We should start some AN pics here or something...I've got a couple from 2 weeks ago somewhere on here.
OK here they are...I'm surprised that they did well this time around. I had to switch to an internal reflector bulb due to height problems...which turned out to be a bad idea...too stretched, and too uneven light distribution. The plants on the end of each row are underperfomers. I let em veg for too long...oh well its all part of the never ending learning
I'll take some new ones tonight (these are 2 weeks ago)
OK here they are...I'm surprised that they did well this time around. I had to switch to an internal reflector bulb due to height problems...which turned out to be a bad idea...too stretched, and too uneven light distribution. The plants on the end of each row are underperfomers. I let em veg for too long...oh well its all part of the never ending learning

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