A grow journal, nuff said.


Well-Known Member
I've been smoking cheese for a week or so now and the smell and taste is sooooo nice, the high is awesome too. Once you've grown it you'll wanna do another run with it straight away, i know i did lol


Well-Known Member
I have lol, i'll know if i've got seeds soon, The genetics are good but we'll see. Brad pitt and angelina jolie could have an ugly kid so i might get some freaky plants if i even get seeds lmao


Well-Known Member
Thats about the most detailed pic i've taken with my crappy camera. Thats a cheese thats 2 days 12/12, its been topped quite a few times and i've let it recover but i hope it don't get too big



Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahaha pleased i scrolled down i was thinking WOW thats a lot of trichs for 2 days in 12/12 im doing something wrong! haha looks a treat man!


Well-Known Member
If we are using household items as a unit of measurement, i'd say it is roughly the size of a bog (without the pot) lmao


Well-Known Member
Is it a plastic looking one? Noisy ballast? mine have never even squeaked lol
yeah it looks like black plastic with maxibright in big white letters. well i say noisy, it has a slight buzzing noise and when compared to my mates silent one it sounds noisy.
how's that liver's clone getting on oscar? :bigjoint:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man i had the same problem with mine when i first got it to the point where i phoned and asked if it was meant to be the temp of molten lead and smelling like a burning wheelie bin.

apparently that's the norm it doesn't get cooler but the smell will go.
yo...i didnt read this whole thing, but i got to the point where someone asked if they should buy a CO2 setup and were told no because it was a small setup.

Although it may take longer to recover the initial setup cost of CO2 in a smaller setup, the cost to run such a setup, needing to enrich such a small amount of air, would only cost pennies a day to run and refills of CO2 would be very infrequent. if you use CO2 Properly expect 20-40%| more out of your space, provided it is lit properly