A hostess bakery worker has his say

haha 48k for stuffing fucking Twinkies and you expect it to last, I don't know what's more sad that they have to spend the holiday without a job or the fact 18 thousand people were too fucking stupid to see this coming.

yeah those idiots, totally got what they deserved.........
First of all Domino's pizza is a franchise. Second utter bullshit it averages about 15k hell drivers can out earn them. So you might find dumb ass in NY that might pay 50k but he's a fucking idiot. http://www.careerleak.com/salaries/dominos-pizza/manager/
Yea you doofus, your link is for Burton, Michigan. Nice try though. Notice on your link on the same page it says an Applebees manager makes 40k? Here's the real Dominos salaries: Salary: Store managers are qualified to get basic pay within the range of $25,000 to $70,000 http://www.myjobapps.com/dominos-pizza-manager-salary/ Sorry a fast food manager makes more than you with a degree, no wonder you're in denial.
Yea you doofus, your link is for Burton, Michigan. Nice try though. Notice on your link on the same page it says an Applebees manager makes 40k? Here's the real Dominos salaries: Salary: Store managers are qualified to get basic pay within the range of $25,000 to $70,000 http://www.myjobapps.com/dominos-pizza-manager-salary/ Sorry a fast food manager makes more than you with a degree, no wonder you're in denial.
Nice cherry pick statistic(which gives a very broad range with no data) like I assumed you would do but lets look at the real averages of Domino's. No fucking way you're going to convince people Domino's managers make 50-75k a year. I bet you can count on both hands how many make that much nationwide. On a nation wide scale 23k is the average http://www.simplyhired.com/a/salary/search/q-Domino's+Pizza another 13-24k http://www.glassdoor.com/Hourly-Pay/Domino-s-Pizza-Delivery-Hourly-Pay-E2770_D_KO9,23.htm managers around 36k and as low as 12k http://www.careerbliss.com/salary/dominos-pizza-salaries-268471/
Well I say fuck unions. I'd rather go back to a one man show than fucking entertain that kind of bullshit in my shop. I'll just keep it all and say fuck creating jobs for someone who's just going to try to dig deeper into my pockets than what their labor is worth. 50k to work in a factory making shitty donuts and cupcakes. Holy shit, did they have to suck cock too or were they just getting paid that for the donut gig?!

There had to be massive BJ orgys going on cause they had to be earning it some how.

I always wondered how they got the "filling" in there.
Oh well, as long as they got what they wanted. I am sure they were wanting a new job. That is why they were quitting instead of striking.
First of all Domino's pizza is a franchise. Second utter bullshit it averages about 15k hell drivers can out earn them. So you might find dumb ass in NY that might pay 50k but he's a fucking idiot. http://www.careerleak.com/salaries/dominos-pizza/manager/

When I drove for Dominos(over 20 years ago), the owner of the store owned 4 of them. The managers pay scale and bonuses were set up the same at all 4. The manager at the store with the least sales made over $30,000/year. The manager at the busiest of the 4 made over $80,000/year.

The guy managing for $80,000/year was about 25 and barely finished high school......over 20 years ago.
i started in management when i was 18, with no college, making $18,000. within 6 years i was making $140,000. keep reaching, dont settle for just making it. you make it happen.
When I drove for Dominos(over 20 years ago), the owner of the store owned 4 of them. The managers pay scale and bonuses were set up the same at all 4. The manager at the store with the least sales made over $30,000/year. The manager at the busiest of the 4 made over $80,000/year. The guy managing for $80,000/year was about 25 and barely finished high school......over 20 years ago.
I drove for them back in the early 90's and with bonuses our store manager easily cleared over 80k a year, and this was in Colorado, not NYC. But he was there 12 hours a day 6 days a week.
I drove for them back in the early 90's and with bonuses our store manager easily cleared over 80k a year, and this was in Colorado, not NYC. But he was there 12 hours a day 6 days a week.

i work to live, not the other way around.

i USED to. No more.
Good for the execs. Unions suck. Hopefully more companies liquidate rather than suck union cock. Then just move production over seas. Corporations have you all by the short hairs. Ban corporations and unions.
You really are one dumb cluck aren't you? You have canned sayings which befit your tiny mind.
I drove for them back in the early 90's and with bonuses our store manager easily cleared over 80k a year, and this was in Colorado, not NYC. But he was there 12 hours a day 6 days a week.
The one I was talking about is in a suburb of Minneapolis. With the loss of market share and the decline of quality of Dominos, I'm positive that the current manager doesn't make that now.

If there was ever a company that deserved to go under....it's Dominos Pizza.
The one I was talking about is in a suburb of Minneapolis. With the loss of market share and the decline of quality of Dominos, I'm positive that the current manager doesn't make that now.
Maybe, I have no idea. But back then they didnt have this $2.50 'delivery fee' which I guess the drivers don't even get, so now the stores basically get free labor.
Today the median salary for an attorney is 75k. So your telling me in the 80s you make 80k delivering pizza. That's what around 45bucks an hour? Were you sucking people off or slinging coke on each drop? I know the sarcasm but what was is back then 4bucks an hour? That's like 416 hrs a week. You guys have seen some pretty incredible shit. Funny the pizza place managers I have seen live in mama's basement.
Today the median salary for an attorney is 75k. So your telling me in the 80s you make 80k delivering pizza. That's what around 45bucks an hour? Were you sucking people off or slinging coke on each drop? I know the sarcasm but what was is back then 4bucks an hour? That's like 416 hrs a week. You guys have seen some pretty incredible shit. Funny the pizza place managers I have seen live in mama's basement.
No numbnuts, I said the manager made that. Learn some basic reading comprehension skills.