I learned to grow cannabis by watching YouTube vids by Bruce Bugbee, professor of Crop Physiology at Utah State University who holds one of the only Federal licenses to study Hemp and who has a contract with NASA to help them grow plants as efficiently as possible in outer space.
Dr. Bugbee recommended growing in a 50/50 mix of Peat and Vermiculite ammended with dolomitic lime and gypsum. I chose GH thee-part liquid nutes and a 3 gallon cloth pot and harvested 5 ozs of LA Confidential (ILGM) and 18g's of kief for my first grow after 15 1/2 weeks.
Today, I'm doing things differently. I use a 7 gallon cloth pot filled to the brim with Coast of Maine's Stonington Blend Grower's Mix. I ammend with their plant food, worm castings and fish bone meal according to their directions.
I pop my seeds in Peat pellets and as soon as I see the tap root emerge from the bottom of the pellet, I plant the seedling in the dead-center of the 7 gallon Stonington pot. This allows the tap root to drill straight down and anchor there, utilizing every inch of the available rich soil.
It now takes me about 3 1/2 months to harvest 14 to 17 ozs of frosty flower and 2 ozs of kief, which keeps me perfect for one full year - one seed = one year of cannabis consumption. Not too shabby.
IMO, you should get yourself some Stonington Blend to grow fantastic buds and lessen the workload of growing.
Dr. Bugbee recommended growing in a 50/50 mix of Peat and Vermiculite ammended with dolomitic lime and gypsum. I chose GH thee-part liquid nutes and a 3 gallon cloth pot and harvested 5 ozs of LA Confidential (ILGM) and 18g's of kief for my first grow after 15 1/2 weeks.
Today, I'm doing things differently. I use a 7 gallon cloth pot filled to the brim with Coast of Maine's Stonington Blend Grower's Mix. I ammend with their plant food, worm castings and fish bone meal according to their directions.
I pop my seeds in Peat pellets and as soon as I see the tap root emerge from the bottom of the pellet, I plant the seedling in the dead-center of the 7 gallon Stonington pot. This allows the tap root to drill straight down and anchor there, utilizing every inch of the available rich soil.
It now takes me about 3 1/2 months to harvest 14 to 17 ozs of frosty flower and 2 ozs of kief, which keeps me perfect for one full year - one seed = one year of cannabis consumption. Not too shabby.
IMO, you should get yourself some Stonington Blend to grow fantastic buds and lessen the workload of growing.