A grow journal, nuff said.


Active Member
Buds are fuckin huge and looking great. Mine are starting to fill in nicely now! i cant wait to set up my veg for my next grow. SOON ENOUGH!

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
At least you've got the 2 strains readily available and if i manage to keep a mum alive i will too, have i mentioned that i'm well chuffed to have such rare genetics lol
Your chuffed now wait till you smoke some, I can only vouch for the cheese :eyesmoke: :eyesmoke: as the fairy hasn't blessed me with phycosis, :mrgreen: going to make my own just trying to get a male red hair skunk Iv got 8 seeds so 1 got to be a male.


Well-Known Member
Man that e-cheese and psyco must be growing on the sides of the roads over there in the good ol' UK!
Every ones gettin an hand full. Rare indeed!

...I'm just jealous lol.

I think that JF is gonna fill out really nicely for you Oscar.
Watch her do her thing ;)


Well-Known Member
I think "fairy" is a bit harsh lol.
The short JF is starting to get a nice coat of sugar and the other two are just getting bigger. I think the short one is gonna be the best pheno at this stage anyway, its JF2 nudge nudge wink wink lmao.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah loving the in bath pic man! usually the trade off of low yield is exceptional taste. i think you'll be pleasantly battered :lol:


Well-Known Member
pleasently battered ..... awesome play on the wrods DGT .... and I agree ... yield might be less but taste and quality will be off the scale. Walk on!!~~

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
man im super stoked ive got 5 DQ at about a little under foot another couple weeks n they'll be cloned and in flower



Well-Known Member
oh yea .... I wanna start some more dq seeds .... but I'll have to wait a few weeks/months to let the schedule of other stuff accommodate that effort .... good luck with urs .... !!:peace::peace::peace:
man im super stoked ive got 5 DQ at about a little under foot another couple weeks n they'll be cloned and in flower



Well-Known Member
not me ... a cool dark place .... I bought my top 44 seeds in October 2006 .... didn't use then until late 2007 .... and still popped the last ones this spring in May .... (I think I was pretty lucky though actually ... ) :eyesmoke:
Do all you fellaz keep your seeds in the fridge?