A lil help at week 6-7 flowering....(PICS)


Well-Known Member
naa nothing at all its completley dark in that room.....so if the tiniest light comes threw like a light on a power strip even though the room is completley dark they slow down to a crawl?


Well-Known Member
Well a power strip prolly wouldnt be enough light but several things combined might cause a lot of development problems, hermies, ect.

One book i read claimed that the smallest light leak, that is barley visible could cause a %30 decrease in yield. Idk tho

... Fluffies.


Well-Known Member
well i changed my light scheduale so when they clicl off its totaly night outside lets hope it helps.....if theres any leaks its when the lights r on.....


cut some of your fan leaves and next cycle try advance nutrients they have a line of products that woeks great.. kep your res tem at 70 and c02 even a c02 boost bucket works good and it does not over do it..


Well-Known Member
if i cut my fam leaves will the plant not get fed threw the lights....isnt the fan leaves important?


Active Member
if i cut my fam leaves will the plant not get fed threw the lights....isnt the fan leaves important?

Yes they are important, dont know why he's telling you to cut them. You can also stress them out that way. I would though cut the small folage at the base of your canopy that doesnt get enough light, they may be hogging the energy from your plant. I mean small branches that wount shoot up in time and will only grow popcorn buds. But dont do it yet, give your plant some time. Are they bag seeds? If they are you dont know the genetics which mean they could be more sativa and are just growing fine, sativas are known to take more time. Some start off small and they start to swell nearing harvest. Mine started off looking like yours and now they are taking off nicely. Another thing is do you have proper ventilation for them? I had my fan off when the lights went off but since my cab was humid on lights off they where kinda sufficating, since then I have them on fan 24/7, I saw a noticeable difference within 48 hours. Take some pics of your roots. Ill try to help as best you can and since I have had this same thing happen to me maybe I can help you better than the random person leaving disinterested comments. Get back to me with those pics.


Active Member
Whats your nitrogen level like? High nitrogen can delay flowering and your leaves look a real dark green. Im not saying its the cause but it may help. I agree with everyone that says flush.

When in doubt, flush it out


Well-Known Member
I dont know why it would help but u can CUT fan leaves, just dont pull them... cut the leaf in half.


Active Member
If you have a fan maybe turn it off while you do the CO2. Keep us posted I am curious about whats going on. GL


Well-Known Member
ill get that pic of the roots for ya tommorow when the lights turn on.....i have 2 fans running and also i have a window open at all times pulling in fresh air and also pulling out the old air.....i just recieved my chiller and i need tohook that up hopefully that can help if i figure out how to use it....but they look the same no change.....tons of nugs with white pistols slightly a few have red pistols turning but not many....nothing dense and fat as i see in pics and in my research....no light leaking in since i changed the lights to beig on in the sun and off when its night out....

my leaves are dark green no burns no courling fan leaves no deficiancy sighs at all.....i have cut all the lower branches as i put them in and when they grew taller i hate the little useless branches lol....raised my ppms to 1200 hopeing that they might need more food i was at 700-800 but flushed and raised it up.....the only thing i can think about is my res temp.....but at this point im ready to cut and start again cause im getting a lil frustrated, but yet again i dont want to lol....

ill post more pics tommorow thnx for all the help much appreciated.....


Well-Known Member
oh ya i forgot....topping off my res its a 25gal res every day to everyother day with 5-10 gallons....is that good? is that bad? does this mean i am doing something right......lol thnx....


Well-Known Member
luie what size chiller did you get? how much? man id like to buy one to run a icebox and get rid of my ac and all the fucking duct! did you get anything for your roots? hygromyze and my chiller is the only reason my stuff is still alive. did you get the right gph pump for chiller? put a ball valve off the pump to dial the best flow for your chiller bro. good luck ps if you want to see how bad i fucked up a grow, ive got a thread in the aero section with pics,nice!


Active Member
ill get that pic of the roots for ya tommorow when the lights turn on.....i have 2 fans running and also i have a window open at all times pulling in fresh air and also pulling out the old air.....i just recieved my chiller and i need tohook that up hopefully that can help if i figure out how to use it....but they look the same no change.....tons of nugs with white pistols slightly a few have red pistols turning but not many....nothing dense and fat as i see in pics and in my research....no light leaking in since i changed the lights to beig on in the sun and off when its night out....

my leaves are dark green no burns no courling fan leaves no deficiancy sighs at all.....i have cut all the lower branches as i put them in and when they grew taller i hate the little useless branches lol....raised my ppms to 1200 hopeing that they might need more food i was at 700-800 but flushed and raised it up.....the only thing i can think about is my res temp.....but at this point im ready to cut and start again cause im getting a lil frustrated, but yet again i dont want to lol....

ill post more pics tommorow thnx for all the help much appreciated.....
Yea also since we are both using General Hydroponics I would like to know whats your feeding ratio? I mean what are you feeding it right now? How many tsp of Micro, Bloom and Grow are you feeding them right now per gallon? Also someone made a comment about High nitrogen levels delaying flowering. Yea I have heard of this being the case. Take pics new pics of your leafs (maybe cut one of the fan leafs off so we can get a good look at in a neutral color light against a white background) Also what are the genetics, i dont know if you answered it yet, but that could really help alot, also (Yea this is alot of questions but trying to help) when did you started to count your flowering period start? I mean you said its about 6-7 weeks flowering, is that 6-7 weeks from the start that you switched to 12/12? Is this your first grow? Hope I can help you out dude, would love some good karma on my side right about now...

