!!!! Definition: The occurrence during an aeroflo2 120 grow where you accidentally run into one of the tubes, or have a failure of the tube stands causing a huge splash of water to hit your floor.

I have even done a 120 2nd floor residentially tarped grow and in this case TSUNAMI can be a complete disaster..... If possible using wood screws or masonry screws utilize the holes in the tube stands to affix them to the floor, for if you loose the stand 1 and 2 HAHAHAHA MEGTRON TSUNAMI!!!!! I laugh because this happens and when one reflects it ends up being funny a few years down the line. when you buy your boat or 3rd car.

I personally do not use the aeroflo2 pump to drain my res,,,, reason being it is a really nice and expensive pump and when you take this action you almost always will cavitate, bubbles sucking into the impeller causing damage over time. I have gotten these bitches to run 24/7 for 3 years without breaking. They are great, but buy a shitty waste pump from Lowes to change the res,,, the ones with the flat suction attachment, and you can get even more water out then with using the actual pump... the intake of the pump is like a half inch or whatever above the bottom anyways.

Also if you get one of these shop pumps you can mount it next to the Flo, and this way you can use it also to fill from a water collection standby res from an RO filter,, or who knows..... MAYBE YOU EVEN GO OUTSIDE AND SCOOP FRESHY SNOW TO MELT TO USE WITH A PPM OF 0050..... tits

This brings on another great topic of res changes,,,, you want this thing to get clean... use shit that doesn't stain the system,,,, ORGANICS CAN BE A NIGHTMARE unless your using a high quality fertilizer that is meant to stay soluble for a long time.

USE CLEAN WATER: The starting PPM of your water is important,, the lower the better, and when you start make sure you record the starting PPM of the water so you can take subtract that from the total PPM of the NUTE solution.

The guard to the Aeropump is real real important, as where if you are using Hydroton Medium which I would recommend, after using everything,,
{{{{{with no cocco shit cups,,, even though they give them to you they restrict air flo to the tubes,,, and thus lower solution oxygen content.}}}}
Anyway the pump guard has to say on man, one little hydroton finds it's fucking way in your pump and you are up shits creek, no paddle....

Always keep the pump on.... I have heard stupid people talk about shutting it off... and thats what that is.... STUPID.

When you have your res full you can't drop all the tubes at once or the res's will overflo!

Thus if the Panda Res holds 40 Gal. and you have 2, thats 80.. but the tubes can hold somewhere around 5 gal a piece, that means a full 120 with the tubes where they should be, a little above halfway, can easily have 100 gallons. WERD! that volume is tits and is great once PH is stabilized for "cruzing speed"

I don't sue flushing agent when i reschange I don't think it's really worth it,,,... and yes, HYDROGUARD is a must have.

Thats all today, I'll be back soon for a followup, so if there are anymore questions about reschanges then fire them now,, then we can figure-out a new topic after that and get this thing rollinnnnn

Maybe you did not notice that this thread is wayyyyy Old


Well-Known Member
..........yeah, this thread is old! And it's about time we finally got someone to jump in here that has this kind of experience with the AF's! I realize StinkBud has a great hybird of this system and I 've been collecting most of the stuff to put one together. Meanwhile, I have an AF20 that I am in the middle of my first run with andI have so many questions I dont know where to start...........

So thank you AEROPRO!! I 've already learned quite a bit from your first post in this thread! I 'll be back later and I hope some of the others I 've been talking to will as well......... I will link this to a few. If you get board check my grow( )---you may spot some bad stuff right out the gate.......

+rep4u AEROPRO


Hidden Dragon

Well-Known Member
Yup, I've had an Aeroflo "tsunami". You are not a complete Aeroflo user until you've had one.

Now running 3 Aeroflos. One 50 and two 30's.


Active Member
I am very interested in getting a 60 pod unit. I of course, have all the newbie questions. I have some experience with hydro, so I am hoping that helps a bit. I guess the biggest two questions everyone wants to know about strange new growing methods is how much could I expect from, let's say a 60 pod unit, and how long would it take to harvest it. I know there are always factors, but if someone could ballpark for me that would be great.


Active Member
and yes, HYDROGUARD is a must have.
Botanicare was declined a renewal of their Hydroguard license from the FDA and now they can not make it anymore.

So would you recommend h202 instead. I know it is not as stable and that you have to keep putting the stuff in every 3 days or so. But not sure on what else to use.

I am so glad somebody with some experince with these things has hoped in here and started to share their info.

this is only my second round with the 60 unit and I have had 1 sunami so far but I was luckey and it was right before I put any plants in the system.

+rep aeropro

well was going to give you rep but either I am not allowed, you cant receive it, site does not support it or i just cant figure it out right now. I am going with the last one there. :)


Well-Known Member
+rep aeropro

well was going to give you rep but either I am not allowed, you cant receive it, site does not support it or i just cant figure it out right now. I am going with the last one there. :)
Yeah, I was trying to do the same thing before they changed....????wtf?? Cant do rep now??


Active Member
Whoa Whoa Whoa Guys Guys!

Slow down!

,, Bontanicare is dank...Am I wrong? I'm I wrong?

They hooked up hydroguard and changed the whole game! However they fucked up some of their labeling, and the FDA told them they had to change their labeling.. They are releasing a newly labeled version of the same product. AQUAGUARD will be in stores new you shortly.. and ask those bastards ripping you off locally to order that shit up ASAP.

If u got a aeroflo2 60, it will take you a year........ Dude comeon. if ure gonna get one just grow a pair and crunch it out. you'll do it as fast as you can.?? am I wrong? Am I wrong or am I wrong? Am I wrong?