Well-Known Member
I was gonna take all 18 hits but i split them with mike. Sharing is caring
Spread tha loveI was gonna take all 18 hits but i split them with mike. Sharing is caring
Yeah after 300+ dmt trips 2-3 hit just dont doit. With shrooms i take7+g lemon tekI had some white on white not bad thats a heavy dose
Dont know wat that means. Dmts my thing.Was it needlepoint?
Yeah i also take alot of others. I have a small psychiatric pharmacy. But yeah gnightThose knock my dick in the dirt
I extract it myself. Only way to get dmt these daysIm going to try deems soon
For real... Very rare psychedelic compoundNever tried payote either never evan seen it
For real... Very rare psychedelic compound
Yeah its endangered. It takes 7years to grow 4in. Peyote territory is only like 400 miles from me but its in the fucking desert. Only the Natives know exactly were to look. Have to be federaly recognized as native American or member of church of peyote. And you cant just join unless you can proove yer at least i think 25% or 50% native decent. Lol @mikek420 has a enthogenic religious id card. He can legaly consume Ayahuasca and probly peyote to my guise. Id have to ask himFor real... Very rare psychedelic compound