Advanced Nutrients Line-up, Need advice on how much to feed and which ones to use!

I gave them roughly 20mL sensi a + b and 15 b-52 :O ... but i flushed her next day and mix up the soil with more perlite and aired her out some. She hasn't died yet haha.

I'm going to give them a couple days and then feed a regular feed schedule of 1/2 strength
I'd say just watch your pH and give it a little time. When I started out, I was reading my plants would grow 1-3 inches a day, but i find they go through growth spurts and on average would grow maybe 1/2 inch a day. it will take some time for the roots large roots to grow. Just make sure over water, and more important not to underwater your plants. once your roots dry up, they loss the little fine hairs and wont ever grow back, only new growth roots with have the fine hairs. and once you've underwatered it once, i find it's more susceptible to underwatering in the future.

I've actually been thinking of getting some sunshine mix#4 for my next grow, i'm still checking it out, so i'm not sure if you would need to add cal/mag to your nutes aswell since you're using a soil-less mixture. chewberto may know.

Im not sure about sunshine does it have base nutrients in #4? I know cal mag deficiencies are brought on by using R.O water but not sure... if the top growth slows usually its working on its roots down below.... dont over water it rots roots brings pests in and slows growth because roots dont get exercise searching for water and they dont thrive...let it get almost dry before watering but not bone dry... feel the weight of your pots...
I gave them roughly 20mL sensi a + b and 15 b-52 :O ... but i flushed her next day and mix up the soil with more perlite and aired her out some. She hasn't died yet haha.

I'm going to give them a couple days and then feed a regular feed schedule of 1/2 strength

Well lets. See some pictures...i would feed only water till they show signs of deficiency then add nutrients till you figure it out... that sounds like a lot of nutes you gave... what do they look like? Canoe leafs, droopy, yellowing, spots?
I am about to take some pictures and measurements for you, but they are autoflowering strains. Roughly 5" x 5" and root almost goes all the way to bottom of 2.5gal smart pot but doesn't branch out .... its a big ball.

They had some lower leaves yellowing along with browning on them and got crispy... It went from 60s at night to 40s for a few days. Did the cold weather give me nute lockout?

and maybe not anything I actually did. They do have browning on some of the tips though. They aren't drooping, they are perky actually.
Ok how long have they been in these smart pots? if there are roots showing you need transplant probably but auto flowers are smaller ive heard i havent grew any. Are you growing outdoors? Cold weather nute lockout i doubt but you cant let it experience freezing temps i am pretty sure, 60s it can handle 40s is pushing its limits i would for diagnosing first you should look at new growth of the plant not the bottom because whats done is done there if its crispy yellow brown its gone if there is pleanty of green and new top growth you should be ok...perky is good though
I am about to take some pictures and measurements for you, but they are autoflowering strains. Roughly 5" x 5" and root almost goes all the way to bottom of 2.5gal smart pot but doesn't branch out .... its a big ball.

They had some lower leaves yellowing along with browning on them and got crispy... It went from 60s at night to 40s for a few days. Did the cold weather give me nute lockout?

and maybe not anything I actually did. They do have browning on some of the tips though. They aren't drooping, they are perky actually.
Oh damn... I really overfed them then hah.. good thing I flushed and added perlite to the mix. then just watered with 5.9 pH tap water. with couple drops of superthrive. Their roots aren't that vast and extended... it is just a root ball.... idk what to do. It takes about 1.5 L to make them have a run-off, but the roots aren't all the way to the bottom really. :( I will feed about 1.5mL water, 3mL sensi grow a + b, and 1.5mL B-52
Soil needs water with a little higher PH. Try getting it up to 6.2.
Nutrient lockout usually occurs when the ph is way off to way the plant cant access those nutrients in the specific ph range that is recommended. Also it occurs when there is too much of one nutrient that may lockout another, so its important to be very strict with adding nutrients follow the label or calculator and research the problems of your plant before you go adding stuff, because nutrients may be readily available to the plant in the soil but you havnt provided the proper environment and water, which is necessary for the plant to thrive...
But Sunshine Advanced #4 is a peat moss and coco coir mix, with half perlite... and no nutes in the mix. So wouldn't it be roughly 5.8-6.0 as optimal?
Gotcha! Yes it is a bit different i just read about sunshine #4 also i noticed #4 has dolomite in it so you cant really go over ph which is good but test your run off when it needs watering give you an idea...
But Sunshine Advanced #4 is a peat moss and coco coir mix, with half perlite... and no nutes in the mix. So wouldn't it be roughly 5.8-6.0 as optimal?
I'm gonna flush tomorrow with a pH'd flush of 5.8 R/O water with Cal-Mag plus. and see my runoff. if it is between 5.7-6.3, I'm gonna feed them?
So I actually have been reading since it is 70% peat moss, I need to get a pH of roughly 6.3-6.5. sound about right?? So if my runoff was 6.7 I need to water with roughly 6.0 pH'd R/O water with Cal-Mag plus from Botanicare?? Also is it better for my plants to do a feed feed water with this mix since it drains amazing and drys out quickly? Also what can I do to make my roots better and branch out more??

I have B-52 and Superthrive
So I actually have been reading since it is 70% peat moss, I need to get a pH of roughly 6.3-6.5. sound about right?? So if my runoff was 6.7 I need to water with roughly 6.0 pH'd R/O water with Cal-Mag plus from Botanicare?? Also is it better for my plants to do a feed feed water with this mix since it drains amazing and drys out quickly? Also what can I do to make my roots better and branch out more??

I have B-52 and Superthrive

Voodoo juice, tarantula, and piranha
for roots also naturally they branch out but if you transplant from smaller to larger pots it creates a more sophisticated root system that allows for great nutrient uptake...
I'm kinda in the same boat with DrFelterpus, I was gonna but some sunshine this weekend. I've only used typical soil. And since peat moss is a soli-less mixure, I'm sure sure whether you would need the higher pH like with soil, or the lower 5.8 like typical hydroponics.

I've never actually checked my run off, I just check the pH of the soil from time to time. Though the testers i can find for soil, aren't very accurate, unlike my combo from Hanna. however it was only a fraction of the price compared to the Hanna. My pH stay pretty much about 6.5, atleast thats where the needle lands.

AS for your water question, if you have to feed you plants water each day, because it gets used up or whatever, then yes, you'll want to use plan water every other time you feed. I'm able to get away using nutes evertime i feed, because my feeding are about 3 days apart. If I had to feed every day, to make sure they don't get under watered, then I would use plan water ever other time. My soil pH tester i mentioned earlier... it also doubles for a moisture detector. you just sick it int he soil and it takes the guess would out of when you need to water. they are about $12 at lowes or home depot or any garden store.

And if you want to increase root growth use voodoo juice if you can afford it, but really any beneficial microbial works. sensizym, Piranha and tarantula all work to improve root growth.

I did find this about Mix#4, There was a question whether or not it had nutes in it already. this was one of their bullet points.

No-Burning: inert formula accommodates custom feeding
practices with no conflicting nutrients or burn risk.

So I assume we're good.
you should use voodoo juice through the entire life cycle of the plant, except for seedling of course, and you gotta get you some Nirvana by Advanced Nutrients! That shit is the best shit ever for taste and smell