Aero garden


Active Member
My plants are about two weeks old. I found I added nutrients too early, growth stopped, plants wilted, etc. (pretty sure it was the nutes,could be wrong?) Anyways I flushed the system, and was wondering if SuperThrive would help my plants get healthy again, or if it wouldnt be a good idea so early on? Any advice yall could give would be great.(using the AeroGarden Deluxe)

magikal chronik

Well-Known Member
alright. i thought id put it close so the plants could get more light such as a young age so they could stay small and bushy. ?I have one sprout but like half the leaf is up and the other is down hah.thats why i came up with the idea, but ill give it to tonight and check on it.

good looks


Well-Known Member
You should get a Y splitter for the lights so you can have two bulbs on one socket, idk is that lmap thing will work besides side light, when i get my CFL's i plan ome making a ballast as wide as my close and putting the AG hood in there with the CFL's

magikal chronik

Well-Known Member
yea i was going to add on eventually a couple more cfls. deff a y plitter within 2 weeks. which i would have 7 cfls and the ag hood. plus i would add another three which would be 10 total. all 100 the ag hood.

quick question though. which would be better though ? i hooked that light the one i asked if it owuld burn. i hooked it up to the lamp with a clamp. would it be better if i just let it dangle i could adjust it to any where? Im basically asking which would be better clamped to the lamp and having it sideways on the plant. or let it hang on the other side so it gets light there too ?:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I would just clap it on and have it shine to the side of the AG, i mean if the stock AG lights them selves can grow 6 tommatoes plants in that machine they should be good enough top light for now untill you can add more cfls on top of the plants


Well-Known Member
Yea but iv heard foil creats hot spot n shit, if it is flat white paint it should be fine, my clostet is white so i dont really need any extra relfection, just clean the walls real fast,

magikal chronik

Well-Known Member
only thing is i took off my foil. my walls are really scuffed up and have nicks and marks on them from prvious owners. will this hurt me in any way?:joint:

appreciate it.

magikal chronik

Well-Known Member
ahh its pretty old. its apartment walls and its been around for awhile. so im guessing prolly not that bright. i might just paint it cuz i mean its a small space. any suggestions what kind of paint i should get.? want to get the full effect. thanks:leaf:


Well-Known Member
why do you need to put an air stone in the aerogarden? out the box doesn't it provide all that is needed to start the growth of a plant to, lets say, week 3 or 4?