ActinUhFool's 1st Indoor Grow Journal, with step by step calender

Dr. Haze, MD

Well-Known Member
Thanks alot.Those pics were the easiest to understand that I have seen so far.

I think the method you are using has also been called pruning, in this book i read. How to Grow Medical Marijuana by Todd McCormick


Active Member

Hey I love your guide and have been watching from the shadows for a while. My roommate and I started up a grow not long after you did and really like your guide. I just wanted to know your thoughts on the nutrients you are using and how they are doing, how much are you using now and how often. Also really like the topping pics, they will come in handy in a week or so for us. We are running a 150 Watt HPS and have really good results so far, if you can get one from your dad I think you would be really happy with it too. Well that is my 2 cents, I'll be around here later for more info on your grow and harvest.

GL & Keep on growin'


Well-Known Member
Nice grow for sure. I'm impressed with your organization and detail. Damn those are gonna be some wickedly tight bushes.

BTW Is the calendar done yet? Tuned in... slabhead


Well-Known Member

Hey I love your guide and have been watching from the shadows for a while. My roommate and I started up a grow not long after you did and really like your guide. I just wanted to know your thoughts on the nutrients you are using and how they are doing, how much are you using now and how often. Also really like the topping pics, they will come in handy in a week or so for us. We are running a 150 Watt HPS and have really good results so far, if you can get one from your dad I think you would be really happy with it too. Well that is my 2 cents, I'll be around here later for more info on your grow and harvest.

GL & Keep on growin'

The nutes I'm using seem to be doing the trick as of now. I just changed my cycle to 12/12, so that's gonna require me to get a different fertilizer, which has a high Phosphorus rating. (middle number in NPK Rating) I prolly get a fertlizer with an NPK rating similar tyo 10-25-10 or 15-30-15. Keep popping back around here, and when i get it, ill let everyone know what im using.

As far as what i have been using so far...its working very well. i use it a lil different than the directions have told me. I'm using a Miracle-Gro Houseplant Food (link in first post of thread) and its NPK Rating is 8-7-6
DIRECTIONS SAY: Use 20 drops per quart of water

First 2 weeks i used no nutes
2 - 3.5 weeks i used 50% dose. I used 10 drops per quart of water
4-5 weeks i used the normal dose
5 Weeks- Current (6.5 weeks, and 3 days on 12/12 flowering light cycle) i have used between 40 and 45 drops per quart of water to bring it to an NPK Rating of 16-14-12. It seems to have done very well for me, with minimal issues, as you can see by my reporting earlier in this thread.

Hope i was of some assistance...


Well-Known Member
April 15, 2009
1 Day Shy of 7 Weeks

Hey Guys,
I figured id post a quick pic update of some of the plants. I'm currently in my 2nd full day of the 12/12 cycle, and one or 2 days shy of the 7th week. So i wanted to get some pics up of what they look like right before they flower.

Hope ya'll like what ya see....and if ya got any questions, im here :blsmoke:


Dr. Haze, MD

Well-Known Member
For bagseeds, your plants arn't bad at all. I think your gonna come out with some nice quality buds

Hope for the best :)


Well-Known Member
For bagseeds, your plants arn't bad at all. I think your gonna come out with some nice quality buds

Hope for the best :)

yeaaaa, i hope so. There wasnt typical bag seeds from Mexican Shwag weed. They actually came from my friends cousin. He was a grower and he had some good bud. He got seeds from a seed bank, and somehow accidently on of his plants were pollinated. So he got a shitload of seeds...and thats where i gottem. The bud it came with was amazing. Bright Green...really really dence. The buds were like rocks...dead solid. a dried out gram looked like a pebble lol. So im expecting real good bud....i jus wish i ad a name for the shit lol

i dont even definatly kno if its a indica, sativia or hybrid. i can only assume that its a Hybrid, due to the differnt sized leafs, with leaves varying between 5 and 9 points...oh well


Well-Known Member
Iight guys, im here jus to post an update....

I did some measuring of all my babies today and here are there size. Each plant has doubled in size since April 3, 2009....

Plant 1 : 8.5"
Plant 2 : 7.75"
Plant 3 : 9.5"
Plant 4 : 6"
Plant 5 : 7.5"
Plant 6 : 9.5"
Plant 7 : 8.75"
Plant 8 : 7"
Plant 9 : 7.75"
Plant10 : 2" <--Baby Haze on 12/12 also

Below are a few pix of the plants in there grow room and some of the leaves.




