A Little Help with when I should flower

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
To cut a long story short, I have 8 AK47 clones in a DWC system they had a hard start in life but are now happily Vegging for about 17 days.

I have a height limit, the plants can not grow taller than 1M.

So at what point should I Start to flower?

I will be doing my own research while I wait for a reply and I can post a couple of pics or any other infomation on request, if that helps.

Thanks ever so much for any help.

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
Hi, maybe this is in the wrong section.

Just wondering if anyone here knows how tall the plant should be when I start flowing if I want it to end up at around 2 - 3 feet tall?

I think they triple in size, depending on strain. anyone grown AK47, have any idea when i should change the lights?

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member

I want to make the most of my space and light.

I only have L 90CM x W 75CM and about 1M plant hight.

The biggest is 17cm, 3 are around 15cm, 3 are around 10cm and 1 is around 7cm.

The anouying thing is I can't really move them around to make the most of the light. I was going to wate untill the big one gets to 20CM then start flowering. Hoping that it will end up at 80cm?


Active Member
Ak-47 is mostly sativa so as a general rule it will triple in size when flowering starts. My suggestion to you it to to top the 17cm and 15cm ones. While they are healing the others will catch up. If you prefer 1 main cola then bend the top of the larger ones until they are level with the 10cm ones. Hold em in place with some rope/string. The tops will start to grow upwards again in a day. To get maximum yield you will want all plant to as close to the same height so u can keep the light as close to ALL the plants as possible. I would start flowering when they average 25cm. You should end up with them being from 70-90cm each.


Active Member
I would think any time now to a week, that you should start. Mine have been flowering 12 days and have really shot up, 1 - 2 inches a day, and they wont stop!


Well-Known Member
flower ur ak when theres about about 60in away from ur limit...start in a week or soo