abstinence only christians in your face again

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
christians are all up in your children's faces as well.

why do christian right wing idiots not want children (or even adults for that matter) to know what safe sex is?

It is not looking like the liberal democratic school system is working out to good. Every eight days there is some kind of shooting and teaching the kids to suck dick and eat pussy may not work to good for safe sex ..imo


Active Member

It is not looking like the liberal democratic school system is working out to good. Every eight days there is some kind of shooting and teaching the kids to suck dick and eat pussy may not work to good for safe sex ..imo
This made me chuckle lol. I disagree with buck respectfully because you categorized all Christians. I don't agree with what he's doing. But you stabbed your self for saying I'm like him.


Well-Known Member

It is not looking like the liberal democratic school system is working out to good. Every eight days there is some kind of shooting and teaching the kids to suck dick and eat pussy may not work to good for safe sex ..imo
LOL! Do you think they teach kids how to suck dick and eat pussy in sex ed classes? They teach them about the reproductive system, STDs, birth control, puberty and condoms. God* you right-wingers are idiots.

* Does not exist.


Active Member
I believe God does exist that's my opinion. it's funny that you say right wingers lol if people would get off this right wing, left wing, fuckin tea party bull shit. America would be a much better place instead were full of a bunch of uneducated, non cultured, idgaf about anything else but my self. It doesn't matter about race, it doesn't matter about beliefs, what matters is we start doing shit to get us back together and on top. Because when not on too you become someone's prey. Another thing I have a problem with Is the judicial system if we wouldn't cater to fuckin criminals and start actually making them do shit. Like Russia, they are closing prisons because people don't want to be there. It's the opposite here. Instead the judicial system is like here's an x box and free food.


Well-Known Member
I believe God does exist that's my opinion. it's funny that you say right wingers lol if people would get off this right wing, left wing, fuckin tea party bull shit. America would be a much better place instead were full of a bunch of uneducated, non cultured, idgaf about anything else but my self. It doesn't matter about race, it doesn't matter about beliefs, what matters is we start doing shit to get us back together and on top. Because when not on too you become someone's prey. Another thing I have a problem with Is the judicial system if we wouldn't cater to fuckin criminals and start actually making them do shit. Like Russia, they are closing prisons because people don't want to be there. It's the opposite here. Instead the judicial system is like here's an x box and free food.
Lol, "educated" and "believes in God" are generally mutually exclusive.

Lol @ "Christian Sciences"


Active Member
Lol, "educated" and "believes in God" are generally mutually exclusive.

Lol @ "Christian Sciences"
I personally know a lot of people that believe in God with masters degrees or higher. In all different fields. That is your opinion them being generally mutually exclusive. Christian sciences is a belief system that I know nothing about because it is not my own. I do think LOL'ing at it is rude though because you are attacking someone's beliefs. That's childish.


Well-Known Member
I personally know a lot of people that believe in God with masters degrees or higher. In all different fields. That is your opinion them being generally mutually exclusive. Christian sciences is a belief system that I know nothing about because it is not my own. I do think LOL'ing at it is rude though because you are attacking someone's beliefs. That's childish.
I don't give a fuck about people's "beliefs", I care about fact.

If you genuinely believe your invisible talking friend tells you to do stuff, then you need to be admitted to a facility to treat your delusions.

Less that 7% of elite scientists are theists...the other 7% believe in observable science but that "God started it all".


Well-Known Member
Statistically, religious people have lower IQs than atheists or agnostics and blindly believing stories is childish. Hiding behind religion is just a way to remain dug in and stubborn toward new ways of thought. If this continues, no progress is made....the box just gets bigger. Humans learn and evolve, they wonder and study the universe...religion is lazy. The mystery is answered for you and fear keeps you bound. Faith is not special and intelligent people need more. Nothing personal, just tired of the whole thing