I love Patterson's voice. I saw them at mile high music in 2010. Totally disappointed.
According to to a book I read years ago by a ballistics expert named Lane (I think) . . . . . .A fascinating question to this day - who killed Kennedy, or, who had Kennedy killed? Some say the president back stabbed and turned on those that were most responsible for his election.
According to to a book I read years ago by a ballistics expert named Lane (I think) . . . . . .
The two Secret Service Officers in the follow car sat down hard on the back seat when LHO started shooting and they gassed it. The SS had the prototypes of the M16 before they had ever got to the Army. They were real bad to discharge when bumped. One of the men's rifle went off and took the top of JFK's head off. X-rays showed the lead in the brain was in round drops, which meant it had melted on impact, then cooled down. Not the same as the heavy and slow lead from LHO's old rifle.
Johnson never let the SS within a 1/4 mile of him when he was on his ranch in TX. Figured they might kill him too.
There was wire taps of the Miami mob talking about it. Seems the most likely it was the mob behind LHO. Also pretty sure it was the SS's soft, fast bullet that actually killed him.Until the past several years, I was a 'not LHO' / 'LHO the patsy' guy. Then most all of the new reports blamed LHO as a 'lone nut' and systematically eliminated several theories faulting Cuba, the mob, even French assassins in various pairings.
Just a few nights ago, I saw another presentation that made a very good case for the murder being planned by JImmy Hoffa, handed off to Chicago boss Sam Giancano, who solicited Florida boss Santo Trifficante and New Orleans Mafia chieftain Carlos Marcello to carry it out. A lot of it stemmed from a book by Hoffa and Trifficante lawyer Frank Ragano. I find this stuff fascinating.