What ever you do, dont KILL YOUR PLANTS! Other than that they look good!


Well-Known Member
ok what i did was i got my best clones they didnt have a good root set but i finagled the beagle the best i could and threw them im my aero system,now from that case i figured the day i put them in i imediatly put them on 12/12. it took about a week to see some trics starting, oh ya im doing dp blueberry.anyway i have about a 25-30 gal res so what i did was i added the usual amount per gallon 1 grow 2 microw 3 bloom of gh and i thoughts that what i had to do. my ppm meter cam in the mail.....big mistake i was around 2k ppm.what i should have done was start them at 2-300 ppm and i think 300 is a little high. so i got alot of verticl growth and topped some of my plants to stop them from being monsters. that worked well but i had a ton of bud sites everywere but no growth on them. so started talking about my res temp that i didnt know about....

it was running about 85 degrees so someone suggested i freeze pepsi bottles and cool it down, so i did a flush lowered my ppms till about 400 with great sized plants and then waited about 4 days, they jumped like new growth everywere.So now everything has been going great i have new buds looking awesome but not too dense as i anticipated. im still freezing pepsi bottles but i just recieved a chiller and i was baked when i ordered itrbut i didnt oreder the pump with it cause i was too excited and i just hit pay now like a tard.

so now i have to do that and wait another week for ups, but no this isnt my first grow this is about my third but not in this type of system.but right now im fucked up again so dodnt mind me if i spell fucked up....lol.....hit me back if u missed anything or i left anything out....


Well-Known Member
oh ya shit i knew i was a mess......my leaves are real dark green they look very very very healthy no burn no curling nothing bad....fuck it i took pics anyway i fucked up thi bad for now....i think in pick three it liooked like it was topped but i got alot of new growth and its getting taller.....i dont know im at a lose for words lol...



Active Member
oh ya shit i knew i was a mess......my leaves are real dark green they look very very very healthy no burn no curling nothing bad....fuck it i took pics anyway i fucked up thi bad for now....i think in pick three it liooked like it was topped but i got alot of new growth and its getting taller.....i dont know im at a lose for words lol...
Well 2 Micro and 3 Bloom per gallon is about right with the GH standard nutes for your age of plants. And seeing its not high Nitrogen because of what your feeding it I would say I am suspecting your roots. Stunted roots WILL cause slow bud growth. I had one plant with bad root rot and she was severly stunted but now she is comming along. Which means it might if thats the case you have to wait till your plant throw out new roots. Still would love a pic of those roots I asked for earlier. That might help me help you. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
ok pup first pic is from a smaller plant i could get up the roots arent that bigon it but i dont think its root rot.....the second is from one of the monsters and i could onmy get it up a few inches. in my stsem the roots tend to intertwine with the other plants....but i have to tell ya i am topping off my res with atleast 5-10 gallons of fresh water a day mostly every morning.....

this is were in stuck there drinking alot the roots look great plenty of light....and if there drinking there must be takeing up the nutes also...which i have no burn no deficiancy, but just no major bud growth? im still stumped.....



Active Member
ok pup first pic is from a smaller plant i could get up the roots arent that bigon it but i dont think its root rot.....the second is from one of the monsters and i could onmy get it up a few inches. in my stsem the roots tend to intertwine with the other plants....but i have to tell ya i am topping off my res with atleast 5-10 gallons of fresh water a day mostly every morning.....

this is were in stuck there drinking alot the roots look great plenty of light....and if there drinking there must be takeing up the nutes also...which i have no burn no deficiancy, but just no major bud growth? im still stumped.....
Did you say plenty of light? Where you referring to the roots getting light? Well I didnt think it was root rot with your plants, just stunted roots. Which means your roots aren't quite yet of adequate size to push out tons of buds fast. Know with my roots had 2 problems, one was constant high humidity in the root system and light hitting the roots. Roots dont like very high humidity, makes them less efficient in obtaining nutes for the rest of the plant. Kinda slows them down, and of course i dont think I have to mention why they dont like light. I really think they will start to take off in like 2 weeks, I noticed that in some strains the plant pops out small buds first, then those buds swell and produce other buds around them and before you know it you have huge fuckin buds! Just takes time with some strains, like the little bitches I have, they still have little buds everywhere but the main cola is now starting to swell very noticablely sideways. Bulking up. Also thinking of getting a carbo-load stimulant and a stilumlent for my roots for next grow. Seen some friends do some amazing things with those expensive bottles. Good luck man, Ill keep looking in but I say give them a week or 2 more and see if you see them jumping at you. Also some strains yield better than others. Like the notorious Big Bud strain!


Well-Known Member
thnx man i appreciate all the info.....i had great main colas but then they started to fucking grow again....i dont know im gonna wait another week if nothing happens im gonna chop then salvage what i have and then reapply everything i have learned on this post which was greatly helpfull.....and the roots arent getting any loght at all theye are all hidden away in the dark.....so another week and its chopsville ivewasted too much time already to go another time to succedd trial and error baby....thnx again much appreciated to u and everyone else....


Well-Known Member
hey floyd u were right i got major swelling going on on my lower buds retartedly....i woke up this morning took a peek and shit they swelled up...

i think blueberry needs alot of co2 bursts since i have hit them twice in 2 days with ut and i see alot of improvement.....

check em out i took a few pics and these r my lower nugs...:eyesmoke:

