5 gal ice washer, 220 micron zipcro bag. let dry shake sit in the ice water (ice in the zipper bag too) for atleast 20 mins before agitating, only agitate 15 mins the first run. I drain into 220 micron, 120, 73, and 25. I'm planning on buying a 160 micron bag to clean it up even further, and possibly a 90micron because I hear the 90 micron is good to separate out and smoke separately.
I have the money so I'll make the decision on monday whether or not to order 2 new bags

. I figure might as well while I have the money right. clean up my process even more than it already is.
after I collect the hash I grate it up with a card very carefully to make it as powdered as possible, then I let it dry for a good 24 hours. most of the time my hash is dry within 15 hours of grating it up, so usually by then I'll stick the whole plate it was drying on on top of a computer monitor to slowly heat it up and then I scrape the bubble off with a dabber tool and put it in the jar
maybe I should invest in a micro-plane so I can grate it up better, or maybe I just need to spend more time at it. but I'm pretty sure in the small pieces I grate it up to it dries 100%.
so I guess the secret is in my attention to details? lol