ActinUhFool's 1st Indoor Grow Journal, with step by step calender

Dr. Haze, MD

Well-Known Member
WOW!! This has to be one of the most organized grows I've ever seen

I can tell you did your homework. Just can't believe I didn't find this sooner.

You seem very concerned with whether your plant is Indica, Sativa or a Hybrid.

In one of your earlier post you said the weed you got your bag seeds from was dense. This suggests Indica.

However, your plants are growing tall and have a decent amount of node spacing. This suggests Sativa..... BUT.... all plants can sometimes stretch whenever light isn't sufficient (This is because they seek light). What kind of lighting are you using?

Also, your leaves are kinda fat but not really skinny; this is characteristic of both Indicas and Hybrids.

That's why I think you either have some Indicas or some "Indica dominant" Hybrids

Hope that Helped :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
.... What kind of lighting are you using?..
I currently have 2 48" cool white floros, 3- 40 Watt CFLS, and a 24" Aquarium Light that is used to grow live plants. the aquarium light is a special bulb. i really dont see the stretching really. But I JUST RELIZED a few days ago my dad has a shit load of HPS Lighting setups... 4 to be exact, 2 150 watts and 2 400 watts. I would like to get my hands on them, but i would like to get away with the setup i currently it seems to be working fine for me...

and thanks for the props :) i really apperciate it. I thought i was making a detailed page also, but i wasnt gettin the replys i thought i would be gettin...expecially with the Calender. But thanx for the subscription and keep in touch....

My light cycles ending soon for the night, so tomorrow afternoon i will be posting more pix with an update.......
Until then im gonna burn so many L's and J's, ill have the alphabet mad at me:cuss:


Well-Known Member
... where did you find that calendar?
actually i made the calender myself of photoshop. I did the rollitup logo and everything. I have a Photoshop template of a newer version of that calender im doing for April (pic below). I can send you the photoshop PSD file if u like. It contains everything u need..all u have to do is add new typing to edit the name of the month and switch the arrangement of the number dates to the appropriate spot each month. If you would like ill put all the files i used in a zip file, including fonts, arrows and other lil minor details. so they are pretty much identical....

This is basically what the new calender looks like....this is the last saved version I have in JPEG format, its like 3 days old. I have a better copy now in PSD format, but its still being worked on, and the one Im still workin on shits on this one I attached below. Contact Me and I'll give u that version if you want it..
bongsmilieLemme know wha ya think...


Dr. Haze, MD

Well-Known Member
That is freaking amazing!! I thought it was a feature on Rollitup.

I would really appreciate it if you could send me the template.

I just started my first grow journal and organization is a must :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
yea i getchya. Gimme a day or two at the most and ill have everything all set up in a zip file.....all the way up to october. All ya gotta do is fill in the blanks


Well-Known Member
i must say, i just might want to get my hands on that template too........ i got everything logged on PC but still use good Old fashion paper calenders for my......everything........ squeduals...... everything.....

LMFAO..... what the hell is my PC usefull for then!..... photo shop...... he he he

Check out my new cloner
Check out my grow



Well-Known Member
That is freaking amazing!! I thought it was a feature on Rollitup.
I think i might have to contact a moderator and see how i can make a sticky thread on the Grow Journal section Its an Easy 1-2 guide.. Ill make several calenders for each of the following months left in 2009, and people can save the image, and use it, add there personally daily info, and use it in there grow journal. That calender i did made everything flat out basic and easy to read n understand. More ppl should use something like that. It would help out the newbies ALOT. Cuz if i found something like that when i started all my endeavors it woulda answered ALOT of questions i needed to know....

Im in the process of trying to set the date number to an HTML Link on the calender. like click "26" on Marchs calender, and March 26ths plant pix will pop up.I got in the works and can be a cool new thing...

I just hope no one trys to finish this shit before i do when they see this and get the credit


Well-Known Member

I just hope no one trys to finish this shit before i do when they see this and get the credit

I did this for feb. :D But it looked nowhere near as organized as yours, mine was handwritten and posted next to my grow room. I marked days of watering, whatnot, notes. etc. Either way, YOURS looks a ton better than mine did. Good work.

This thread is great, I just got into this thread and read it all. Well done sir. I have given it a 5 star rating for you :D.


Well-Known Member
April 11, 2009
Hey Guys, its been about a week since my last update, so I'm gonna post one up today. I havnt been postin that many pictures recently cuz you cant tell the difference day by day, so every 5 days or so ill post new pix with an update...

