A poem

Grow Goddess

Well-Known Member
Came across this recently. I truly mean not to offend, have we gone off the deep end?

Medical Marijuana Blues

Battered my mind
Shattered my soul
Medical Marijuana has taken a toll

Fingers we point
Lies we have told
Medical Marijuana has made us cold

It is not all about smokin’
It is more than just tokin’
Medical Marijuana is really broken

It is not all about you
It is not all about me
Medical Marijuana is filled with greed

Complaining and whining
Demanding more and more
Medical Marijuana is making me sore

Trolling the forums
Has become the norm
Medical Marijuana has made me torn

Bending the rules
Just like in school
Medical Marijuana has been really cruel

Compassion is rare
Life is not fair
Medical Marijuana is full of despair

I thought I was smart
It has broken my heart
Medical Marijuana how did this start?

~ by Ganja Gal
Never seen an owl outside a zoo, you must be up north.

Sounds like good owl to have according to that link, unless a great horned owl moves in your area.
Never seen an owl outside a zoo, you must be up north.

Sounds like good owl to have according to that link, unless a great horned owl moves in your area.

Yes, live in Central Michigan area. There are Great Horned Owls in the area, but there is thousands of acres of forest around us. We are on a ten acre parcel. I know when they are around because the skunks will come up missing along with the occasional stray cat. :) Skunk is one of the Great Horned owl's favorite foods, and house cats. Never got lucky enough to get a picture of one though.

The pictures I have of the barred owl were taken with a security camera that I used to broadcast a live nature cam with.

Have even had Black Bear in the yard.
Never seen an owl outside a zoo, you must be up north.

Sounds like good owl to have according to that link, unless a great horned owl moves in your area.

Most are nocturnal and hunt at night brother. A 3ft standing bird with 6-7ft wing span dropping silently out of the night sky is quite a sight.

That is a tough looking bird theman, for now all I have is a nice big hawk, he wont let me get close but he bird dogs my bird feeders...not sure wat kind he is..but pretty large n very aloof.
I saw a Barred owl down in the Smokies. I was camping and took a late night drive with my buddy. The Barred owl had nailed something crossing the road and was sitting on the shoulder with it. We drove right next to it and I swear when it took off with its prey it seemed like just one huge wing beat and it was gone. Pretty impressive birds.
21 - Owl: Deception:joint:

Owl medicine is symbolically associated with clairvoyance, astral projection, andmagic, both black and white. Owl is called Night Eagle on several medicine wheels usedby Amerindian teachers. Traditionally, Owl sits in the East, the place of illumination.Since time immemorial, humanity has been afraid of the night, the dark, and the unseen -waiting fearfully for the first crack of morning light. Conversely, night is Owl's friend.
Owl hunts its prey at night. Not only can Owl see in the dark, it can alsoaccurately pinpoint and identify any should. This gives it a great advantage when seekingfood. Owls are the night hunters. Some native people are fearful of Own and call itsfeathers "deceiver feathers." An Owl feather is silent. You cannot hear Own when itflies, but its prey definitely knows when it strikes, for its beak and talons are razor sharp.
Owl is oftentimes the medicine of sorcerers and witches. If Owl is your medicine,you will be drawn to magical practices and perhaps explore the dark arts. You shouldresist any temptation to practice black magic or any art that takes energy away fromanother person or being. If you have Owl medicine, these night birds will have atendency to collect around you, even in the daytime, because they recognize a kinshipwith you.
Is it any wonder that in many cultures Owl is a symbol for wisdom? This isbecause Owl can see that which others cannot, which is the essence of true wisdom.Where others are deceived, Owl sees and knows what is there.
Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom, had a companion Owl on her shoulderwhich revealed unseen truths to her. Owl had the ability to light up Athena's blind side,enabling her to speak the whole truth, as opposed to only a half truth.
If Owl is your personal medicine, no one can deceive you about what they aredoing, no matter how they try to disguise or hide it from you. You may be a littlefrightening to be around, since so many people have ulterior motives which yousee rightthrough. If you are unaware of your medicine power, you may take your keen insightsand abilities for granted. Others never do. You may frighten them and reflect theirblindness, for you cannot be fooled. Owl medicine people know more about anindividual's inner life than that person know about herself or himself.
If you have pulled the Owl card, you are being asked to use your powers of keen,silent observation to intuit some life situation. Owl is befriending you and aiding you inseeing the total truth. Owl can bring you messages in the night through dreams ormeditation. Pay attention to the signals and omens. The truth always brings furtherenlightenment.

