advice for newby pls


I am new to all of this however i have experience from a few cycles helping a friend grow in pots of coco under hps, I've done and understand feeds, unhealthy plants (stress & mites) I know how to supercrop, i have topped my friends plants successfully. However i am starting my own but i want to try something new, but not too complicated, i want high yields and quality mainly to show what i can do, something thats not the norm around here, can anybody suggest a method that may be suited to my ability as a newby, but not something too basic, i learn well as its something i truely love and intend to improve on.
Thanks for reading and for your replies in advance :)


Well-Known Member
experience is where its at, you cant open a page on the internet and instantly get fire bud. i suggest picking up Ed rosenthals growing handbook or Jorge cervantes growers bible, both are very informative books and will get you on a better road than learning from opinions and the 90% of idiots on the internet.


thank you, i will definatly take your advice there and buy both books, could you however suggest you personal recomendation to me on which method i would stand the best chances, i have a set-up budget of £2000

Thank you all so far


Well-Known Member
No need to run and grab BOTH books right away, one will do until you finish studying that (It will take a while if you study thoroughly).
Check the "Indoor" section, you will find lots of threads, pics, and descriptions of SOG, SCROG, LST, Etc.
Whenever you're bored, even if only for a half hour per day, until you get a book, you can do this and it will give you many views of different methods to choose from, not asking one question, and relying on only one opinion or idea.


Well-Known Member
another thing is alot of growers are very biased, its their way or the highway, i own 11 different growing books and have done countless hours of research through the internet and through classes, but i will never recomend just 1 book. i find that eds book is more "scientifical" and jorge gives it to you straight, jorges book would be an easier read for alot of people.