A grow journal, nuff said.


Active Member
I would be a happy bunny if my tent looked like that, please fill us in!

Looks like a scrog, how many plants was in there? (was it 8 like inya said my thread?)
Did ya top em n remove lower growth?
Hydro or soil?
Container size?

Sorry 4 all the stupid questions, just I want a tent full of buds like that!


Well-Known Member
It was 9 plants in 12 litre buckets (orange B&Q ones)
In soil (plagron batmix) layered with clay hydro pebbles, about 50/50 mix
I bent them over when they were young to get the lower branches as tall as the main stem, each plant had around 7 main branches.
I did clear away a lot of the lower foliage so the air could circulate under them.
i got about 17 oz from that, it woulda been more but i timed it badly and had to chop it early coz i was going on holiday. i took it at 7 weeks 5 days. I reckon if had let them go for 10 weeks it would of been nearer 25oz. You live and learn lol
if ther is anything else you wanna know, just ask mate. I'm still a relative noob though

mr west

Well-Known Member
how can u post pics like that up and call yaself a noob oscar uve been at it as long as me and get better results lol. Need to go up shop so i can pot on the livers


Active Member
m8, your buds put most to shame! lovin the colour's! :weed:

Ya dont look like a noob to me, thats true high grade!


Well-Known Member
I've said it before and i'll say it again lol, its the plant that does all the work. If you have the right plants they'll look after you as much as you look after them.
I'll do an update with pics soon, its that livers at 6 weeks which is gonna be my last plant for while. I'm sure gonna miss growing. It seems to like having a 600w all to itself. It looks like its gonna be a hefty producer but it doesn't seem to be as trichome encrusted as the cheese but its no slouch though lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
stuck a liver in my bedroom tent tpo be switched on friday, an so it begins lol, cant wait for it to start showing lol.


Active Member
lol, to start swelling, looks fat to me!

such a strange colour, is it the trichomes that are purple?


Well-Known Member

I can't wait for it to start swelling. I got a feeling its gonna go mental lol
new page bump.

i haven't noticed any purple on this one. It should start swelling and looking like frozen peas in the next week or so, i hope lol
It kinda smells like psychosis but different lol


Well-Known Member
Its defo old, i read on icmag that its at least as old as cheese. From what i read it most likely an old northern lights

mr west

Well-Known Member
lol, We'll see what ur feeling after a good sesh on it, i recon its gonna be heeady but i am stoned so blah lol.


Well-Known Member
I aint gonna be smoking smoking any until after june anyway but at least it'll be cured nicely by then. I've got my annual medical/drug test at work at the end of june FFS so i can't smoke anything for at least 5 weeks before FFS


Well-Known Member
If i can't smoke it then nobody can lol i'm taking my ball home
Show us a pic of yours, i wanna see how its getting on