Ursus marijanus
300 years ago there were no combustion engines, no powered flight, etc...
I expect technology to adapt to the future. If we run out of oil we go to natural gas. If we run out of natural gas we go to coal. By that time we will have something better.
I can't imagine a world that doesn't have Fusion before 2100 unless there is a total and utter collapse. Rising oil prices will push investment into new energies and cause consumers to demand the development of efficient vehicles. Even when accounting for the increase in population and use of oil we are looking at 100 years worth of oil. Though, it might be more since rising prices will curb demand as well as other energies. Oil Shale, Tar Sands, and natural gas will be utilized in the coming decades. Even if fusion never pays off, solar power will likely be capable of powering our lives, thus leaving oil to making plastics and the like. How far can we really be from solar powered cars? It is gonna happen eventually. Look to see trains make a giant come back since they use electricity/coal.
The irony is that when i was a kid in the 60s, fusion was 20 years away. Progress: it's now at least thirty years away.
I don't subscribe to either of the great energy conspiracy hypotheses: that global warming is BS, or that the oil companies are suppressing all alt-energy research. However, I do think that as global warming becomes acute, we'll feel pressure to not burn any more fossil carbon. Maybe in my lifetime ... and maybe not.
But fusion is the big brass ring, no? A noncarbon and essentially unrestricted source of energy. But the technology for harnessing the extreme temps and pressures needed to make fusion a going process ... is not yet in hand, and will take much time and money to develop.
In the meantime, there's fission, especially using breeders and the thorium cycle. It's a good and carbon-poor source of electrical energy, and the much lower cost to make it operable as compared to fusion is very attractive to me. The real problem of course is political: somehow getting a deep waste disposal site approved, built and licensed ... and keeping the idiots from building them to a nonseismic spec in seismic areas. Like coastal California and Japan. cn