Advanced Nutrients Advice For Hydro

i found my RO on ebay for 135, i had almost earlier that day paid 300 for the exact same model... its a 5 stager, i will be installing it this weekend... yeah my tap is really bad too, and it gets tiring going to the store every week for 60 gallons of water.. plus i have a 130 gallon saltwater fish tank, so i go thru water like crazy
oh i know it'll hook up...just like the under the sink model, i was just wondering about the well water...but thanks anyway

For my next grow that I am just beginning, I will be using Botanicare's PureBlend Pro Grow & PureBlend Pro Bloom as my basics. I also have Bud Blood for the first week of Flower, and Carbo Load from AN. After reading your post, I believe that I'm going to pick up Voodoo Juice.

However, I have a few questions for you:

-> With the exception of the Bud Blood, do you add all those nutes every res change? If so, how do you do proportions? Go by the label or do you do a bit less since you have such an array of nutes?

-> What is your total ppm during mid-flowering?

I use their feed chart...I'm pretty sure platy does too. My ppm mid flower is around 700. You should look into the big bud too...I don't really have an opinion on bud blood....I mean I use it for the 1 week and all...but it comes as a freebie when I order. Platy has been more scientific about it all...using only certain things and working his way up to the full line, so he may be able to say. Either way, I love me some voodoo!
use voodoo every three 3wks not every res change. You proly will only use voodoo once maby twice in the veg phase. Works so well wit carbo as plat said bra. I get roots out the ass hence bigger plants= bigger yields.
Congrats on switching to advanced.

I've tried the organic, a+b, and the 3part.

Best results were the a+b, with a little bit of the 3 part micro. Add 150 ppm.

Definately use carbo load

Definately try the big bud

If you can afford it, use the pirhana tarantula voodoo scorpion bud blood and overdrive. has some good feeding charts.
Hope this helps
yeah i just bought most of that stuff you mentioned, i have a couple things to get still but i'm excited for the change...

I added some sesizyme the other day and i can see a considerable difference in my plants today....

i had a small issue with my new aero veg station, there may have been a cleaning chemical in it, mayne n the pump??? i thought i cleaned it well enough but after adding just the straight RO (small amount of calmag) my ppm was at 800, so i instanly pulled everything and cleaned with hyox, there was a small amount of burn visible but now they all look great.. green healthy and growing...
yeah i just bought most of that stuff you mentioned, i have a couple things to get still but i'm excited for the change...

I added some sesizyme the other day and i can see a considerable difference in my plants today....

i had a small issue with my new aero veg station, there may have been a cleaning chemical in it, mayne n the pump??? i thought i cleaned it well enough but after adding just the straight RO (small amount of calmag) my ppm was at 800, so i instanly pulled everything and cleaned with hyox, there was a small amount of burn visible but now they all look great.. green healthy and growing...

Glad to hear you got shit under control bra befo shit got serious tds meters are lifesaver's bra. you gotta post dem flower pics tho when u do flower.
i will mane and i will have 5 different strains to post

Big Bud
Bubble Gum

also i will be growing

THC Bomb in the near future...

