Advice on nutrients,,,

Honestly, that fertilizer you bought just isn't what you want. I'll post a couple links to something that would be more suitable.

Jack's Bloom Booste
My recommendation is Greenleaf Nutrients Megacrop. A one part solution that's suitable for veg and flower. If you follow this link, you'll see in red that there is a coupon code to get a 230g package free to try. I'd highly recommend going this route. I'm using Megacrop and it works.

Thanks for the great info, and I love the links , already added to my cart :) . So any recomandations on ratios and do you currently use all three , or we’re those just a few options ? I’m curious because you may have posted them not intending for them to all be used and I don’t want to fry my plants. I know this may be a little foolish of a question, but me trying to get my plants to be healthy throughout it’s short thc packed life I want to get the most out of my precious nuggets . I am wondering the water to solution ratio for all three , and what stages they are used for . Thanks in advance , and happy stoning.
First time grower. I know some basics but just need the water to like nutrient ratio you use , and if you’d be generous enough to enlighten me on anything else you wish you knew when you frost started growing :).


Well-Known Member

The fertilizers listed are meant to be used one at a time. The Jack's triple 20 and bloom Booster can be used together, at reduced amounts. I don't know off the top of my head how much to use, it's been a while and I was winging it when I used it. These two ferts are sufficient from start to finish, just requires a bit of tweaking ratios.

I am currently using Megacrop. I don't have a recommendation for soil. I'm growing in coco coir this season, and my feed rate is 4 g/gal of Megacrop and 1 g/gal of cal-mag. I feed every watering, which amount to every other day currently. This fertilizer is good to go from start to finish. Very simple to use, and plants love it. For a first timer, I'd highly recommend Megacrop. Get yourself that free sample and see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
Thanks again, so you use mega crop in replacement of all other nutrients throughout the whole plants life the same thing ? If so then I’ll just get myself a shit ton of that stuff .
You got it. Just start low and work up. If in soil, I'd start around 2g/gal once a week and see how that goes, adjusting as necessary.

I only supplement cal-mag because I'm growing in coco coir, and coco grabs calcium and magnesium and holds on to it.
@socaljoe Any experience with seedsman for purchasing seeds? harvest on 8 weeks on the seeds I ordered . hoping to be able to pop it and get full buds even though it’s later in the season , live in North America with the winters colder than Santas whiskers .


Well-Known Member
Nope, but if you check the Seed and Strain Review forum, there are a couple seedsman threads floating around. They're probably on par with most euro seedbanks.

Yikes, that climate could be an issue. I can safely grow into December where I'm at, gotta love Southern California.
@socaljoe How long have you been growing , what’s the best medium to use in your opinion , I’m thinking about the different kinds and they all seems to work . Just wondering in your experience if any mediums were More productive with growth for you. Also, my friend has a forest near some fields that do get sprayed with pesticides , do you think this could affect the taste or outcome of the bud, and would this possibly help with the moth eggs in budsi read some reviews on it and know about BT , but I’m more concerned about the safety of the bud for constumpityoon if pesticides by chance got onto then.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
depends on when. if it's something ok'ed to be used on food crops, it shouldn't hurt in veg, but it's never a good idea to spray anything on buds. check out the area, which way do the prevailing winds blow? exactly how far away are the fields from the area you're considering?
and what are they growing? if it's food, like i said, shouldn't be too bad, if it's something not meant to be consumed, it may have all kinds of nasty stuff being sprayed on it


Well-Known Member
I really can't answer those questions, that's outside my realm of experience.

I did my first grow back in 2013, but I still consider myself a newbie given how much I have to learn and improve on.

Best media is subjective. Everything has its own benefits and downsides. The easiest, I'd say, is soil. That's about as "set it and forget it" as you can get.

I'm growing in coco coir and perlite this year, which is great...explosive root growth, rapid vegetative growth...but the downside: I have to maintain a nutrient reservoir and make sure my pH is on point (not really, but within a range), plus watering is more frequent and more important to be on the ball with. That said, I haven't had any signs of deficiency and my plants have been green and healthy since day 1, so I'm happy to put in the extra work.

