Abortion, if you object does that mean you want to control women's uteri

This looks delicious. I can't wait until it's harvested and put in my Pepsi!


It's never too early to arrange the marriage, is it? (that armband.) cn
Thank you friend, it is nice to have one's talents appreciated. I really only have a problem with the later term abortions, or more precisely "after the quickening" as you say. I'm not trying to move the goalposts.

I think you and I see this situation exactly alike.
If I want to support a straw man, I find a two-by-four the better item for the job. I do not deny the unborn their being either alive or potentially, eventually human. However I find it equally fraught to presume the personhood of a first-trimester spoonful of ambitious cells. cn
But "abortions" occur as the child is exiting the womb after a full 9 month gestation. You still deny their "personhood". Children are born alive and healthy, submerged in ice water, and then labeled as an abortion. Denying the humanity of those you would enslave or destroy has been the justification of the most evil atrocities in history.
But "abortions" occur as the child is exiting the womb after a full 9 month gestation. You still deny their "personhood". Children are born alive and healthy, submerged in ice water, and then labeled as an abortion. Denying the humanity of those you would enslave or destroy has been the justification of the most evil atrocities in history.

But "abortions" occur as the child is exiting the womb after a full 9 month gestation. You still deny their "personhood". Children are born alive and healthy, submerged in ice water, and then labeled as an abortion. Denying the humanity of those you would enslave or destroy has been the justification of the most evil atrocities in history.

I'm pretty sure you have not read the thread. You are distorting my position beyond recognition. cn

<add> Pad asks a good question.
i'm pretty sure women abort these crowning babies just for kicks because they're evil and need morality police to guide them.
Terrorist Wannabe doesn't provide sources during his "Fuck America" rants, I give him the same courtesy.

You think babies are born, completely healthy (as if it matters), and then doctors dip them in ice water to abort them?

I can't imagine where you dug that up, not even Fox News would touch that.

You're crazy.. Doesn't surprise me you can't cite it.

so what do we do after 12 weeks? does the government strap an ankle bracelet on every single pregnant lady at that point to make sure they don't walk on uneven sidewalks or rickety stairs?
No need to be an ass about this.

You really don't see the difference between deliberate third-party surgical extraction of a viable fetus and some woman walking on stairs?

how do you propose we punish these women who dare to exercise conrtol and autonomy of their own bodies after your magical and awesome 12 week mark has passed?

First of all, I didn't propose this 12 week limit (nor do I agree with it, but that's a separate issue). The issue isn't autonomy over their bodies, but the rights of unborn humans.

Lets be specific here. Would you say its OK to kill a live baby right after birth? (IE infanticide)?

OK, if you think that should be illegal, how about abortion of a an eight pound pre-term fetus that is 39 weeks old? (IE one day before its expected to be born). Would you agree that this should be illegal too? If not, please state why not.

OK, how about 37 weeks? 36? 35? 34?

The point is, you have to draw the line somewhere. . .exactly where is subject to another debate, I won't get into in this post.

But whatever your limit is. . .be it 12 weeks or 32 weeks, you make it into law, and enforce it the same way the current 24 week law is enforced in most states.

It becomes illegal to perform an abortion after 12 weeks, and if you do so you're subject to criminal charges. Since doctors generally won't risk their livelihoods and freedom over this, the supply of post-12 week abortion providers dries up and post-12 week abortions become much harder to obtain, and much rarer. What exact charges? Not that it really matters, but practicing surgery without a medical license carries a criminal sanction ranging from 1-5 years in prison in most states. The criminal penalty associated with illegal abortion varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but it definitely can carry jail time.

Do you find this concept difficult to understand too?

Let me add that as a matter of practice most doctors who do perform abortions won't perform them as late as 24 weeks, except under extraordinary circumstances, even when they are legally permitted to do so.