Well-Known Member
Hey zmb187!
Thankx for saying nice work so far, cause I’m truly trying to do the damn thing n I’m always scared I’m gonna do something wrong. So, I’m not trying to scare you, cause I’m a huge ass noob myself, but how much spore solution did you put in each jar? I’m sure everyone has their own preference on how much should go into a jar, but I was told that a qt size jar gets 2-3 ccs, where as a pint jar gets 1- 1.5cc. I hope someone with more experience chimes in n corrects me or just give their opinion on the subject. I also think doing more may cause the mycelium to stall out. As far as the 6-7 weeks, I myself had brf jars that took about that long 2 fully colonize, so I personally wouldn’t worry 2 much. I would just leave it alone n not even look at it for another week or so. I have read where ppl have left their jars for months on end either colonizing or already fully colonized n still allowed it to go longer than it should. My guess is the longer ya leave it, the more aggressive the myc will be once birth’d, but once again, I could be wrong! Honestly, the best thing you can do is be patient. 4 a dude like myself, it’s definitely hell having to have patient n waiting, but I had 2 learn real quick, cause there’s nothing that can be done to push mycelium along or make it go faster. Not 4 nothing, you’ll realize the best thing for them is time n you’ll notice more activity happening in the jars when you do leave’em alone n this is coming from a dude who knows nothing about patience! Lol. Regardless, keep doing what your doing zmb187 n give your cakes more n pure, unadulterated time. Lol.. Trust me, in the end, you’ll be truly satisfied! I just received a new spore print in the mail 2 day n although I’m dying to start noc’n up jars, I haven’t mentally figured out all that I plan on doing. I also made some Petri dishes with agar so I can take n make some cultures to do g2g, LC, n 2 attempt to isolate good genetics. We’ll see what’s the future holds, but in the meantime, continue with your work n remember to take pics whenever possible, that way we can live n share your experience! Lol
yup no prob tankado.... like to see success when barely starting .......yeah I don't have much room to devote to my project only starting 2 jars but wanted different strains for a personal grow .... I may have went lil heavy with the solution....I was looking to get a couple spots hit with a lil solution so ended up using a good cc on each.... I hear ya though ..may not be a speedy cake but hopefully potent mycelium .... yes been taking pic here and there ..and sure would like to show what comes up...... I'll be patient and let it do work......... looks clean and healthy though so happy so far......