A thread to honor the memory of the abolitionist John Brown.

49% of all housholds in Mississippi owned slaves in 1860. That doesn't seem like a marginal number to me. Over 33 thousand slave owners in Alabama in 1860. Georgia had 41 thousand + slave owners with over 450,000 slaves. That's a big ratio in anyones world.
source for those figures?

(inB4 No Sauce)
Also the smaller farmers aspired to own slaves and viewed themselves as better than a slave so atleast they were not the lowest social denominator hence their willingness to go to arms to secure their future "right" to own another person. It really is amazing to have to have this conversation with someone who seems to be as bright as yourself.
Also the smaller farmers aspired to own slaves and viewed themselves as better than a slave so atleast they were not the lowest social denominator hence their willingness to go to arms to secure their future "right" to own another person. It really is amazing to have to have this conversation with someone who seems to be as bright as yourself.
many southern farmers had no desire to own slaves.

you are making generalizations based on your desire for slavery to be the prime cause of the War Of Northern Aggression rather than...

Northern Aggression.
do the math
the average % of slaveholding families in slave states was ...


you cherry picked to create an impression which was deceptive.

amazingly, bucky was not lying, but you were.
What was a lie? Were the numbers I put up innaccurate? They were not. Also your math is wrong, I came up with 28%, Delaware never left the union.
do the math
the average % of slaveholding families in slave states was ...


you cherry picked to create an impression which was deceptive.

amazingly, bucky was not lying, but you were.

how was he lying?

he said 49% of families in mississippi owned slaves, and it was true and he cited it for you, princess.
many southern farmers had no desire to own slaves.

you are making generalizations based on your desire for slavery to be the prime cause of the War Of Northern Aggression rather than...

Northern Aggression.

slavery was the prime cause. the seceding states even said so. listed it right up front as the very first reason in their secession papers.

anonymous asked: Yo, the War of Northern Aggression is a statement on states’ rights during and since the Civil War. Not really connected to race at all.

Look, I know you’re stupid as fuck, but it’s kind of on you if you can’t find any connection between the fucking racist, traitorous and wholly dishonorable and disgusting Confederacy and race.

PS. You are stupid as fuck, you fucking racist piece of trash.
What was a lie? Were the numbers I put up innaccurate? They were not. Also your math is wrong, I came up with 28%, Delaware never left the union.
you first cited the highest % of any state, then switched to numbers of slave owners for another state, and number of slaves in a third state, to create an impression that most of the south was populated by blacks in bondage being dominated by wealthy white slavemasters.

that is a LIE

delaware not leaving the union has no bearing on their status as a slave state before the secession.

again you attempt to use semantics to create a lie.
Northern aggression is a term used by people still fighting a war that is long over.
you pretend that The Late Unpleasantness Between The States is somehow over?

the fighting may be done but the issues remain.

the leftist liberal urban industrialized northeast still politically dominates this union, and uses that domination to gain advantage over the other states with differing needs.

this violates the spirit and the letter of the Constitution, transforming this Union of Representative Republics into a mere nationstate like botswana or norway.

anonymous asked: Yo, the War of Northern Aggression is a statement on states’ rights during and since the Civil War. Not really connected to race at all.

Look, I know you’re stupid as fuck, but it’s kind of on you if you can’t find any connection between the fucking racist, traitorous and wholly dishonorable and disgusting Confederacy and race.

PS. You are stupid as fuck, you fucking racist piece of trash.
you truely honour Martin Timothy's contribution to civil discourse by this post.

so lest get this straight:
you used a random quote from an anonymous douchebag, on a totally different douchey website and answered by another anonymous douchebag, quoted by a third anonymous douchebag to "prove" that a 4th anonymous douchebag is a racist anonymous douchebag...

slavery was the prime cause. the seceding states even said so. listed it right up front as the very first reason in their secession papers.
your religious belief that "it was all about slavery" reminds me of this little gem:

Indian court asked to rule on whether Hindu guru dead or meditating

no matter what anyone says, youll just keep repeating the same tired lies about how "slavery was the cause", even long after they have begun to stink, rotted, decomposed and crumbled to dust.

keep the faith.

it's all you got
you first cited the highest % of any state, then switched to numbers of slave owners for another state, and number of slaves in a third state, to create an impression that most of the south was populated by blacks in bondage being dominated by wealthy white slavemasters.

that is a LIE

no, he quoted actual numbers and your ass hurts.

mississippi and south carolina were actually populated by a majority of slaves and a few other states were right below the 50% mark.

you are a racist stooge who hates reality.
no, he quoted actual numbers and your ass hurts.

mississippi and south carolina were actually populated by a majority of slaves and a few other states were right below the 50% mark.

you are a racist stooge who hates reality.
was the matter at issue the % of slaveholders in the south, or the % of slaveholders in one or two deviant states?

it certainly wasn't the # of slaves in a particular aberrant state.

the stooge be thee, not me.