A Pro Palin thread

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
to what chchoda said i agree people should be allowed in a free country to be religious or not. but crazies/and or stupid people like palin force there views on others and allow delusional beliefs to shape laws and other policies that is simply wrong in this day and age. also im attached to no party i mostly dislike them equally and there more the same than different neither follow the doctrine of what there respective parties are supposed to be about anyways. the religion based control of the republicans is unacceptable and must go for there to even be a middle ground for proper debate of real issues. im taking a bit of a break from riu and the political threads at least until the tdf is over i will be back to raise my blood pressure soon enough.


Well-Known Member
to what chchoda said i agree people should be allowed in a free country to be religious or not. but crazies/and or stupid people like palin force there views on others and allow delusional beliefs to shape laws and other policies that is simply wrong in this day and age. also im attached to no party i mostly dislike them equally and there more the same than different neither follow the doctrine of what there respective parties are supposed to be about anyways. the religion based control of the republicans is unacceptable and must go for there to even be a middle ground for proper debate of real issues. im taking a bit of a break from riu and the political threads at least until the tdf is over i will be back to raise my blood pressure soon enough.
I don't blame you man. I just sit here and get pissed off. Not good for the body or the soul


bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
yeah its frustrating at best. sometimes i check my threads after a long day of training or working and i just sigh and feel to tired to respond it can be like ring around the rosey. i do feel that the more logical on riu can at least agree to disagree but maybe possibly consider different outlooks i hope this for myself as well if its warranted.


yeah its frustrating at best. sometimes i check my threads after a long day of training or working and i just sigh and feel to tired to respond it can be like ring around the rosey. i do feel that the more logical on riu can at least agree to disagree but maybe possibly consider different outlooks i hope this for myself as well if its warranted.

The ones that get it already know it, and the ones that don't, never will.

There are some people here that I enjoy talking with and hearing their opinions. That makes it worth it, connecting to people. Sometimes they understand exactly where you're coming from, other times they believe something totally opposite and you can't fathom how...

But you should stick around, you seem to be one of the logical ones.

what... huh?

Active Member
The ones that get it already know it, and the ones that don't, never will.

There are some people here that I enjoy talking with and hearing their opinions. That makes it worth it, connecting to people. Sometimes they understand exactly where you're coming from, other times they believe something totally opposite and you can't fathom how...

But you should stick around, you seem to be one of the logical ones.
I agree. Even though my position on the global climate, and our "role" in nature makes you want to wipe my fonts clean of color.


Well-Known Member
The ones that get it already know it, and the ones that don't, never will.

There are some people here that I enjoy talking with and hearing their opinions. That makes it worth it, connecting to people. Sometimes they understand exactly where you're coming from, other times they believe something totally opposite and you can't fathom how...

But you should stick around, you seem to be one of the logical ones.
Logic is entirely subjective Padawan. What may appear logical to some one else may not appear logical to you.

what... huh?

Active Member
Logic is absolutely not subjective. That is the point. Your ability to reason not withstanding, truth exists, regardless of your perception. If you are being illogical, well... logic is not threatened by it.

Everybody you disagree with is not an idiot.

Regardless of your perception.


Well-Known Member
as someone suggested if she is nominated to run in 2012 its almost a certainty she would sink her own ship with her poorly chosen words and general lack of common sense. so if your a republican consider that shes a threat to the parties chances in 2012.
After this shit, 2012 is going to be easy for anyone but Dems, I think the MTV generation may even think twice. I personally want Paul to get the Nomination though if he has it in him to try again. But if it is Palin, I dont know what she would have to do to screw it up, mark it down, Obama is already a lame duck, he may as well start pardoning his friends from jail now.


Well-Known Member
After this shit, 2012 is going to be easy for anyone but Dems, I think the MTV generation may even think twice. I personally want Paul to get the Nomination though if he has it in him to try again. But if it is Palin, I dont know what she would have to do to screw it up, mark it down, Obama is already a lame duck, he may as well start pardoning his friends from jail now.
What does this statement even mean?

You speak with such authority. I'm not an Obama fan, but I do think the country will begin to turn around in March of 2010 and will get better every day thereafter. By time 2012 comes around, I postulate that the dems will be sitting pretty, regardless of what I would like to see happen.


Well-Known Member
i've been gone all day. did we see this already? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090710/ap_on_re_us/us_palin_resignation

i'd probably cash in as well. :hump:
she's got the look to make A LOT of money out in TV land. she's fun to laugh at as well. could be a pretty good thing.
7 digit book deal. That's a LOT of money.

Then you gotta do signings, appearances, publicity, etc...

By time you know it, she'll be on reality TV.

Oh well, I'd MUCH rather see her in hollywood than in washington. I do think that quitting for self-serving reasons proves that she's not at all concerned for 'country' as she stated. She will be a PERFECT hollywood mannequin. Pathetic. This woman is pathetic.

what... huh?

Active Member
Following in the footsteps of Bill Clinton eh? Smart girl...

No... even Clinton didn't quit. Hell he was impeached and didn't quit. This is shameful. Stop pretending there is anything of merit in this situation.

If you want to play smug, have the balls to address the subject rather than just posting what you see as witty rhetorical banter.

Defend your position, don't just keep proclaiming it.


Well-Known Member
No... even Clinton didn't quit. Hell he was impeached and didn't quit. This is shameful. Stop pretending there is anything of merit in this situation.

If you want to play smug, have the balls to address the subject rather than just posting what you see as witty rhetorical banter.

Defend your position, don't just keep proclaiming it.
actually, who cares? she's pretty smart for being dumb at this point.

she couldn't make a move without a headline being written.
her politics were under a microscope.
they were following her like britney.
she was constantly defending herself for doing her job.
she was offered A LOT of money for a better "JOB".
i'd tell my boss to fuck off as well.
when he asked why, ............................. "because you smell funny" (or, "this shit stinks").

i'm starting to like her now. :mrgreen::hump:

what... huh?

Active Member
You find Palin quitting and profiteering admirable. Awesome. You are the reason your party is leaving you. Justifying anything on "your side", and vilifying anything on "the other side". You make people deaf to the real issues because you are a yes man. Go team. It is dishonest, and pretty annoying.

Tell me why she was a better pick than Kay Bailey Hutchison.
Convince me in ANY way that Palin was more qualified... other than milfishness.