Aero Cloning but No Roots...?!


Well-Known Member
I use RO and clonex solution to about 300-400ppm. Ph falls to about 5.9. Keep water temps around 72 and my room temp is around 82. Small single bulb t5 over the turboklone.
This is correct. Listen to him as he knows what he is talking about.
Thats what I do with my Aero.
Main reason people have issues is temp and non RO.


Well-Known Member
id rather tag on this thread vs making another 10000th cloner thread.

ive tried just about everything for aero cloners, cooler water, 81*9 water, water only, tap only bubbled only, 5.8 ph to 6.4 ph to 7.3 ph. this rooting gel, that rooting gel (have 4 brands ive tried), different cloning additives (clonex, rapid start, roots excel, ect). everything roots about the same time with in a day or 2 of each other. I run 2x25 site cloners with a small air stone in each one.

one thing I haven't tried is VEG nutes. anyone try and 50% veg nute in their cloner or any % for that matter? I run 9 strains, 2 of my 9 are stubborn bishes, my GG#4 and Chaos (GG#4 cross). both take FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and has been ever since I got my glue cut about 2 yrs ago. my chaos cut is new and shows the same stubborn rooting characteristics. other 7 strains ALL root and go into solo cups in 13 days or less.

my cloners, pots and discs are meticulously cleaned after each use (24 hrs bubbles with bleach water, rinse, 24 hrs of h202 water, rinse, 24 hrs of plain tap, rinse, 24 hrs plain tap). cuttings are taken with new blade, fresh gel, ect.


Well-Known Member
id rather tag on this thread vs making another 10000th cloner thread.

ive tried just about everything for aero cloners, cooler water, 81*9 water, water only, tap only bubbled only, 5.8 ph to 6.4 ph to 7.3 ph. this rooting gel, that rooting gel (have 4 brands ive tried), different cloning additives (clonex, rapid start, roots excel, ect). everything roots about the same time with in a day or 2 of each other. I run 2x25 site cloners with a small air stone in each one.

one thing I haven't tried is VEG nutes. anyone try and 50% veg nute in their cloner or any % for that matter? I run 9 strains, 2 of my 9 are stubborn bishes, my GG#4 and Chaos (GG#4 cross). both take FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and has been ever since I got my glue cut about 2 yrs ago. my chaos cut is new and shows the same stubborn rooting characteristics. other 7 strains ALL root and go into solo cups in 13 days or less.

my cloners, pots and discs are meticulously cleaned after each use (24 hrs bubbles with bleach water, rinse, 24 hrs of h202 water, rinse, 24 hrs of plain tap, rinse, 24 hrs plain tap). cuttings are taken with new blade, fresh gel, ect.
Actuially I have had better suscess with Maxi Grow nutes in my cloner. A PPM of about 200 with Clonex soloution.
You are correct everything does root within a day or two of eachother.
Cloners just save money in the long haul if your running alot of plants and buying Rapid Rooters or rockwool would be alot more expensive in the long run.

Once you got it right its gold from there.


Well-Known Member
did my usual daily check last night and found my rapid rooter plug clones are 1 day behind my clones in the cloner (roots poppin out). I did spray my r/r plugs with silica water as needed. im going to built a 50 site cloner tonight. transfer both my 25 site cloners into the new one, and take a new batch of cuttings and run them in 25% veg nutes and cloning gel, tap water and 6.4ph. see what happens. its just this glue and chaos that takes 2x as long. so I take them 2 week before the others.

anyone know if I can use a speed controller on a water pump? I scored a 290gph for free the other day, along with 400 new net pots and neoprene discs, and need to dial it down in this new cloner. or ill buy a new pump.