Advanced Nutrients = waste of money.

He's talking about chlorine/chloramine though... and that is correct, chlorine will kill your benes. I learned that the hard way. All I know is they work for me and there is photo evidence in my sig of reversing the onset of root rot with nothing more than pond-zyme.
He's talking about chlorine/chloramine though... and that is correct, chlorine will kill your benes. I learned that the hard way. All I know is they work for me and there is photo evidence in my sig of reversing the onset of root rot with nothing more than pond-zyme.
Beneies do work, never argued that, But if your trying to breed them and then feed with chemical nutrients, you are not providing an optimal environment for them to thrive. In hydro, you need to replace them once a week to prevent slime. In soil, you need to build a soil web and that won't happen with chem nutes.
A carpenter can blame his tools if Shitty tools were a part of the problem

Nope, I was a carpenter for 30's all skill, cuz I've used some shitty tools and my work looks about growing, I'm a n00b so I'm blamin it on my cheap soil and nutrients, and LACK OF KNOWLEDGE!!!!
Nope, I was a carpenter for 30's all skill, cuz I've used some shitty tools and my work looks about growing, I'm a n00b so I'm blamin it on my cheap soil and nutrients, and LACK OF KNOWLEDGE!!!!
yeah, I'd put my money on the golf pro with shitty clubs over the rookie with pro clubs.
it DOES kill them, just not enough. he says. talk about reading comprehension.

I still am, moron. Yes it kills them. not in enough quantity to worry. But he addresses the concerns of you Nervous Nellies out there. You simply don't understand that (my belief) or you cannot comprehend what he is writing (a complicating factor to be sure in your case). Mental midgets such as yourself can be amusing so long as they do not drive, operate machinery or have a weapon.
He's talking about chlorine/chloramine though... and that is correct, chlorine will kill your benes. I learned that the hard way. All I know is they work for me and there is photo evidence in my sig of reversing the onset of root rot with nothing more than pond-zyme.
Just checked out the Dream Lotus-400w DWC tent in your sig.. Nice set-up, looks like some happy ladies.
I still am, moron. Yes it kills them. not in enough quantity to worry. But he addresses the concerns of you Nervous Nellies out there. You simply don't understand that (my belief) or you cannot comprehend what he is writing (a complicating factor to be sure in your case). Mental midgets such as yourself can be amusing so long as they do not drive, operate machinery or have a weapon.
you should remove the hot and harley from your name, Now we know.

you should remove the hot and harley from your name, Now we know.


In Freudian psychology, the Phallic stage is the third stage of psychosexual development, spanning the ages of three to six years, wherein the infant’s libido (desire) centers upon his or her genitalia as the erogenous zone. When children become aware of their bodies, the bodies of other children, and the bodies of their parents, they gratify physical curiosity by undressing and exploring each other and their genitals, the center of the phallic stage, in course of which they learn the physical differences between “male” and “female”, and the gender differences between “boy” and “girl”, experiences which alter the psychologic dynamics of the parent and child relationship.[SUP][1][/SUP] The phallic stage is the third of five Freudian psychosexual development stages: (i) the Oral, (ii) the Anal, (iii) the Phallic, (iv) the Latent, and (v) the Genital."

Hello, little girl. Chuckina.

I still am, moron. Yes it kills them. not in enough quantity to worry. But he addresses the concerns of you Nervous Nellies out there. You simply don't understand that (my belief) or you cannot comprehend what he is writing (a complicating factor to be sure in your case). Mental midgets such as yourself can be amusing so long as they do not drive, operate machinery or have a weapon.
Talk about a mental midget. You haven't done anything but bash, is that because being a mental midget, all you can do is spew garbage.
Talk about a mental midget. You haven't done anything but bash, is that because being a mental midget, all you can do is spew garbage.

You got a dog in this fight, bitch? My posts were relevant until . . . some half-wit like you stumbled in mid-fight. Sit down.
Nope, I was a carpenter for 30's all skill, cuz I've used some shitty tools and my work looks about growing, I'm a n00b so I'm blamin it on my cheap soil and nutrients, and LACK OF KNOWLEDGE!!!!

yeah, I'd put my money on the golf pro with shitty clubs over the rookie with pro clubs.

Absolutely correct chuck, out of 6 I had...1 is still salvagable, and the other (best) 1 may be male, which really sucks cuz it's beautiful...

n00b grow..

009.jpg008.jpg What's wrong with my leaves hotrod???

and the one that may/maynot be male...

003.jpg 002.jpg If it's male how do I collect a disperse pollen??
You got a dog in this fight, bitch? My posts were relevant until . . . some half-wit like you stumbled in mid-fight. Sit down.
Your post's are as irrelevant as you are. Listen to you, you are superman behind the keyboard that does a thousand post's a month. You must be as irrelevant in the real world as you are online, because people that act like you usually have to do things alone because most people can't stand you. Not sure why you thought you, or your post's ever meant
anything to anybody, but as you can see, most people on here, as I'm sure in real life, think you're an insect.
Wonder where ROD went? I know where I'm going, Gonna go ride my chopper. He's probably looking all over google images for my chopper, funny, he won't find it.
Nice scoot bro, it's about that season again.
Yep, i live in so cal, My moto, if it isn't raining,I'm riding.

i also traded my dune buggy for this chopper, no payment book here. ROD hasn't got a leg to stand on, that's more than 3 times he got shot down this morning,lol