A Pro Palin thread



wow, that guy sounds smart....and hardly prepared...come on dude, you get "intellectual" input from this clown?

you may not be as smart as i give you credit for...;-)
I post stuff from all over all the time, even Fox clips occasionally.

You wanna talk about something, howbout that 71%?


New Member
Like her or not...she is a contender and polls will not be able to derail her political train no matter how many are splashed across the screen.

The negativity the media feels for her FEEDS her appeal to the rest of the country. It's exactly what she is going to speak out against....and it will not fall on deaf ears.

ANY kind of press will help Palin.... only ignoring her can defeat her. Something the lib's haven't figured out yet.

The left will never be able to shout her down....they just don't have the arsenal or political capital (no one believes them anyways).

IF she wants to be the GOP presidential candidate in 2012... she WILL be.

She will also EASILY defeat Obama.

Let's face it...how bad a President we might think she'll be is still a point of conjecture...... but the country ALREADY knows Obama is a LOSER.

Obama is a ONE term President..... and that will almost guarantee a Palin victory.

No way a Dem wins the next Presidential election ... and THAT'S why the left is so fearful of Palin. The Presidency is hers for the taking....and she just might decide to take it.

jeff f

New Member
Like her or not...she is a contender and polls will not be able to derail her political train no matter how many are splashed across the screen.

The negativity the media feels for her FEEDS her appeal to the rest of the country. It's exactly what she is going to speak out against....and it will not fall on deaf ears.

ANY kind of press will help Palin.... only ignoring her can defeat her. Something the lib's haven't figured out yet.

The left will never be able to shout her down....they just don't have the arsenal or political capital (no one believes them anyways).

IF she wants to be the GOP presidential candidate in 2012... she WILL be.

She will also EASILY defeat Obama.

Let's face it...how bad a President we might think she'll be is still a point of conjecture...... but the country ALREADY knows Obama is a LOSER.

Obama is a ONE term President..... and that will almost guarantee a Palin victory.

No way a Dem wins the next Presidential election ... and THAT'S why the left is so fearful of Palin. The Presidency is hers for the taking....and she just might decide to take it.
i hope your right, but 3 years is a lifetime in politics. expecially with iran heating up, anything can happen.

you are very right though, no amount of shouting her down is gonna work and so far bamster is making a fool out of himself and only bostering her position.


New Member
All palin will have to do once elected is spend the next four years peeling back Obamanomics....and the numbers will shoot her towards the sky.

Obama can make Palin the next Reagan.... I mean ANYONE is going to look golden after following this abortion of an administration.


First she's running.. then she's not running.. then she is.. then she's not..

The bitch can't even make up her own mind, we're supposed to believe you guys can do it for her?

She can't even finish one term as GOV. yet you think she'd be an amazing PRESIDENT? - I laugh at that stupidity

If she runs in 2012 and Obama runs again, I guarantee Obama will win, no matter what the fuck he does this term. So like I said before, don't be retards again and put someone there who won't win the election, essentially throwing it away, again, to the Dems. What is so hard about getting a goddamn Republican candidate worth a shit up there, honestly? Did you guys run out of them or what?

Why do none of you back Ron Paul?


Well-Known Member
All palin will have to do once elected is spend the next four years peeling back Obamanomics....and the numbers will shoot her towards the sky.

Obama can make Palin the next Reagan.... I mean ANYONE is going to look golden after following this abortion of an administration.

i'd rather she peel back her panties. :hump:


Well-Known Member
First she's running.. then she's not running.. then she is.. then she's not..

The bitch can't even make up her own mind, we're supposed to believe you guys can do it for her?

She can't even finish one term as GOV. yet you think she'd be an amazing PRESIDENT? - I laugh at that stupidity

If she runs in 2012 and Obama runs again, I guarantee Obama will win, no matter what the fuck he does this term. So like I said before, don't be retards again and put someone there who won't win the election, essentially throwing it away, again, to the Dems. What is so hard about getting a goddamn Republican candidate worth a shit up there, honestly? Did you guys run out of them or what?

Why do none of you back Ron Paul?
it's all part of her plan. the women is smart. :wink:


With the right outfit on.... Palin could get any negotiation deal signed in our favor.
Is that supposed to be some remark about how hot Palin is?

It's sad you guys actually consider such pointless shit when deciding the qualifications of a potential presidential candidate.

Just shows the rest of us where you're coming from..

jeff f

New Member
Is that supposed to be some remark about how hot Palin is?

It's sad you guys actually consider such pointless shit when deciding the qualifications of a potential presidential candidate.

Just shows the rest of us where you're coming from..
come on pad, lighten up. its sunday. even an athiest needs a day to be happy. :hug:

and yes, she is very fucking hot. and just to show you how dumb FDD is, he thinks she wears panties......commando, boys, commando :-P:-P


Well-Known Member
Has anyone posted this vid with Palin looking at cheat notes... on.. her....hand :lol:


I love seeing politicians look like dumbasses !


come on pad, lighten up. its sunday. even an athiest needs a day to be happy. :hug:

and yes, she is very fucking hot. and just to show you how dumb FDD is, he thinks she wears panties......commando, boys, commando :-P:-P

I'd nail her, no doubt about it, just so I could cream all over those glasses, lmfao

How old is she?


New Member
What is so hard about getting a goddamn Republican candidate worth a shit up there, honestly? Did you guys run out of them or what?

Why do none of you back Ron Paul?
And there, in a nutshell, is the reason I left the Republican Party years ago. I mean Bob Dole and John McCain? Gimme a break!

The Progressives have convinced the Republicans, that in order to win, they had to move center left. We see where that got us with GWB, right? Record deficits ... until Obama came along. Now, Obama has a deficit four times as large as GW's and the debt is skyrocketing into economic enslavement for our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Palin, and her troops in the TEA Party movement, are bringing a change and an end to the leftist political agenda of building government agencies and turning America into an enormous European style welfare state. Thanks to Palin, and others like her, we are witnessing a conservative/libertarian revolution beginning to take place right before our eyes.

No one really knows if Palin is going to run for president in 2012 or not. Personally, I don't care because it really doesn't matter. As long as she continues to endorse conservatives with libertarian principles, she's done the job.

How's the latest elections going for you libs? Are you looking forward to the midterms this coming November as I am? :lol:


Well-Known Member
And there, in a nutshell, is the reason I left the Republican Party years ago. I mean Bob Dole and John McCain? Gimme a break!

The Progressives have convinced the Republicans, that in order to win, they had to move center left. We see where that got us with GWB, right? Record deficits ... until Obama came along. Now, Obama has a deficit four times as large as GW's and the debt is skyrocketing into economic enslavement for our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Palin, and her troops in the TEA Party movement, are bringing a change and an end to the leftist political agenda of building government agencies and turning America into an enormous European style welfare state. Thanks to Palin, and others like her, we are witnessing a conservative/libertarian revolution beginning to take place right before our eyes.

No one really knows if Palin is going to run for president in 2012 or not. Personally, I don't care because it really doesn't matter. As long as she continues to endorse conservatives with libertarian principles, she's done the job.

How's the latest elections going for you libs? Are you looking forward to the midterms this coming November as I am? :lol:
:wall: Ya Sarah Palin! You really want her as president? You do realize she is nothing more than a publicity stunt.