Well ive done acid 3 times. 1st time 200mics, 2nd time 750mcg, and 200mcg at the library. I usualy dont like lowe doses of psychs but with acid its a little different. First trip i started to get nervous and scared at first cuz i had been up 3 days so i thought "shit i fucked up, shit" but i put on Terrence McKennas "Transadental object at the end of time" terrence is so interesting to listen to. My spiritual views of psychodelics is based alot on his ideas. Its like his words were a swirling vortex flowing through me and he was speaking to me. He is the most famouse wellknown psychonaught when it comes to dmt and mushrooms especially dmt. Freebased Dmt as a known psychodelic didnt exist before him. Was very interesting. 750mcg had no voice just visual but i was on 3 other psychs at the same time so i actually blacked out. Acid at the library was be conversating with my self in my head. With mushrooms light doses make me feel disapointed i like 5-8G and i often lemon tek. With shrooms its psychic like dmt and unlike acid its outward. I can hear the psychic thoughts of plants and animal and even insects. Ive had a passing greeting from a hornet then heard the collective thoughts of a million ant they called me by name and told me that drugs and alcohol were bad and i should put my beer down. And i said out loud you know yer right with a smile i set my beer down by the and mound then walked down the street. With dmt sub breakthoughs are frightening haveing yer soul halfway between this world and theres. I have a real connection with the plant helpers and often speak with them. Ive talked to the spirit of marijuana and Caapi.they both expressed dismay at my meth addiction. Marijuana was upset with me and asked why i left yer in the first place. I apologized to her and the promised me they would help me and i felt a wave of love move though me and i felt like i was being hugged. MJ is a female with a womans voice Caapi is male with an interesting voice. I posted that report a couple months back not sure were youll have to search for it. So what you can see from my trips i have a personal connection to the spirits or entitys of the molecules. Only entity i hate and really dislike is lady salvia. Shes a cruel bitch that enjoys torcher like a cat playing with a mouse. I refuse to use salvia ever again.