Adderall... my new "favourite"


Well-Known Member
I recently started fucking around with it a couple weeks ago... fucking great. Blows coke out of the water IMO (no ridiculous inflation orfiending, much longer last, better effects), and I really don't even feel likesmoking bud during the "high". Plus it's provided a huge boost in my performance at work, and its out of your system really quickly.
Plus it doesnt really start to fucking with my heart hardcore till the 2nd or 3rd consecutive day.


Active Member
i've only popped adderall once, for the most part i enjoyed it. i popped about three or four of them. then i waited a few hours for them to kick in but they never did. so i went and bought a quarter. they finally kicked in after i started smoking. after that it was all good. i only stayed up for a day though.


Well-Known Member
the first time I did it (last week :P ) I stayed up for four days straight... I got bagged on the 3rd day for a warrant, the only thing that suckedwas thatI could not sleep my overnight in jail away and crashed in court the next day. but that's just a downside becauseofthesituation I put myself in.


Active Member
aw dude that sucks.
i'm pretty sure the only reason i
didn't stay up longer was because i had
got drunk. ha oh well. how many did you take?


Well-Known Member
Today (well yesterday now I guess :P)?

only 4 30mgm XRs. With the XRs I usually just pop the caps open and pour the beads in my mouth, chew em up quickly, and wash em down with some water. I've still got one left, I probably won't take that untillike 10 though, I'll need it for work.

The time I stayed up for four days I had mostly 20mg adderalls, the pinkish ones perforatedinto quarters, plus like a dozen or so concertas (ritalin). Those things are fucking garbage, they require wayyy too much work to make them worth doing, plus I haave to parachute like at least 3 or 4 at a time to get a nice buzz. I had a few 30mg XRs thrown in the mix and some of the little blue addys too (10mg Ithink?). Not really sure how many I took, but it was a lot. lol.


Active Member
Gabriel420, if you are:

1) Staying up for several days straight; and
2) Getting popped for warrants; and
3) Comfortable taking a drug because it "doesn't really start fucking with my heart hardcore till the 2nd or 3rd consecutive day"; and
4) None of this really bothers you

Then maybe you should seriously consider where your life is headed :!: Take some shrooms and stay home alone and do some critical self-analysis. If you've never reached a point in your life where you've said to yourself, "I think I'm really starting to fuck up and I better slow down a little" then maybe now is the time. Or just start using meth. Hell, if you're going to fuck around with amphetamine and live like a crackhead, why not do it properly? :fire:

I took Adderall/Dexedrine in college for several years. I got it legally from my doctor for ADHD. I was prescribed to take up to 50 mg of Dexedrine (IR - immediate release) a day. I did that a few times when the workload was really high, and I could hardly tolerate the anxiety that that dose produced. Most of the time I took 20 mg in the morning and maybe another 15-20 mg four hours later. This dose didn't make me "high," but it made it so I could sit in the library all afternoon and not mind studying so much (not to say that this is normal or healthy, because Dexedrine let me study harder than a person without ADHD could study). On the days I didn't have to study I didn't take it because it made me feel stressed out if I did. I never put it up my nose.

After a few years, I started to notice that I was getting random chest pains when I took it and even when I didn't. It really freaked me out that this drug I was taking to perform better was probably hurting my heart. So I quit seeing my doctor and I quit taking any kind of stimulant (except for the occasional iced cafe mocha).

My work performance has definitely suffered. It used to be so easy to sit down with a pile of papers and work away for hours without it bothering me. Now it is almost impossible to sit down and complete the boring tasks that I had no problem with while medicated. I don't have the same drive to achieve, nor do I have the self-discipline that the drug gave me, and I don't expect to do as well in my career (less money for less work), but I'm a more balanced person overall and I'm not stressed out.

In short: Amphetamine will make you feel better at first, you can work longer and party harder. Eventually, it will quit working so well, and you will become dependent on it to do the things you did just fine before without it.


Active Member
Alright dude, welcome to adderall. I snort it all the time, and it is fucking amazing. Smoking bud while on addy, is an absolute blast. Just dont do it too much.


Well-Known Member
2 20mg capsules makes my stomach feel like the fiery depths of hell and then im not hungry or thirsty for 24 hours, and in the end i have a terrible dehydration headache and my piss is yellowishbrown

shit feels bad for me


Well-Known Member
I do't do the shit day in day out, I skip around on what I'm eating. It's just that if I do something, I do as much as I feel like doing reasonably comfortably. Usually that happens to be as much a lot of whatever.

Don't give me shit or advice about thedirection of my life,
a)I'm here to talk about drugs, not why I shouldnt do them.
b)I already have way more important people to me than random cats on a forum giving me great advice.

not trying to be an asshole just laying things down.


Well-Known Member
Be careful if it's messing with your heart. I now have a heart condition my cardiologist blames on my cocaine years. It screwed up the electrical circuits in my heart and I now have to take heart medication daily just to regulate the heartbeat.

I'll step off my soapbox now. Just pleeeeease be careful with that stuff.


Active Member
well with addys you don't need more than 20-30mg if you don't do it often.

Important, don't drink anything acidic like orange juice because it can nullify the effects. Enjoy and staying up for several days isn't normal with addy if you ask me. Slow down on it and take less. And don't snort it duh


Well-Known Member
Adderal is a fucking Amphetamine, Methanphetamine is it's cusin. Basically is a low dose of meth that is orally active, that shit can fuck you up(in a bad way) if you abuse it.

Ampheta was made supossivly to "treat" people with attention deffiecet disorder(ADD), and sometimes ADHD, but it really doesn't fix ADD or anything, rather acting as a band-aid per say. If you give anyone with adderal, with or without ADD, it is going to have the same "effect basically being able to focus more."

Yes, it does have some potential for medical use but should not be abused like it HIGLY is today. Ampheta is over-perscribed along with along pharms and ADD is diagnosed to much. It is bad for you and even though you "feel good" on it, it does more harm then good.

Overall it is a bad substance and should not be your "new favorite" drug of choice.



Well-Known Member
Be careful if it's messing with your heart. I now have a heart condition my cardiologist blames on my cocaine years. It screwed up the electrical circuits in my heart and I now have to take heart medication daily just to regulate the heartbeat.

I'll step off my soapbox now. Just pleeeeease be careful with that stuff.

Example right here...Adderal is FUCK UP. Just don't do it. I've seen cases from heart conditions to personality declines with Amphetamines.

Just Say No, I'd Rather Keep My Soul.


Active Member

I appreciate your reply. I understand that this message board is all about using drugs - and that's great. I think drugs are extraordinarily useful. But in order to use drugs in a beneficial way on a long term basis one has to do so responsibly. And part of responsible drug use is understanding the long term consequences of the use of a particular drug. I'm not trying to be your mom, and I don't expect you to trust everything you hear from some random guy over the internet.

But what I can tell you is that amphetamine use - unlike the use of cannabis - can damage your heart. It can reduce your life span if used over a long period of time and it can even kill you immediately if the dose is high enough. It could kill your heart and it will probably kill your personality if you let it become a routine.


Well-Known Member
whoever said adderall is better than coke needs a new dealer

and amphetamine abuse is often more serious than cocaine abuse, amphetamines are powerfully degenerative to certain brain pathways and carry all of the same if not more cardiac risks than cocaine.

but cocaine abuse is pretty evil too.

would you use methamphetamine? if not then i wouldnt' suggest you using dexamphetamine or levoamphetamine (the two ingredients in adderall)


Well-Known Member
Meh don't get me wrong I LOVE blow way more, but rationally addys are a better option for me anyway.

Coke and addy's is a great combo though :)