GREEN HAZE 19 A5 (Green OldTimer's Haze 19 x A5Haze):
Green Haze 19 A5 takes its name from its highly distinguished lineage. A cross between our best Green Haze mother (#19) from the Oldtimer's Haze line, and the elite clone of A5 Haze (NL # 5 x Original Haze male A) from Nevil, resulting in a hybrid of almo
Hello everyone again, sativa lovers!
This local outdoor season I was lucky and honored to be one of the testers prior to the commercial release of this variety. My objective was to test its outdoor cultivation without greenhouse, to fix the climatic/geographical limits of the variety, because my microclimate of very continentalized highlands can bring night frosts and hail from the second half of November, to snowfalls from the beginning of January; I can already tell you that it endured hailstorms, night frosts, and minimum temperatures of -3°C with a thermal sensation of -6°C.
Mine (feminized), in particular, emerged on 17-June-2021 from the ground, and this dawn has broken out of the outer shell. It is living its first days in a pot, inside a porch, next to a window. This is how it looks right now.
Later, it will be transplanted to the outside, in a hole in mother earth; it will be at about 39° North, on the North slope (which takes away several hours of direct Sun) of a hill (800-900 meters of altitude) of the North slope of Sierra Morena, in the interior of the Iberian Peninsula.
Until a few days ago; we had a maximum temperature in the shade of 37°C, a nighttime minimum of 21°, and very low humidity. However, a summer drought is bringing us coolness and even rain from the Mediterranean, and the daytime highs have dropped to 27°C and nighttime lows to 15°C... Of course, I'm afraid this respite will be short-lived, and soon we'll be back to "Saharan days and tropical nights" with no respite until well into September...
And many thanks to Dubi and the Asociación de Cultivadores Españoles (A.C.E.), for their kindness to me.
Cheers and good sativeo.