Advanced nutrients vs fox farm and the rest


Well-Known Member
I used to use the FF line of nutes, the trio plus their solubles. I used them for about 2yrs or so. I have since switched to Botanicare Pure Blend Pro, Sweet, Liquid Karma, Cal-Mag, and Hydroplex.

I like the Botanicare line a lot more than the FF. The pH is much more stable on the Botanicare line, and the taste and stone is way better with it as well. I still use FF Ocean Forest soil, it is all I will use. But I don't think I will ever go back to their nutes again. I have never used AN products either, but out of FF, GH, and Botanicare, I like the Botanicare the best.


Well-Known Member
Advanced nutes are great but are better after you gain expirence and have room to handle a larger grow with bigger fuller plants.
Yeah, because it will grow some huge plants!

I started out on Advanced Nutrients, so I don't get the whole "AN isn't for newbies" thing... it wasn't hard for me. Pretty simple really.


Well-Known Member
there are several growers who have done their own side by side comparisons..just read the say that was independent study about to do a side by side with AN and hollands secret..there bada line of nutes...they claim you just use the same chart as they claim to have much more hydro freindly nutes that wont clog aroponic jets..they are claiming they are as good as AN..we shall soon see..AN base nute line up really isnt all that expensive for the two part or three part line up..the additives are somewhat expensive..especialy the ones with dr hornbys name on it,,but worth it..i dont see the need in buying grandma engys seaweed extract for 35 much differnt could it be from another makers seaweed extract to be worth 20 dollars or more per bottle..there are several differnt makers of silica..and fulvic and humic acids for example..there cant be much differnce in those products...iguana juice is like 35 dollars a liter at the local shop...but can be ordered at discount advanced nutes for around 25 dollars a liter...yea..the shit is expensive..compared to FF and other nutes...but pays for itself...dr hornby is the shit..without doubt..he is the doctor of ganja....another nute line i never hear anyone talk about is dyna grow..ive smoked some damn good bud grown with it...i got a little bottle to see how it performs with AN in veg..i know its going to taste good..and they also list the minerals in their nute..something FF does not do..i have seen a buddy of mine grow with ff and have some mineral deff..i dont know if it is him..or the nute..i know i dont have the problem's he does..bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
For sure, I just don't see how Advanced Nutrients could conceive that this challenge could do them any justice or enhance their credibility, in the nutrient industry because it was totally controlled AND won by them. The only way it could add to their prestige is when the viewer assumes the challenge was conducted by an independent organisation.

Other than that all those that don't use Advanced Nutrients for whatever reasons will probably be more turned off by what seems like an attempt to best themselves above the rest by constructing a challenge they were ALWAYS going to win.

Advanced Nutrients is probably as good as it gets, in fact the top three in the challenge are probably all as equal as each other, but people do not abandon their favorite flavor of nutrient because some company runs a competition in which their own product wins hands down.

They would do better to continue negotiating with the other companies and come to an agreement on which independant institution or organisation can run a non-partisan test of their products.

If it ever arrives in this country I will no doubt try it out, but not because of their so called nutrient challenge though.


Well-Known Member
like i said..there are alot of growers on here..that have tried all kinds of products in comparison with AN..and AN wins..hands down..every single is one of the only nute companys that design's their nutes for growing marijuana specificly..their products are designed to increase bud size..weight and resin production.and it will do can even call AN up and talk to them about marijuana other company will openly discuss your marijuana growing issues over the phone.. this company sells AN...i dont know if they will shit to NZ or not..but i thought id give you the link..seeing as how you cant get the stuff in NZ..


Well-Known Member
There are lots of companies that make their nutes just for weed, but they can't advertise it. There is Canna for one. Just the name should tell you it made for pot. Also Humbolt County's Own, and Fox Farms says on the back "Great for tomatoes" with a guy in sunglasses and a top hat and the stuff in made up in nor cal. AN is the only company to come out and say their stuff is for weed, but many other companies do tailor to this plat. This is also why AN has so many legal issues with their products.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i had 20plus gram dry collas with foxfarms and ive had 20plus gram dry collas with advanced. there all pretty good the growers know how is key:peace:


Well-Known Member
I kinda feel the same way, it comes down to technique and horticulture know-how.

I started with the old school bone/blood meal and compost years ago, then went to GH, after that I used AN for the last 5-6 years.

Iguana Juice 2+ gave me the best yield.

2 part 2+ gave me the best trichromes/potency.

-This grow I decided to do a side by side comparison of AN connisuer vs. Fox Farm

I'm using all the Fox Farm line, and a shortened AN chart, leaving out a lot of the beneficials and Dr Hornby products... Basically just the connisuer, Big Bud and Overdrive.

Both will get the Barricade (Silica) Carbo load (sugar carbs) and Sweet (molasses)

I'll see my results sometime in January, got the journal running, and it's pretty elaborate.

See a bunch of familiar faces that have already seen my journal.

Btw Hooked on Ponics, I was like you, swore on Advanced, but since there are so many more products available that are cannabis specific, I figured I'll try to save a buck, and see if the entire Advanced line is worth it. ;)


Well-Known Member
Isn't Sweet and Carbo Load pretty much the same thing?? Sweet is a carbohydrate synthesiser, or however you spell it, with sugar as one of the ingredients. I would give the AN the carbo load and the FF the Sweet. Or do a run with both getting the carbo load and then another with them both getting the sweet to see which works better.


Well-Known Member
its hard to not see your journal...i wish you would hurry the hell up many pages is it now..?it will be a million pages long when you are done..nice set up be the way..i think i said it once already? oh well...


Well-Known Member
I wonder why they chose to use the Canna Vega and Canna Flores instead of the premium Canna range of Tera Vega and Tera Flores. Believe me they are not the same as Canna Vega and Canna Flores. Also looks like they didnt use Rhizotonic or Boost or PK13-14 to complete the full Canna range. All those products were available at retail stores at the time of the nutrient challenge.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
carbo load is definetly not the same as mollases or sweet. sugars and carbohydrates are not created equal most products contain some mollases but it is not the main ingredient sweet is mostly flavo enhancers and cane sugar. carboload is totally diferent it is mostly deoxy ribose a very special compound found in all living cells it is instantly usable to the plant and very helpfull. humans also benefit athletes and heart attack victims use it for recovery when the body is depleted. people always knock carboload because it is expensive and people think mollases is the same it simply is not. i buy ribose for my own ingestion and it is simply expensive stuff but effective i dont use carboload but add the ribose i eat to my plants water in conjunction with sweet or sweet leaf for flavor.