

Well-Known Member
Okay, so i never had absinthe, but am curious to its effects. the active ingredient is called Thujone aka wormwood. It has hallucegenic (mispelled) effects. So wut im really sayin is...Has anyone ever fucked with some REAL absinthe? whuts it like? greatly appreciated! :peace:


Well-Known Member
It will not make you Hallucinate but its not like drinking whiskey either.I love the stuff.I order it from the chec republic it cost a hundred bucks for a liter and up from there.Marilyn Manson sells his own brand too.I will say this I never hang out in my home town and avoid people from my past.I drank some absinthe and when I started coming down I realized I was sitting in a bar with all the people I went to high school with and was like what Im I doing and bounced.Ha ha


Active Member
I had it last time I was in France, and it was interesting. It tastes like black liquorice. My buddies and I had two doubles a piece. I didn't feel anything until we got up to leave the bar. Once I got outside I was flying high. I didn't hallucinate, however it was an extremely euphoric drunk. I've never experienced anything like it before, or since. If you can get your hands on it, it is definately worth trying.


Well-Known Member
Sounds cool, Vincent Van Gough was drunk/high on absinthe when he chopped his own ear off.

Also I think in order for the wormwood to work correctly, don't you have to melt some sugar in a spoon with the absinthe in it? I forget the correct procedure, but it's different than drinking it straight.

Anyone ever try Kava?


Active Member
the use of wormwood was banned years ago it was the barrels now normal barrels are used so you wont trip or anything


Active Member
i have had an illegal absinth bottled with marajuana its very weird i sat there with a j in one hand and another shot and i could not move for around 1h30 i wanted to but i just couldnt


Well-Known Member
that sound like some good shit! plus black liquorice is fuckn great! is there really a certain process for the wormwood to work?:peace:


Well-Known Member
they get a few of em at bevmo. i dont remember all the names but they were from spain, the czech republic, and france. funny how I remember where they came from and not there names.:o:peace:


Well-Known Member
Yes I have, my friend made it with wormwood and we drank a pretty decent amount, it tastes like black licorise and the high is kind of spacy and threshold, nothing too intense, you get REALLY drunk because the alcohol is so strong and the body high feels almost like the one you get from the herbs in yaegermister.


Well-Known Member
ok i almost more know about absinthe than i do about weed.....actually currently fucked up off a bottle of clandesitine le blue...but i digress. TO answer you question absinthe will NOT make you hallucinate. the active ingredient...wormwood acts as a upper rather than a depressant in booze. most booze makes you depressed, absinthe is the exact opposite. no seeing things, just hyperness. When absinthe was popular in europe so was OPIATES that is what caused the seeing things...people would drink absinthe and drop opium in it and that would make them see things.but yes.....

on another note absinthe from the czech republic 90% of the time is wormword liquer NOT absinthe. the czech republic has made money off the absinthe stigma and most of the stuff that comes out of the is NOT absinthe.if you want a quality absinthe look to switzerland and france...they prouduce quality absinthe...DO NOT BUY FROM THE SZECH REPUBLIIC UNLESS YOU ARE EDUCATED ON ABSINTHE YOU'LL geT RIPPED OFF!!!!! better yet since i'm fucked up go to .....wormwoodsociety.org they will answer all your questions and tell you where you can order from if you live in the US and want quality absinthe.


Well-Known Member
yeah there is a site like absinthe.com or some shit like that and they have all the kinds for sale like its a crazy amount of em. liek it tells you all about it like the levels they sell to the u.s. can only have like 20mg compared to the uk can ahve 45 or some shit like that.them are not actuall numbers but we cant have as much of the amount in the us...like normal...fucking us...bunch of pussies leading us trying to tell us what to do allt eh time what we can drink,smoke,eat,drive...what the fuck


Well-Known Member
This is the last bottle I had.By the way real absinthe is being sold in the states now.My buddy said its in the liquor stores in cali.


Active Member
Im in Newzealand, we get drinks from the bottle shop that has thujone, theyr called "fairybombs"
4 of them theyr 225ml's for $20
bit pricey but 4 work....
so it cant be illegal to have the shit ????