
Active Member
At what point do i put my seedlings into the nets and under the lights,like what size of plant or root system?Also what kind of light should i put on my seedlings under before hand?Im planning on using rockwool cubes to start them.I am just a little confused if using the general methods of growing from seed or even cloning works all the same when using this aeroflo2 system,and i cant sem to find a good faq on it that explains its from the very start ?This is my first grow and i am using a 30 site with 2 600w hps.TY


Well-Known Member
What about subculture M and B? Anyone have any thoughts?
:?This thread has been dead for awhile........been waiting for someone to spark it back to life......

Dont even know what your talking about, AEREOPRO! Sub what and what, wtf?? Something bio in the nute, or some kind of bactieria to create a microbial spectrum(living) that balances out everything....good for the build up of roots and their uptake, while the other eats up the dead matter??<---thinking of Canna's Rhizotonic and Cannazyme, or something on those lines........??


So AEROPRO, did you get a grow going?? great to see you here!!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
At what point do i put my seedlings into the nets and under the lights,like what size of plant or root system?Also what kind of light should i put on my seedlings under before hand?Im planning on using rockwool cubes to start them.I am just a little confused if using the general methods of growing from seed or even cloning works all the same when using this aeroflo2 system,and i cant sem to find a good faq on it that explains its from the very start ?This is my first grow and i am using a 30 site with 2 600w hps.TY
:razz:I am sure AEROPRO or HiddenDragon will be by to answer anything you might ask--they're both pro's with the AF's......
I run an AF20 and I go straight to the AF from about a week 24/0. I clone in a bubbler and get roots, move to another bubbler with 3" nets of hydroton and in about a week I have plenty of roots to get to the solution in the channel. I grow only short plants, though they've been getting 24"+ in this thing. You can grow large as well, though if your strain likes to branch much, keep your snips handy!---these sights are way too close, imo. People swear by these over the diy ones because you cant replicate the spraying action as it hits the channel and super oxies the h2o, not to mention being able to raise/lower the water level in the channels.....and run it 1 1/2" deep----was a pointer by hiddendragon, I believe, that I now use with noticable results. Play around with it. Just dont get your rw too wet! Keep that temp down too.....

Have fun, get some pics, and start a'll get all of the help you need.

be warned: 90% of the people here doing any sort of 'aero' are pushing the diy stuff, saying you can make it better, bla-bla-..... The AF's were designed for a purpose and kick ass. I have a 35 site diy model with the sites 12" appart......could grow trees! I will run it someday but I want those 'lazer cut' lines...........



Active Member
Hey Fleezy, so. For starters.

1.) Be careful with starting seeds in rockwool. It works, but you really need to make sure you run alot of water through it before you go throwing you expensive ass seeds in there...Why? because rockwool comes to you basic,, meaning a very high PH. You need to run alot of water through it to make it neutral B4 planting any seeds. Also you may notice "rockwool wash" products... they are bullshit. Just flush with alot of water, or if you are using cubes dunk them over and over, changing the water every 20 dunks.

2.) LIGHT. You should be using the blue t3 bars for the seedlings, thats best. They will rage real hard under them.

3.) As far as your propagation method. you really should just grow mothers in soil, then clone from them. I have found this to be the easiest way to keep genetics going for a long time, and also if you make several mothers of one flavor, you can ensure that you will have enough cuttings to fill the system in flushes, so that they are all from the same batch of clones. Making mini mothers is a good way to do this. Take your first 3-5 clones and grow them in soil in the room you are going to set up this system in. This way you can get these girls under the 1 or both 600's to make all of this happen AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. Wait until these mothers are like 6" until you put them under your HPS. When you do make sure the lights are as far up as you can for the first few days to let them harden, then lower them so you don't burn them to shit. After a few days witht he lights real far away you can lower them and these mothers will really rage. Top them also, as in cut the top off so that they will shoot more side branches, you can use this top too as a clone, so when you top them get all the tops in your cloner asap.

let me know any other questions you have . . . my best advice is go slow with the nutrient. if you follow the directions on the nutrient you bought. you will kill your plants. get a meter, and never let it go above 1700ppm and you will know you are ok. PH you want at 5.8 in hydro. 6.7 for the soil
