A Kush Lovers Thread


Well-Known Member
a gift from a friend ;). i had 3 males when i started the last grow one of them was fuelly rotten. i have bad luck with this strain hopefully i get some girls.


Well-Known Member

Need some help on this one. I went outside to water my ladies and this is what I woke up to. Its only one branch but why did it die off so bad and fast? Her medium wasnt even dry and its the only branch on the whole plant that did that? Any advice.



Well-Known Member
Yep for those stragglers of weeds that pop up. I didnt lock my gate cause it was trash day. I woke up with this fucker in my yard spraying the weeds. I told him he needs to knock or ring my bell before coming in my yard cause I do have a gun and I will defend my turf! He looked at me all crazy, he is a very old man. He said, no problemo amigo!


Well-Known Member
A bacteria or girdling roots would be my two guesses. The second one is caused by rootballs that are too dense which could certainly be the case. whatever it is it occurred at the root level or damn close to it.


Well-Known Member
Keep an eye on it FMILY, look around the bottom and along the main stems. Lookin for fusarium wilt.

But more likely, ole boy hit em with the spray. Which, would be better than fusarium.

Either way, I'd lop that branch off and call it a loss.
Then, if it was weed killer maybe head it off before it gets to the roots.


Well-Known Member
Ha, I see now that you did separate that branch from the plant.
Funny how we miss those "little things" ;)


Well-Known Member
I think my plant is taking a turn for the worse. I really dont know whats going on. A lot of leaves are fallen off her now and looking all droopy! Damn I might have to cull it!