NUTE Dose has been upped to 16-14-12 and i been using 1.5 quarts of water spread thru 9 plants. No signs of burning, over watering, or any other major health problems....
I DO have one problem with one plant. Only one of the fan leaves on a plant have yellow spots. (as seen in pic 1) and they been there for about a week and a half. I upped the dose of nutes and still no change. Its ONLY ONE leaf tho, all the others are fine...
Also only one of the two haze seeds i got sprouted. I plan on switching that to 12/12 with when i switch the other plants over. its an almost definite that i will be doin the switch on April 21, 2009.... 45 days after they popped from the soil.

Pic 1: Yellow Spots
Pic 2: 1 of the 2 plants i topped 7 times.
Pic 3: LiL Haze Seed
Pic 4: Normal Plant Body Shot(no topping)
Pic 5: FIM'ed plant body Shot
Pic 6: Top of FIM'ed Plant. Looks Kinda Odd LoL
Pic 7: Shot of several plants in the room
(of course i had to remove most of the lighting to get the pic)



Well-Known Member
April 12, 2009
:hump:I woke up this morning, checked out my babies and i got a huge smile on my face. It seems like all my work is gonna pay off :mrgreen: As i took a look at the plants I couldn't leave them alone lol. i pulled out the plants that i have topped earlier...and i topped them up again. Cutting off the small, lower leafs, and cutting off the new growths (same as topping method)

i did most of the trimmings on the my topped plants. i LOVE how they look. i love the color, smell, size, and "bushyness" of them. As I said earlier in this thread, this grow is jus a learning experience before i purchase seeds from nirvana (strain is still up in the air) 10 to 1, I'm gonna make all my plants in the future bushy like the ones i have. Ill top them off a bunch of times to give them the full effect.

Im not really diggin the FIM'ing method. It seems to take forever to get any kind of growth, and its just not doin it for me. Im sticking to the topping method as i said earlier.

Below is a picture of one of these "bushy" plants that i have. As you can see, i jus trimmed the middle growths, so they split off in two stems. As you can see i probably trimmed this plants 15 seperate times.
All the pix below are the same plant...and I have 4 other plants that look similar...



Dr. Haze, MD

Well-Known Member
Those plants are developing really nicely, but how do you top them??

Is it the "cut a node, two will grow" thing? please explain how you do it in detail


Well-Known Member
Those plants are developing really nicely, but how do you top them??

Is it the "cut a node, two will grow" thing? please explain how you do it in detail

i top by cutting new growths off. When i see new growth, i give it a few days to get the growth larger in size, and i cut the newly unformed leaves off at the it all comes off in one. I got the method off this site somewhere, so im sure if u look around you can find TONS of discussions on that.

But below is what i did. this is the topping method i have done thru the stages.

I do this journal shit to help ppl learn. im giving out info on shit i wanted to know when i first my first hand experience. This is shit i have done myself that has been proiven to work for me :blsmoke:

:leaf:Pic 1: i made the first top cut inside the red circle. Cutting just above the stems to the 2 leaves, so the top of the plant just had the 2 leaves with an empty "nub' where the new growth was.
:leaf:Pic2: A lil bit later the place u cut splits in two, and insted of one growth, you have 2...and they split in the directions of the blue arrows. the blue circle is where i did the original cut.
:leaf:Pic 3: After the split, and u see new growth between the two leaves, make a new cut. I do this to all my stems. you can see here in the yellow circles where i made my cuts and they started to split. On the top left circle you can see the two new growths coming in..labeled 1 and 2.

HOPE IT HELPS! ANY QUESTIONS JUS ASK...thats one of the reasons im here. This is my first indoor grow...and i def did my homework;-)
After doing my homework, I decided to jump the gun. I switched the timer to start the 12/12 cycle today:weed:
Any guesses on the possible yield of just 5 of the 10 plants being female? H.A.B.O (help a brotha out)



Well-Known Member
well the plant's sex is pretty random (besides if you herm it, treat it bad), but I got 100% female on four seeds on my current grow... it happens. it could have easily gone the other way, best of luck. the intensity of this journal is overwhelming, wish I could be that organized, lol


Well-Known Member
well the plant's sex is pretty random (besides if you herm it, treat it bad), but I got 100% female on four seeds on my current grow... it happens. it could have easily gone the other way, best of luck. the intensity of this journal is overwhelming, wish I could be that organized, lol
thank you...
i plan on taking all this info and putting together in a Acrobat file... or something along those lines for Beginners. It'll be a step by step guide for ppl who need it.