Well-Known Member
Maybe just a type o , but ya .5 per 10g.good catch. should be 5 grams right? 0.5 g per 10 gal is 5 g per 100.
Maybe just a type o , but ya .5 per 10g.good catch. should be 5 grams right? 0.5 g per 10 gal is 5 g per 100.
those test strips you got just paid for themselves then!!!!Yes it was legitimately abojt 50 grams lol i added and added slowly, checking chlorine and free chlorine levels constantly. Lol its wild but after that much it FINALLY hit 5ppm chlorine and 5ppm free chlorine. Readong up later on chlorine in pools they said that if you're adding and adding and free chlorine wont register, its always due to there being HIGH amounts of bacteria that the chlorine is being instantly used to sanitize.
those test strips you got just paid for themselves then!!!!
sounds like you are back on track. just keep up with the shock and light feed and they will recover.
those test strips you got just paid for themselves then!!!!
sounds like you are back on track. just keep up with the shock and light feed and they will recover.
Short answer No,If youve fixed the problem they should take off.Understand that all these changes water/bleach etc... will slow things down.Keep to one EC let it ride.Ok, legit question. At the point im at would it be much faster for me to just start again if i can get copies rdy to go and into the system within a week?
Short answer No,If youve fixed the problem they should take off.Understand that all these changes water/bleach etc... will slow things down.Keep to one EC let it ride.
Starting over is probably best done in a side system.You should really have 2-3 different res, say 8 plants in ea.
As Ive said clones are super sensitive when moved/transplanted,Perhaps your clone guy could treat them first?
Stay the course, leave it there.Hard to tell whats helping if ya keep changing things.I agree after i get a harvest outta this system im definetly changing a few things for sure. One main thing i will be changing is well everything lmao. Square totes instead of 5g buckets, bigger feed and return lines, 8 buckets to 1 rez and possibly going with waterfalls instead of pumps and stones.
I do have a good feeling the 7 i fimmed and topped are not going to make it all, they are just WAY further behind then the rest..
O yea chiller got cloged and allowed my water to get up t 74 last night to, sl thats aweslme! Got it fixed and temps are back down to 67 now though thank god. Gave them a foliar feeding right at lights out this morning after i washed the net pot area frlm thw sides again and also added more shock to bring it back up to 5ppm.
Was able to get the ec down to .83 last night (413 ppm) before i ran out of ro water. I have more ro brewing now. Should i lower the ec even more?
Stay the course, leave it there.Hard to tell whats helping if ya keep changing things.
Your chiller,your nutes run through?What is the tubing made from?Ive read about certain materials not mixing with different fertilizers?
Use this grow as your dialing in phase. If you can get them thru a harvest, you should know your system and how your strains react to it for the next one. You're always going to learn something new, but once you have the basics down it becomes less like work. LolOk, legit question. At the point im at would it be much faster for me to just start again if i can get copies rdy to go and into the system within a week?
Inside the chiller ,like the radiator part lolI have garden hose for the chiller tubing
Inside the chiller ,like the radiator part lol
In the early 90’s I ran 4 crops a year. 12 pails one rez. Air stone in ea bucket. Really small pump for recirculating No calmag no chillers. Nothing for root rot Didn’t even know what ph was for the first while. Sure I had some yellow leaves but never had root issues that killed plants.
turn off CO2 now too.Co2 level flux between 400ppm and 1200ppm
turn off CO2 now too.
0.5 EC. 5ppm chlorine. some plants are worse than others, some are recovering well. nice and easy until they are back to normal.