It's all down to your style and how you want to do things. It's less about which media is the best, and more about how you work with that media.
@socaljoe @rogera.shrubber thanks for all your help , I was just checking out mega crops site , and I see multiple different types of boosters , was going to get their main one for sure , but wondering if you have any experience with any others , and if their safe to use together or if they would be used separately . Obviously different formulas for different stages , but I’m wondering if I replace the main mega crop with the secondary “flower booster “ or any other type of booster I may get, or if I can combine them. I’m assuming they’ll be safe , but I hear horror stories of burnt leaves and wilting plants from OVER nutrients, so I want to make sure .


Well-Known Member
Megacrop is designed to be all you need from start to finish. Some people like to add a p-k booster in the early stages of flower, but it's not necessary to flower a plant.

If you were to use the additives, use them in addition to the MC. But keep in mind, this isn't Advanced Nutrients where you need 5 different things just to get a complete nutrient profile, Megacrop alone is complete.
@socaljoe thanks, I also am curious not sure if this is off topic but I’m trying to order stuff as we speak, I want to use a bag technique in the forest , wondering how many gallons of soil a plant would generally like , I want it to have enough room to bud fully, but am stuck currently between what size bags I should purchase , 5 gallon 7 gallon 10 gallon etc. I’m currently about to buy coco coir and perlite mix , and use mega crop with it . My only concern is rootlock and or not enough room for the little guys roots to expand . I want to use the bag technique also because me and my buddy could easily move it together if we wanted to, or felt the need to. Thanks .


Well-Known Member
I'm currently using MegaCrop out in the woods on my plants. Started off @ 2 grams per gallon when they were young, bumped it up to 5 grams per gallon once I planted them in the ground. Now that they are flowering already I'm giving them 6 grams per gallon and they loving it. Don't see any signs of nutrient burn or toxicity, and they growing fast. One of them ( the critical 2.0) is flowering fast and that one is getting a PK boost @ 1 gram per gallon on top of the MegaCrop. I may be harvesting that one in about three to four weeks.
@blake9999 thanks for the info, I noted everything you said . How much of the ok booster did you personally buy? I know this would all be up to the grower , but I’m growing about 3-4 plants , or hoping to as long as everything goes as planned. Just not tying to order a shit ton on accident as have it sitting and going bad. Thanks :) happy stoning.


Well-Known Member
@blake9999 thanks for the info, I noted everything you said . How much of the ok booster did you personally buy? I know this would all be up to the grower , but I’m growing about 3-4 plants , or hoping to as long as everything goes as planned. Just not tying to order a shit ton on accident as have it sitting and going bad. Thanks :) happy stoning.
I just ordered a small 90 gram bag, figuring that should be plenty to get me through this grow. At 1 gram per gallon that's around 90 or so doses (give or take). I just ordered some regular Auto seeds for the next crop when this is harvested. They mainly going to be for seed production purposes this round. Should have plenty of time for a fall crop of Auto's. Here in the deep south we still run the AC in November.


Well-Known Member
blake9999 has you covered on a lot of that info.

Here's one thing I wanted to mention. You talked about getting coco and perlite, which is great...if you work with it correctly. You can't treat coco like's what I mean by that: in soil you might feed your plants once a week and water twice, so it looks like this: feed, water, water, feed, water...etc. You can't do this in coco coir, once the plant is growing you need to feed it every time you water, even if it's a low dose of fertilizer, it needs something.

Another thing, you'll need to pH your nutrient solution to within a range of 5.8-6.2 when using coco. Also, it's advisable to use cal-mag when growing with coco.

I hope that's all clear enough. I don't want to turn you off from trying coco, I think it's amazing, but I do want you to understand what you're dealing with so that hopefully you don't fail like I did my first couple times growing with coco.