aero to soil


Active Member
when moving aero to soil, what kind of lights would you recommend? I've read the info in GrowFAQ, but I'm not sure about lights. I normally use flouro lights for my clones and a 400w metal haylide for my veg.

I was thinking of putting the newly transplanted plants about 4 inches away from the flouros for about 5 days, and then moving them to under the mh light, about a foot away.

Another thing, what size should the pots be for the transplant? I was thinking really small. about 2 inches cubed.

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
First off aero roots dont take good to soil. If you are going to try it I would use floros. You should prolly start off with a half gallon pot and transplant in a few weeks to a bigger pot.


Active Member
I did the transplant four days ago and things are looking good (I did it to twenty plants!!). They are all looking nice and strong, even if they aren't growing so much. I think in about a week I'll move them under the mh lights. I am very excited.