Aero Cloning but No Roots...?!


Well-Known Member
Some strains can take 14+ days to root in an aerocloner. I've done dozens of clone runs in my 25 site cloner, using only tap water (130PPM, 7.0pH).

My average is 6-8 days to show roots, 14 before I plant. Some of my strains root after four days. Ones like Cotton Candy (which is a real bitch) take 14+ days to show, and often doesn't at all.

Don't fret it; just let them go.



Well-Known Member
Finally thanks so much everyone I have roots!!!! When should I transplant these? When they are good and hairy and lengthy? Or now?

Well anyways can't upload it but there are like 5-7 .25" roots sticking out of one of the clones...


Well-Known Member
So when Exactly would you clone your babes for the First time? Let them get tall like a Foot or Only Once they have like 7 nodes and the bottom four leaves/two nodes are all that's left? I keep killing the seed stock because it stays too wet after I cut it... And the clones don't seem to be rooting as much as I was hoping...


Well-Known Member
Okay so I cut and soak I. Water that is mixed with a few drops of gel... Then into cloner with 1 x 23w cfl and Just Tap water which is apparently 9pH according to my inaccurate meter it seems...

And my temps are like 86f in room and 83f in water at the hottest times... Could maybe sometimes reach 90f...

So should I lower the pH with ACV like Braggs? Or what? I JUST TO CLONE! I'm so tired of All my clones dying on me!

Please what am I doing wrong? Maybe this is a sign for me to just keep Breeding seeds instead of keeping mothers...!?


Well-Known Member
1. dont put nutrients in the water without roots as roots are how a plant uptakes nutrients.
2. RO water is best with Aero.
3. 5 days is low mate it takes about 2 weeks most times.


Well-Known Member
1. dont put nutrients in the water without roots as roots are how a plant uptakes nutrients.
2. RO water is best with Aero.
3. 5 days is low mate it takes about 2 weeks most times.
Yeah but I mean they are Dead now... So I can keep waiting but they are definitely dead. I'll get some RO...


Well-Known Member
I read this whole thread seems like a consensus exists.

Lower temp, no hood, cut stems correctly, tap water works just fine, it seems PH does not matter.
Temps of 90 and over is = Death.

The liquid in a hydro setup needs to be at least 10 degrees below the Temp under the lights, the high temp should not even get to 85 for most strains.

My highest Temp in my tent is 82, I measure below the canopy and at the top of my tent.
the room temp is 76 degrees or lower.
I use regular tap water in all of my Grows.
7.2 PH out of my tap. I do adjust the water I use to 5.8-6.1.

I don't use an aero cloner but I am pretty sure you temps are to high.

About your pump timing, IMHO On and off for a few minutes will burn out a pump faster than normal. On for 2 hours and then 30 minutes off will accomplish lowering pump temp and pump will last longer.

( I am using the same pump in my hydro Veg setup for 3 years )

I turn it veg on by hand for 5 minutes 1 time each day, I can use a timer if I want but I like to hand water and touch my plants daily.

I make up for any low nutrients by using a spray bottle with 250 PPM of Olivia's and misting once every other day, that is if I have any imbalance.



Well-Known Member
Yeah but I mean they are Dead now... So I can keep waiting but they are definitely dead. I'll get some RO...
I can tell you when I got my cloner my clones looked like total shit.

This is what you need to do.
Get RO water either from a RO machine which you should have if running hydro.
Never add nutrients until you have roots as roots are how a plant uptakes such nutrients.
Adding a bit of cloning soloution will help though.
Another thing is to make sure no bubbles or air pockets build up in stems.
Also if you can, having a dome over the clones is amazing. If not spray a few times per day to keep humidity up.
As well as keep your misters on low as from my experience the high drownes the plant.
Keep your temp where it should be as well.

A aero cloner is not just set it and forget it.
I love it but it is not worth the money unless your running alot of plants as it may save you in the long run. Hpe this helps


Well-Known Member
I read this whole thread seems like a consensus exists.

Lower temp, no hood, cut stems correctly, tap water works just fine, it seems PH does not matter.
Temps of 90 and over is = Death.

The liquid in a hydro setup needs to be at least 10 degrees below the Temp under the lights, the high temp should not even get to 85 for most strains.

