advanced pruning techniques

Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone knew of any pruning techniques that would keep my plants short but still fill out and yield well.

I know in sog we deliberatley flower short plants so that the finished plant has made best use of the light available closest to the bulb as that is the strongest light. But plant numbers suck and laws do too.

I thought maybe cutting the plant in half after veg? I will be veging for 2-3 weeks in dwc with hps. Would this work? I ask because I know when a plant grows tall the buds at the bottom are tiny and less desireable if grown under hid light (as apposed to sunlight).

So what I want is essentially a 3-4ft bushy plant with most of its budsites in the upper 3rd of the plant as to make best use of most intense light.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post any help is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Topping and/or fimming. Go to You Tube and search for both or either. Forget that silly crap about cutting it in half. Good grief.


Well-Known Member
Uncle Bens Topping Technique.

Read the thread. If you're not sure how to do it after reading it, read it again.

It is simple and effective.
Yeah guys topping seems the best idea I like that 4 cola topping technique but when I look at the picture after harvest it looks like it wouldn't take up much space, maybe 18"x18", is this correct?

Sog is all I know but the prospect of being caught with 200 plants flowering in a 8x8 space is very daunting. Plus tending to all those plants is apparently a major headache

Thanks for advice guys


Well-Known Member
Good question. FIM'ing or topping will provide the alterations you want. If you want a taller plant you remove the buds
on the side branches. If you want short and bushy you trim the top. I would never chop the main stem in half. That is way
too dramatic surgery.

Too ensure bushiness as well as height management you may want to cut more than just the top cola. Identify the 3 or 4
larger colas near the top of the plant and do a FIM job on them too. Also, you may need to top her more than one time. If you
FIM/top at, say, 3 weeks in dirt, you can wait 10-14 days and then top her again in BOTH spots. I give mine this treatment when
space in the flowering room requires a short plant.

Awesome advice guys thanks,
its not that I'm shy of vertical space I just dislike tall plants, I dislike most bud under the top half of the plant tiny popcorn nugs that take 5 mins to manicure then your left with nothing, I usually hash anything smaller than my thumb as its just not worth spending the time to trim plus I luuuurv the hash.

I'm gonna do a side by side comparison of plants topd once plants topd twice plants fimd and plants with both see which method yields best.

I know not to expect production like that of a sog grow but was hoping atleast 1gpw to start
I've been warming to the idea of scrog but didn't want to jump right into it as I know its more stressfull than other training methods, I do like the concept behind it though. I've used scrog type screens in sog when colas get too heavy.

I do like uniformity in plant footprint shape and size as to make sure buds are grown in the highest intensity light. I thought maybe top once then fim and lst to try and keep budsites as high as possible. I've never topped fimd or lstd though lol just sog training.

In sog I flower a 7" cutting and it finishes about 3-4', and I cut A LOT of material from each cutting, I'd imagine one of my wappa clones veg'd for 3-4 weeks naturaly with no training then flowered would finish at maybe the same size or bigger but very bushy, so I think by using a training technique I could easily have a 3-4' bushy plant. Maybe not with other methods but with dwc those girls grow fast.

Thanks for the input guys.

Big steve I seen on another thread that you have experience with wappa. That's all I've ever used, and I love it. Isit a good strain to be trained in the ways mentioned in this thread? I know its excellent for sog. Cheers dudes