Thanks for all the advice
To comment on earlier conversations....
BUD BLOOD--I have only had one grow without bud blood, and the only difference I can see is that I can see sex after 3 days of 12/12 almost every time.....the time I did not use it, it took 8 or 9 days. must work..LOL. I have HEARD that fox farm open sesame is the same thing...but no proof or research...I am an AN guy.
VOODOO JUICE---I add VJ, piranha, and tarantula weeks 1 & 2 of veg and 1,2 & 3 of flower......that is AN recommendation...although the bottle says every three weeks. Roy from AN is the bomb and will help you out...and he says fuck the bottle, follow the chart with reductions as necessary...regardless, VJ is worth the $$$$$$..also, even though it is not on the chart, I add a small amount of carbo load during veg as well...says that it enhances the VJ microbial activity...I add 1/2 tsp per 5 gallons each week. Just a wee bit to feed the fungii.
All else...I don't know. I will report after this grow...which is AN 3 part full line except for Scorpion Juice.
BTW....since I started growing 8 months and 4 1/2 grows ago, I have broken...a reservoir lid, an MH bulb, 2 TDS pens, a pH pen, an RO machine, and have spilled a whole bottle of Sensizym. I AM THE KING OF KLUTZ!!!!
I use piranha, tarantula and voodoo juice in hydro.....ebb & flow. The piranha and tarantula leave some residue but they WORK. You can reduce this residue by making a "tea bag" to hold the microbes (taranula/piranha) that will keep your res more clean.
If you use voodoo juice, you need to also use carbo give the microbes food and will GREATLY increase their productivity. I suggest carbo load regardless, as it will enhance your bud production, particularly enhancing resin and swelling.
I also recommend big bud and overdrive during flowering. They absolutely rock. Really pack on the weight and crystals.
Do not use H2O2 with microbes and enzymes, as it will kill the pathogens. Basically H2O2 creates a sterile root zone, and the enzyme/microbe creates a beneficial bacterial and fungal root zone. Both are excellent (though I prefer the microbal activity....bigger root mass) ways to enhance your roots, and therefore your plants overall size and health.
Personally....I run AN 3 part (micro, grow, bloom) with humic acid, fulvic acid, barricade (potassium silica), super tea grow & bloom, carbo load, sweet leaf, sensizyme, tarantula, piranha, voodoo juice, bud blood, big bud, and overdrive. I started with just 3 part and big bud, and I see a greater yield each time I include an additive. Right now I am using their full line less scorpion juice. Pricey, but wth.
Any time you need anything, pm or write. I read ALOT about AN and have used alot of their products.
Oh yeah.....and when you add AN it in this order:
Fulvic acid
Humic acid
Good luck and happy growing!
Hello brother------I can tell by your post that you know what your talking about ---Plus reps for the great info-----I have used the whole line of AN over the past couple of years and have had great results----especially when brewing all the nutes for 24 hours----The only product that I have found in their line-up is the sensizym--I have tried a couple of different times and just didn't perform for me----I use hygrozyme now in with all the AN line and have great results-----My hydrostore guy was a rep for 7 years for AN and he also doesn't use the sensizym. Anyway thanks for the informative post. Look forward to your posts.
Well, I got back from the store today and have bought my regiment of nutes. Here is what I will be using next crop:

Botanicare Pureblend Pro [Flower & Bloom]
Bud Blood
Voodoo Juice
Carbo Load
Big Bud

I will brew the Voodoo Juice & the Carbo Load together for 4 or 5 days before use, then add every res change. The bud blood will be used for the first two (yes, 2) weeks of flower. Big bud will be used from week 2 through week 5. And the hygrozome will be used every res change.

Here's to a greener future :blsmoke:

I JUST GOT THE ro UNIT ALL HOOKED UP.. my damn house was built so oddly with odd sized this and that i had to make a few alterations here and there but finally done...

I have to cycle it a few times to get any sediment outta there before use,,,, i am hoping to stay up late tonight to empty the rez a couple times so i can start my new week tomorrow with fresh RO from the house ;)
Well, I got back from the store today and have bought my regiment of nutes. Here is what I will be using next crop:

Botanicare Pureblend Pro [Flower & Bloom]
Bud Blood
Voodoo Juice
Carbo Load
Big Bud

I will brew the Voodoo Juice & the Carbo Load together for 4 or 5 days before use, then add every res change. The bud blood will be used for the first two (yes, 2) weeks of flower. Big bud will be used from week 2 through week 5. And the hygrozome will be used every res change.

Here's to a greener future :blsmoke:

you will only need 24---any longer and you will need an airstone and have to add more sugar to keep the voodoo alive.
How did you break your ro unit ;)
I cracked the cylinder trying to move it from under my sink to in with my water heater (closer to my grow area).
BTW...last night I dropped a 50 gram back of tarantula I was opening......lost about 1/3 of it. FUCK ME!!!!!
+rep for platy, good post.

Btw, if you keep a extra resevoir with just pirhanna and tarantula and carbo load the bacteria and fungus will breed and you can just add water and carbo to top it off, you technically don't have to ever buy it again as long as you keep it all alive.

Another note is that the enzyme breaks down the complex chemicals in organic matter into edible forms for your plant, in organic growing the feeding regiment is alive, and keeping it healthy keeps your plants healthy.