My highest Temp in my tent is 82, I measure below the canopy and at the top of my tent.
the room temp is 76 degrees or lower.
I use regular tap water in all of my Grows.
7.2 PH out of my tap. I do adjust the water I use to 5.8-6.1.

I don't use an aero cloner but I am pretty sure you temps are to high.

About your pump timing, IMHO On and off for a few minutes will burn out a pump faster than normal. On for 2 hours and then 30 minutes off will accomplish lowering pump temp and pump will last longer.

( I am using the same pump in my hydro Veg setup for 3 years )

I turn it veg on by hand for 5 minutes 1 time each day, I can use a timer if I want but I like to hand water and touch my plants daily.

I make up for any low nutrients by using a spray bottle with 250 PPM of Olivia's and misting once every other day, that is if I have any imbalance.

Awesome thanks for all the information.!

What is your cloning medium if you don't use a cloner? And yeah I think temperature is a big problem...

I'm thinking of foregoing my aero cloner which I spent $100 on and Just leave them in water or Soil... What do you all think?

I am Not hydro by the way I'm Organic Soil all the way. I was just trying to find the Easiest cloning method, and sounded like an Aero Cloner was it... Ha!
I can tell you when I got my cloner my clones looked like total shit.

This is what you need to do.
Get RO water either from a RO machine which you should have if running hydro.
Never add nutrients until you have roots as roots are how a plant uptakes such nutrients.
Adding a bit of cloning soloution will help though.
Another thing is to make sure no bubbles or air pockets build up in stems.
Also if you can, having a dome over the clones is amazing. If not spray a few times per day to keep humidity up.
As well as keep your misters on low as from my experience the high drownes the plant.
Keep your temp where it should be as well.

A aero cloner is not just set it and forget it.
I love it but it is not worth the money unless your running alot of plants as it may save you in the long run. Hpe this helps


Well-Known Member
Awesome thanks for all the information.!

What is your cloning medium if you don't use a cloner? And yeah I think temperature is a big problem...

I'm thinking of foregoing my aero cloner which I spent $100 on and Just leave them in water or Soil... What do you all think?

I am Not hydro by the way I'm Organic Soil all the way. I was just trying to find the Easiest cloning method, and sounded like an Aero Cloner was it... Ha!
A glass of plain water, changed at least every two days.No hormones or powders. It takes a while but roots WILL appear. Generations of grandmothers taught us this.


Well-Known Member
A glass of plain water, changed at least every two days.No hormones or powders. It takes a while but roots WILL appear. Generations of grandmothers taught us this.
Awesome thanks! Hahaha yeah I know! I mean Loterally for Hindreds of years they have taken Cuttings... I have a Book from 1500s Thomas Tussers "500 Points of Good Hisbandry" mentions it!

Thanks brother


Well-Known Member
Awesome thanks! Hahaha yeah I know! I mean Loterally for Hindreds of years they have taken Cuttings... I have a Book from 1500s Thomas Tussers "500 Points of Good Hisbandry" mentions it!

Thanks brother
My first wife many years ago cared zero about pot. I broke a stem one day and she grabbed it and stuck it in a glass of water.Two weeks later she handed me the glass and roots were showing well. KISS.


Well-Known Member
Okay I hope believe and pray that I have Found the Soultion! Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar! My pH of my tap water is 8.2!!!! So I'm lowering it with Bragg's for the clone water.

Also I wonder if I should lower my pH when I water too because I use the Tap!


Well-Known Member
Awesome thanks for all the information.!

What is your cloning medium if you don't use a cloner? And yeah I think temperature is a big problem...

I'm thinking of foregoing my aero cloner which I spent $100 on and Just leave them in water or Soil... What do you all think?

I am Not hydro by the way I'm Organic Soil all the way. I was just trying to find the Easiest cloning method, and sounded like an Aero Cloner was it... Ha!
Cloners are for people who run large plant counts mainly.
If I was you I would use Rockwool cubes or Rapid Rooters.
They work great.
Under a humidity dome and a heat mat to keep the correct temp and praying the inside of the dome to keep the humidity high.
Cloners need alot of attention and I prefer Rapid Rooters and rockwool over a cloner IF you dont have a serious enough setup.

Plus if using a cloner a humidity dome is almost a must.

If you need any more help send me a message.
Always here to help.