Ace Genetics Thread

Just finished up Malawi. Not done curing but sampled the sucker and it’s great. Powerful. I’ll give a better smoke report when it’s done.

Looks awesome! Got some Ace Malawi beans that I can’t wait to grow! I see you grew them straight from seed at 12/12; was planning on doing that as well.

Also awesome to see a fellow MA person growing Malawi! Grow on MA! ✊
GREEN HAZE 19 A5 (Green OldTimer's Haze 19 x A5Haze):



Hello everyone again, sativa lovers!

This local outdoor season I was lucky and honored to be one of the testers prior to the commercial release of this variety. My objective was to test its outdoor cultivation without greenhouse, to fix the climatic/geographical limits of the variety, because my microclimate of very continentalized highlands can bring night frosts and hail from the second half of November, to snowfalls from the beginning of January; I can already tell you that it endured hailstorms, night frosts, and minimum temperatures of -3°C with a thermal sensation of -6°C.

Mine (feminized), in particular, emerged on 17-June-2021 from the ground, and this dawn has broken out of the outer shell. It is living its first days in a pot, inside a porch, next to a window. This is how it looks right now.
Later, it will be transplanted to the outside, in a hole in mother earth; it will be at about 39° North, on the North slope (which takes away several hours of direct Sun) of a hill (800-900 meters of altitude) of the North slope of Sierra Morena, in the interior of the Iberian Peninsula.
Until a few days ago; we had a maximum temperature in the shade of 37°C, a nighttime minimum of 21°, and very low humidity. However, a summer drought is bringing us coolness and even rain from the Mediterranean, and the daytime highs have dropped to 27°C and nighttime lows to 15°C... Of course, I'm afraid this respite will be short-lived, and soon we'll be back to "Saharan days and tropical nights" with no respite until well into September...

And many thanks to Dubi and the Asociación de Cultivadores Españoles (A.C.E.), for their kindness to me.

Cheers and good sativeo.

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I have to inform you, dubi, that the three seeds germinated well and quickly: the problem is that I did it with the first 2 at the beginning of the month, just before I had a job that forced me to move from "my Monte Adentro", and until I have returned, I have not been able to successfully germinate the third one (family or friends who help me with dogs and plants during these absences can successfully water a seedling, but germinating is asking too much of them).

As for my climate, for those who do not know it, it is a lottery for tropical / equatorial sativas of more than 15 weeks, with night frosts since December: my limit is usually in the first week of January (this past January it even snowed at from day 7). Just a few dozen kilometers to the West, or to the South, even avocados and mangoes can be grown, but on my northern slope it is already difficult for orange and lemon trees to bear fruit ...

As for the Green Haze # 19 X A5 Haze (fem), as it dawned on its third day on the substrate:


... And this is what it looks like today in full sun: The local State Meteorology Agency, AEMet, foresees that on my North slope we will reach the 44-45 ° C maximum temperature in the shade on the weekend (and almost 50 ° C, 122 ° F, on the South slope), but so far it is (or was) having a very pleasant summer without barely exceeding 40 ° C ... The night-time minimums are oscillating between 17 and 25 ° C, and the ambient humidity between 10 and 60 ℅ ...


Of course, the Green OldTimers Haze # 19 x A5 Haze endured the "African Beast" (how is called here this hot wave) like a champion ... Today the breeze comes fresh from the West and the far Atlantic, and the temperatures dropped below 40 ° C. And this morning, he had a visitor who even started weaving a cloth, I think ...:


... So yesterday at dusk, in the absence of 3 days to reach one month of age, I transplanted it to its definitive hole in mother earth ... I hope it has absorbed enough neem, because the small fenced space that I have to plant is infected of clouds of tiny grasshoppers, waiting for "good green" with which to grow ...
It is a rectangle of land about 7 meters long by 2-2'5 meters wide (aprox) in wich are four holes that I dug about two decades ago, flled with organically fertilized soil. Every season, I just add compost and tree wood ashes. This year in particular, at the end of winter (the date when the pictures are) I added compost to the holes: (I usually use mixed manure of horses, sheep and goat, which I collect from the field; but this year in particular I have not been able, and I use chicken ... We will see how everything turns out, because it is very strong ...):


This is how the recently transplanted plant looked yesterday, already dusk. And the last photo, of this noon today:


... The countryside around me, right now, looks like the African savannah in the dry season, with the animals sheltering under the mediterranean oak trees and the vultures flying in
circling in the sky ...
(The video of the vultures is from spring, when all the grasses were still green;
The photo is from a few weeks ago;
None of them is mine):


And my GREEN HAZE 19 A5 (Green OldTimer's Haze 19 x A5Haze), before sunset (born 17-June):

Yeah... I think I will prefer the Thai one other that you shows too...

And a VERY Thai dominant, stretches sooo much, more than triple it's size in flower, produces very nice sized Buds, speedy amphetamine like high, I'd say it's probably my favorite. It's very very resinous as well, but covered in so many tiny trichomes, where as the other one has huge trichomes. This one has a blueberry scent, I read on icmag where someone said they had a blueberry smelling one, and dubi said he hadn't come across a BB one in his experience. It's not a loud smell like the other one I have
