

so the other day me and one of my friends took a trip to the mountains and took 2 blunts wit us and smoked wit some dear haha the shit was great... wat kinda stuff have you all done ?:joint:?:joint:?:joint:


Active Member
my friend and i used to go up to the mountains as well.
we'd smoke some bud and hike to the top.
then come back down and drive the mountain road back to the highway...high.


Active Member
:blsmoke:Have you ever been nowhere? ya, i went there lol. fucking amazing, can't even explain it, ya had to be there. me and my homie just decided to go nowhere. lets just say it involved 2 ecstasy pills each and we smoked a quarter within like 5-6 hoursbongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie on this journey we went on. when i say nowhere. im talkin the kinda place you could go drop a body off at lol and it wouldn't be found for a very long time haha


haha hell yea my friend kept falling down te mountain that funnis shit high let me tell you ha.... and nowhere sounds pretty fuckin awsum. i need to do that


How about the time we went there to the mountains as kids and no one had any papers or a pipe so then we had to make a pipe and we found a can that wasn't too shitty, but now we had no pin. Remember that? And then we did it high school style and emptied a Marlboro and then carefully stuffed it. Man what dumb kids we were!


Active Member
i like to go on 3 week + kayak trip into the everglades(down to flamingo threw the 10 thousand islands and back threw the back woods) i bring about a OZ of fire,about 10 hits of lsd and some rolls and always have an awsome time sucks i can only do it about 1-2 times a year because all of the mosquito's


Well-Known Member
bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliehang on let me rip this pipebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie

k well i used to live in Breckenridge, Colorado till i was 17 and let me tell you the summer of my 17th year was amazing...all i did with friends was just drive and go camping all over the place and smoke teh ganja constiently, every where we went. That was my first summer where i got high everyday....never gone back :eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


:weed:haha damn rider that trip would be dope. ha the next thing im gonna do, in a few week is go to an oasis that shit will be pretty dope. keep thread goin. thx everyone!


Well-Known Member
Only time I adventure into wilderness to get totally baked, is while I'm horribly shroomy.

Theres something about nature that draws you out, quite awesome. I live and used to live in the big city/cities so wilderness is as rare of an
occurrence as doing my delicious shrooms.

Usually what me and my friends used to do instead, back in my youth, is scale bigger buildings or complexes to smoke on the roof up high.
We'd bring mp3 players with battery speakers, and just chill and get ripped to fuck.

Highest building i've climbed was a 15 story complex and the university at waterloo, other than that it's been inner city buildings. City freeclimbing is the best when you want to adventure but have no nature to do so. This and Sprinting can be the best when you want to escape into your body and mind. For me at least. The gentle hum of the nightlife on the tips of your ears as you lay down way up high or somewhere far away on a roof, on a grassy hilltop, or in a field, broken from exhaustion high as a kite, it's quite elevating.

I don't know about anyone else but being high is a motivator of physical activity for me. It makes me want to use my body to it's breaking point. For all you stoned sprinters who know what I mean, all you athletic potheads, the feeling of weightlessness, only feeling the fluid movement of your body cascading through motion, crisp oxygen trafficking in and out of your respiratory system, the breeze against your cheeks and through your hair, you know that almost euphoric feeling I mean. That feeling is what really makes me love marijuana.