A Pro Palin thread

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
deserves what? she quit. why, because she was picked on? okay then, she's weak. how about that?
does she really need you to defend her? :blsmoke:

She quit because of multiple ethic investigations by liberals that put her financially in the red about 500k. How do you govern a state when you constantly have to defend yourself? But the media doesn't tell you that though do they?

Would you want to continue under those circumstances?

If she were a liberal this wouldn't be happening regardless of how much of a "FUCKING AIRHEAD" she is.

Why is it liberals bring nothing to discussions beside insults and vulgarities?


Well-Known Member
She quit because of multiple ethic investigations by liberals that put her financially in the red about 500k. How do you govern a state when you constantly have to defend yourself? But the media doesn't tell you that though do they?

Would you want to continue under those circumstances?

If she were a liberal this wouldn't be happening regardless of how much of a "FUCKING AIRHEAD" she is.

Why is it liberals bring nothing to discussions beside insults and vulgarities?

front page of yahoo.

"She is leaving now because I think she believes that she has become the issue, rightly or wrongly, with all these ethics complaints and with the issues involving the Legislature, the combativeness they've been demonstrating toward her since she returned from the campaign," Thomas Van Flein said."

no ones talking shit about oBama, eh?

she's a QUITTER!

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
They tell you about the ethics investigations, but they don't say anything about it setting her back 500k. They just make it look like she can't handle the heat, so she's getting out of the kitchen. Bottom line is, if liberals don't like you, they will do everything in their power to get you out, no matter how underhanded and classless it is.


Well-Known Member
You throw the word 'liberal' around a lot. Do you know what it means? Do you know that it's a neutral nomenclature?

And you act as though the criticisms of Palin are a planned agenda. They're not. She is literally so stupid and out of her league that she constantly puts herself in a position to be lambasted for one stupid decision after another. She may be a very fine person - but she is bloody stupid. And I mean stupid as in not being able to understand basic concepts and ideas. Concepts that you and I consider comprehendable and cogent are completely out of her realm. So while she may be upright, she's not fit to lead anyone. The intellectually blind cannot lead anyone.

Her aptitude is not fit and it's not because she's a woman. Women and men have equal intelligence and competence. It's just that some men and women fall short of the proverbial standard. Palin is one of them. She makes a LOT of stupid mistakes and gets called out for them.

However, I agree there is a double standard regarding Palin. I have never commented on her looks nor will I ever because it's disgusting to objectify women. However, in this case, her looks got her to where she is. It's not necessarily her fault unless she pandered to this flattery, but it nonetheless exists. So for Palin detractors to call her offensive names based upon her looks is ridiculous. If we criticize her for the silly ideas she enacts, then it's fair game. All politicians know this. You will be criticized for what you do. It simply sucks for women - particularly ones that fit the beauty ideal - because they will have idiots demeaning them with comments about their appearance.

My two cents. And I repeat, you pretend as though it's only liberals who castigate Palin, but IT'S NOT! I've heard more conservatives bash her than anyone else. So stop blaming the 'liberals' for everything.

NB - your judgments upon my person are wholly inaccurate.

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
I don't like Palin, and I think her running for president would be a disaster for the republican party. Liberals are actually doing us a favor, it's just the way they're going about it that bothers me.

Saying she's a "slut" or "stupid" is just a shortcut to thinking.


Well-Known Member
I don't like Palin, and I think her running for president would be a disaster for the republican party. Liberals are actually doing us a favor, it's just the way they're going about it that bothers me.

Saying she's a "slut" or "stupid" is just a shortcut to thinking.
i NEVER said slut and she is an airhead. sorry.



Operation 420

Well-Known Member
I never mentioned you. The thread about her getting indicted speaks volumes about how liberals are.

We can make a big deal about Palin, but she's not the president, and she isn't destroying our country. Obama is.

The media focuses on Mark Sanford, Sarah Palin and Michael Jackson, while this administration pushes bills through under the radar.

I hope you're an outdoor grower with health care FDD, because it's about to get damn expensive bro.


New Member
I never mentioned you. The thread about her getting indicted speaks volumes about how liberals are.

We can make a big deal about Palin, but she's not the president, and she isn't destroying our country. Obama is.

The media focuses on Mark Sanford, Sarah Palin and Michael Jackson, while this administration pushes bills through under the radar.

I hope you're an outdoor grower with health care FDD, because it's about to get damn expensive bro.
I agree with you on that. The administration wishes MJ would die every week......it all provides great cover for the outrageous financial power grabs going on at breakneck speed. The media is only too willing to go along....they have let us all down.


Well-Known Member
i grow in my PC. my mom bandages all my wounds. :hug:
I just yielded two pound for one plant in my PC case. My mom never even knew. I'm gonna sell it to all my high school buddies.

To contribute something to the topic, Palin is a quitter.


Well-Known Member
I'd quit too if I basically have to pay to work there.

15 filings and she beat them all.

Guess she's smarter than you thought, she did hire better lawyers after all lol.

what... huh?

Active Member
They tell you about the ethics investigations, but they don't say anything about it setting her back 500k. They just make it look like she can't handle the heat, so she's getting out of the kitchen. Bottom line is, if liberals don't like you, they will do everything in their power to get you out, no matter how underhanded and classless it is.
The tax payer foots the bill for congressional investigations. Prosecutorial and defense. It was one of the reasons she sited for leaving... spending millions defending her is a waste of money she says.

You don't pay out of pocket for that. She must mean that the house she had build with tax payer money, she now has to pay for. Could be coincidence... but they don't pay for lawsuits, unless perhaps they are civil.

These aren't.


New Member
Her husband and she actually come from the real world and owned and operated businesses....successfully. They earned that money..... horrors!


Well-Known Member
Her husband and she actually come from the real world and owned and operated businesses....successfully. They earned that money..... horrors!
She also had a site where anyone could donate up to $25 or something. She received a substantial amount from the website. Looking for an article now...