Medicine Cards: Owl

If you have Owl upside-down in your cards, you have been greatly deceived byeither yourself or another. Perhaps witch-craft or black magic is being used against you,or maybe you are using witchcraft or sorcery to aid you when you should be praying andasking the Great Spirit for guidance. The message is to befriend the darkness insideyourself. Look deeply, and soon the bright light of dawn will illuminate you. Then askyourself what you are in the dark about. How and by whom are you being deceived? Areyou being greatly deceived, or just slightly deceived? Owl tells you to keep an eye onyour property and your loved ones. Remember that Owl is always asking, "Who?"
Owl is a creature of the night and has been symbolically associated with wisdombecause it can see what others cannot. It is the only bird that flies in total silence.
As a power animal, Own encourages you to develop your intuitive abilities andinner senses, and to seek the knowledge that is hidden from most people. Owl is aprotector and will help you to discern more readily the motives and intentions of others,especially those who may attempt to deceive you or take advantage of you in some way.Owl also helps you to recognize that there is a dark side to your nature that should not beignored or repressed. You need to see that it is there so you can come to terms with it.
Owl is symbolic of discernment and the need to look out for deception. You haveto see to know. You have to know to see.
Honor intuition. Use discernment. Outsmart deception. Trust your first impressions.
Source: Sams, Jamie and Carson, David. Medicine Cards (Santa Fe: Bear and Company, 198

quoted from a shaman-

Owl is one of my totems...

Owl represents clairvoyance, clairaudience, astral projection and magic. Owl gives us the power to see that which is hidden to the naked eye...the ability to see in the darkness reveals things which bring great wisdom and knowledge. Many Shamans and mediums have owl as one of their totems.

The large eyes of these beautiful birds certainly seem to reflect an otherworldly knowledge and wisdom, their stare is direct and penetrating as though they see beyond the masks that are presented to them to the truths that lay beneath. Likewise, the one beside whom Owl journeys will be gifted with a higher wisdom. In some instances, this is reflected as one who has attained great academic heights in traditional educational systems and universities, yet more often than not, Owl Wisdom is forged via life experiences which are later transmuted into greater understanding. At times, this Wisdom is boldly shared and the two-legged blessed to have the companionship of this Totem will often be sought out for advice. At other times, this Wisdom is very circumspect with the human counterpart reticent to impart the depth of their Knowledge to others out of either a lack of self worth, or born in the sense that their Wisdom will not be fully understood or embraced, and so they chose to remain silent.

For the one beside whom Owl flies, the Gift of Wisdom is a life long quest and within the hearts and minds of these souls is a never-ending desire to know more. Often, they are voracious readers and will feel a little unbalanced when they are not entertaining their minds enough which may eventually manifest as physical and/or emotional ailments, hence it is vital for their sense of equilibrium to challenge their minds via new studies, reading stimulating books or taking up new endeavors that will later be fashioned from the base material of knowledge into applied principles that become another wellspring of Owl Wisdom.

The owl is the symbol of
the feminine, the moon and the night.
The owl is the bird of magic and darkness,
of prophecy and wisdom.

The owl is associated with Athena.

An owl totem gives you the power
to extract secrets.
Meditate on the owl and things will be revealed.
Listen to its voice inside of you.

Owl knows that all apparent manner of death is in fact a liberation into a new life. Something must first be cleared away for anything new to be born. When a person moves, leaves a job or relationship, has a baby, adopts a new animal friend, something in the old way of life had to die for the new to be created. At the time it may seem incredibly painful because we have been taught that death is an ending, not a new beginning, and that what is in the process of being born is always more beneficial than the old. The pain and grief is extended and heightened when we try to hang on to what was because we believe that s the best we would ever have. The unknown can seem dreadfully forbidding, how will we cope, who will be there if we stumble, what if we fail?

Owl can take us beyond those thoughts and fears, for Owl sees far into the future and knows that even after the darkest night there is a new dawn that is approaching. It is as inevitable as babies crying and of buds bursting for th from plants in the spring. From every death something new must emerge for life is ever renewing itself.

You will hear not what is being said by others, but what is hidden.
You can detect subtleties of voice that others cannot.
People cannot deceive a person who has an owl totem.

Owl people can see into the darkness of others souls.
Most owl people are clairvoyant because of this ability.
It can be very scary at times.
Learn to trust your instincts about people.​


personally I keep squirrel medicine and dog -
Nice^ I was told by an Indian lady that they like hawks n the hawk soaring in the sky when they buried her father means great things...n the coyote is the trickster.
One of the more sacred birds to me is the Crow. The natives believe that the Crow is a hawk transformed into a black crow that was granted the power to understand and speak the languages of all creatures. In other words, the creator can hear and see all through the crow.

Scientist have done many studies on the crow and many of their findings agree with native beliefs. They have proven to be one of the most intelligent creatures on earth. They seem to have photographic memories, able to share those memories, and great problem solving skills. Here is one interesting study, it explains why you might not want to piss one off! http://www.willamette.edu/people/archives/2010/02/crows.html you could possibly be hated across the state by all crows! Pretty interesting stuff. I have seen some pretty amazing articles about the crow's intelligence.

One thing I have experienced myself with the crow is it is more fearful of man than any other bird in my yard. It has taken nearly 8 years before the crows were willing to come near the feeders to eat the corn.