Well-Known Member
AUF420Fool....wha ya mean:confused:
LOL, I'm thinkin' that gonna be some something to remember. Fool me once; shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on you. I'll take some more pleze, LOL.
Lookin' good man. These cold wet days are freakin' killin me. Might start on my 2009 journal, you're inspiring me.



Well-Known Member
Hey Guys...
So Ive been taking a look at my plants..and it looks like Ive working with 2 different strains. I placed a thread here to discuss if its different <<HERE>>

It could be possible I'm working with two different strains...but is it possible that a hybrid strain can vary in how it looks? can i be working with one strain or am i working with two?

Dr. Haze, MD

Well-Known Member
Hey Guys...
So Ive been taking a look at my plants..and it looks like Ive working with 2 different strains. I placed a thread here to discuss if its different <<HERE>>

It could be possible I'm working with two different strains...but is it possible that a hybrid strain can vary in how it looks? can i be working with one strain or am i working with two?

This is a very hard question to answer, especially since your working with bagseeds.

It can be two different strains, or they can all be different strains and they just look alike.

It can also be one strain with a couple different phenotypes.

If you've been collecting these bagseeds yourself, you would know better than me where they came from and how many different buds you got them from.

Its already to late to label which seed you got from which bud you smoked so if I were you, I would just label each plant and consider each a separate strain until later determined otherwise.

You can't find out much from the plants leaves, especially if its a hybrid.


Well-Known Member
This is a very hard question to answer, especially since your working with bagseeds.

It can be two different strains, or they can all be different strains and they just look alike.

It can also be one strain with a couple different phenotypes.

If you've been collecting these bagseeds yourself, you would know better than me where they came from and how many different buds you got them from.

Its already to late to label which seed you got from which bud you smoked so if I were you, I would just label each plant and consider each a separate strain until later determined otherwise.

You can't find out much from the plants leaves, especially if its a hybrid.

How about this...
Can Pollen from 2 separate males pollinate one female....thus giving seeds to almost 2 different plants?

i got these seeds from one person from one grow...he's a "pusher" for the grower, so he can't gimme much info except there that there was 2 different strains in one grow room AND that i got the seeds from one bag, from what looked like to be like one type of bud...
:roll: Hope i explained this well...


Well-Known Member
April 21, 2009
Day 46 - Flower Day: 9

Hey Guys,
Its so far been 9 days of flowering, and only 5 are showing what seems to be pre-flowers. And if i can tell right, 4 out of the 5 seem to be female.

Pic 1: Is what I'm looking at female Pre-flowers?
:leaf:Pic 2,3,4: Close-Ups of where the Pre-Flowers will be located.
:leaf:Pic 5, 6: Baby Haze Plant also on 12/12 and also looks like it has female pre-flowers.
:leaf:Pic 7: Thermometer in the Grow Room @ 8AM (5 min after they wake up)

Lemme know if what im looking at is correct. This is my first time sexing plants.



Dr. Haze, MD

Well-Known Member

How about this...
Can Pollen from 2 separate males pollinate one female....thus giving seeds to almost 2 different plants?

i got these seeds from one person from one grow...he's a "pusher" for the grower, so he can't gimme much info except there that there was 2 different strains in one grow room AND that i got the seeds from one bag, from what looked like to be like one type of bud...
:roll: Hope i explained this well...

I get what you mean but I've never heard of it happening. Check around, it might be possible.

I would say it's one strain, most likely a hybrid, and some offsprings are like mommy and some like daddy.


Well-Known Member
Thanx for the "ehhhhhh, heads up doc" *like Bugs Bunny*

Today is Day 10 of the flowering phase and I'm not seeing many signs of showing sex...its still hard to tell. I know for a fact one plant is female, cuz i can see 2 super-small-tiny hairs...but thats about it..

Im takin a shower...gettin ready... than hopefully picking up a magnifying glass from Staples or Walmart. Hopefully when i use a magnifying glass I'll be able to tell.
I would think after 10 days of flowering I'd see some definite signs of showing sex..but nope, not yet...

*EDIT (4 hrs Later)I went and got myself a magnifying glass. And i did a check thru all my plants and i can tell for sure hat 2 plants are female, with no known males thus far :hump:
Plant Numbers 1 and 4 shown female sex.

i started using a new fertilizer today. I had some 10-15-10 NPK rated Miracle-Gro Fertilizer. It says "use 7 drops for every quart of water." I used 14 drops to make it 20-30-20. Marijuana Plants need the Phosphorus while they bloom.