ADL Honors George W. Bush With Its Highest Award


Well-Known Member
The economy fell because a bubble popped. The federal government had a policy of promoting home ownership. To do this, they gave loans to people who they knew couldn't afford them. My mom was a real estate agent in the 90's and she was baffled at some of the loans that were getting approved. People with income of 30/40k buying 300k houses. Bush did nothing to cause this bubble. The banks ate a lot of bad paper by command from the government.

Bush contributed to it, as did Reagan, bush 1, and Clinton. to blame one person for this is insane. A lot of hands were at work there.

Right now the issue is too political to get a clear answer. That is why I said wait a few decades and we will have a much more clear look at it as politics change.

You swallowed it whole, didn't you? Wow. THe VAST majority of failed loans had nothing to do with government "policy". You don't get to keep repeating the same historical half truths as though they were givens.


Well-Known Member
THe VAST majority of failed loans had nothing to do with government "policy".
Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999

Probably the biggest factor in the sub prime mortgage crisis.

Basically repealed Glass Steagal and fomented the environment for the creation of the TBTF companies that cannot be prosecuted for crimes they commit for fear they will destabilize the world economy.


Well-Known Member
Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999

Probably the biggest factor in the sub prime mortgage crisis.

Basically repealed Glass Steagal and fomented the environment for the creation of the TBTF companies that cannot be prosecuted for crimes they commit for fear they will destabilize the world economy.

Government policy regarding home ownership. Wiat a minute, you are saying that a repeal or reduction of regulation caused all of the problems?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Government policy regarding home ownership. Wiat a minute, you are saying that a repeal or reduction of regulation caused all of the problems?
if i jam a pit bull into a cage and starve if or weeks well, i'm just "regulating it"

later when i loose that pit bull in a playground, thats Deregulation!

thus all injury or death to the kids on the playground are the fault of De-Regulation, not me.


Well-Known Member
if i jam a pit bull into a cage and starve if or weeks well, i'm just "regulating it"

later when i loose that pit bull in a playground, thats Deregulation!

thus all injury or death to the kids on the playground are the fault of De-Regulation, not me.
Yeah..... it would not be deregulation if we never jammed that dog into a cage but just left that pit bull on the playground to eat the kids at his leisure when he got hungry on his own.


Well-Known Member
if i jam a pit bull into a cage and starve if or weeks well, i'm just "regulating it"

later when i loose that pit bull in a playground, thats Deregulation!

thus all injury or death to the kids on the playground are the fault of De-Regulation, not me.
some analogies are strained.

yours was raped, beaten, whipped, burnt, waterboarded, and had its testicles electrocuted. and that was just before lunch with the good cop.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Yeah..... it would not be deregulation if we never jammed that dog into a cage but just left that pit bull on the playground to eat the kids at his leisure when he got hungry on his own.
"regulation" invariably builds juggernauts.

companies and cartels so immensely powerful they can survive in the harsh environment of government regulation, and powerful enough to resist the restraints.

then, when "de-regulation" time comes, all restraints are removed, without concern for the consequences. suddenly these behemoths can rampage through the countryside, thus demonstrating the need for More Regulations.

it's a game, and lefties love to play it.

every misdeed is proof that more regulation is required, and when regulators ALLOW shit to go sideways, thats just proof that more regulation is needed.


Well-Known Member
"regulation" invariably builds juggernauts.

companies and cartels so immensely powerful they can survive in the harsh environment of government regulation, and powerful enough to resist the restraints.

then, when "de-regulation" time comes, all restraints are removed, without concern for the consequences. suddenly these behemoths can rampage through the countryside, thus demonstrating the need for More Regulations.

it's a game, and lefties love to play it.

every misdeed is proof that more regulation is required, and when regulators ALLOW shit to go sideways, thats just proof that more regulation is needed.

so if there had never been any regulations on business, then we would all be safe and happy, right Doc?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
so if there had never been any regulations on business, then we would all be safe and happy, right Doc?
you just dont get it.

"regulations" dont stop at esuring fair contracts or preventing abuses, they invariably descend into control of the business to such a degree that "compliance" becomes their main business.

