Adderall... my new "favourite"


New Member
Lol i just got prescribed vyvanse witch is like it but isnt harmfull to you. Because if it was then they wouldnt give it. Ive been trying to get prescribed valium. Now thats the shits.
its not to harmful at the doses they prescribe but higher doses might be harmful. i havent done my reseatch so correct me if you think im wrong.


Well-Known Member
Yay I did a search and found a thread on adderall! anyways im just here to say that i snorted some yesterday, a large amount apparently because i didn't get ONE freaking minute of sleep last night. I took it early afternoon on Thursday, after lunch. A buddy of mine who gets a script for them gave me nine 10mg XR's, except they werent in capsules...his dog messed them up somehow and he managed to salvage the little demons inside.

So basically i've been (ineffectively) eyeballing my doses before work the past 3 days, so i've done the equivalent of 9 adderalls in 4 days..A new personal low for me because I usually only toke. I find cocaine maybe 2 or 3 times a year and buy a gram..but other then that the only things i've done are shrooms and the ganja. Oh, and a few 15mg roxicodones..also something with ridiculous addictive potential.

Idk though, the way adderall had me feeling last night, all alone in my apartment, restless, increased heart rate, and hunger setting in at 4am, shit had me kinda scared. I run out of them today though, honestly don't think im going to miss not having an appetite...and if there IS withdrawls it's nothing new to me. But yes, to those who say this is an evil substance, im with you 110%. Use in moderation for sure


Well-Known Member
i used to snort and/or smoke adderall and snort ritalin in large amounts in high school. Its a decent high, as far as kiddie drugs go, but would much rather have something different.