I'd say just watch your pH and give it a little time. When I started out, I was reading my plants would grow 1-3 inches a day, but i find they go through growth spurts and on average would grow maybe 1/2 inch a day. it will take some time for the roots large roots to grow. Just make sure over water, and more important not to underwater your plants. once your roots dry up, they loss the little fine hairs and wont ever grow back, only new growth roots with have the fine hairs. and once you've underwatered it once, i find it's more susceptible to underwatering in the future.
I've actually been thinking of getting some sunshine mix#4 for my next grow, i'm still checking it out, so i'm not sure if you would need to add cal/mag to your nutes aswell since you're using a soil-less mixture. chewberto may know.