"regulations" create the conditions which are the largest barriers to entry in any market.

wanna become a business owner? you gotta hire teams of accountants lawyers and bureaucrats to keep the government happy before your fist product is sold, and then the problems just get bigger.

this is especially true in manufacturing, financial services, food service, and retail.

when every aspect of your business must be examined, and approved by bureaucrats you dont really own your business, you merely operate it for the government, and only as long as they deem you useful.

escaping these regulations is what drives "outsourcing" and sending american companies oversees for everything except sales and distribution, but if they could figure out how to sell everything via the interweb, all we will have left in america is UPS Fedex and lawyers.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
"Former President George W. Bush has been honored with the Anti-Defamation League’s highest award for his “inspirational leadership” in the face of the 9/11 terror attacks and his commitment to Israeli-Palestinian peace, the group announced Friday.....

"....Previous winners of ADL’s America’s Democratic Legacy Award include former Presidents Ronald Reagan, Lyndon Johnson, John F. Kennedy, Dwight Eisenhower and Harry S. Truman; as well as Eleanor Roosevelt, Adlai Stevenson, Justice Earl Warren, Saul Bellow, George Tenet, Colin Powell, Henry Kissinger, Lee Iacocca, Walter Annenberg, Dwayne Andreas and Cardinal John O’Connor."

I luvvvvvvvvvvv Bush!

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I liked Bush. And I do miss him.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I liked Bush. And I do miss him.
Yep, he was/is a good man but you'll never hear of the hundreds of good things he does with charity groups and programs like Wounded Warriors programs, from the crooked and dishonest mass media. They're shit stirrers. Case in point - wife and I are watching the opening ceremonies of Sochi, NBC news who is providing the coverage, and what does that one eyed NBC anchor do (Bob Costas)? Starts in on Putin, problems this and that, "Russia's a terrorist state", bathrooms aren't finished blah blah. Like to see that shithead pull off what Putin and staff has managed to do. They're really a hateful bunch of losers. Diane Sawyer is one of the worst.

If I had to choose between a man (Putin) who has pulled his country out of an embarrassing state of emotional and financial disarray post Cold War era, and a man who is sending his country into an abyss morally, culturally, and financially...... guess who I'd choose?


Well-Known Member
Yep, he was/is a good man but you'll never hear of the hundreds of good things he does with charity groups and like Wounded Warriors programs from the crooked and dishonest mass media. They're shit stirrers. Case in point - wife and I are watching the opening ceremonies of Sochi, NBC news who is providing the coverage and what shit does that one eyed anchor do? Starts in on Putin, problems this and that, "Russia's a terrorist state." They're really a hateful bunch of losers. Diane Sawyer is one of the worst.
Yeah they keep focusing on those 5000 dead american soldiers

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Yep, he was/is a good man but you'll never hear of the hundreds of good things he does with charity groups and like Wounded Warriors programs from the crooked and dishonest mass media. They're shit stirrers. Case in point - wife and I are watching the opening ceremonies of Sochi, NBC news who is providing the coverage and what shit does that one eyed anchor do? Starts in on Putin, problems this and that, "Russia's a terrorist state." They're really a hateful bunch of losers. Diane Sawyer is one of the worst.

The left is the leader of the glassy eyed people that can't help their selves ..imo. When I watch TV it is pre recorded so I can skip all the BS.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member

The left is the leader of the glassy eyed people that can't help their selves ..imo. When I watch TV it is pre recorded so I can skip all the BS.
They just don't get it.

I edited my previous comment to include the shit stirring the mass media does, how they lie by withholding info. Thank gawd for FOX (which the Obama lemmings claim to know so much about without ever having watched the network). The Five which comes on at 4:00 pm is rated at the top. Fun to watch Bob Beckel get his ass handed to him daily and watch him lose it, throwing his tantrums he's so famous for but in the end, that mix of liberal and conservative commentators are the best of friends.

I have watched Eric Bolling and Bob Beckel almost tear each other's eyes out. Bolling buys a ticket to the Super Bowl for Beckel and being a seasoned Bowl participant took him to the game and pampered him big time. Beckel says he had a great time, was almost speechless because of the new experience and all the fun he had. Once again a conservative takes care of a liberal. :)


Who gives a shit! It is a country run by idiots for idiots and piss off other idiots around the world and then wonder why idiots attack your idiots.

Damn it would be nice to put the hole country under a dome and then none of us would have to listen to all the idiots.....

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
NO regulations
and thats the only choices the left allows, crippling regulations that install massive barriers to entry, or NO REGULATION AT ALL and a return to sweatshops, child labour and slavery.

your image, despite it's grainy black and white nature shows six people SEWING and they are all adults, men and women, with no chains in evidence.

ohh the horror.

i have no idea what you think that picture proves.