A grow journal, nuff said.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
lol,that is just dumb on his behalf to show you his op

LOL, yea stay the hell away from that guy. He is getting busted any day now. He works at the hydro store and he's growing and he's showing it to random customers:o
I don't know about you guys but here in the States the tensions around the hydro store run pretty deep. No one wants to say shit to anybody for fear of undercover narco BS. We all grow tomatoes. For something like that to happen here would be extremely sketchy.


Well-Known Member
That guy doesn't actually work at the hydro shop, he was a customer, I thought he was full of shit coz he was openly bragging to me about his op but he came up with the goods and his op was pretty spot on, he only showed me his veg room (thats ok then lol..) and the mothers DID look like my jh's during veg.
The guys who work in the shop would throw you're arse out of there if you dared to even mention a "tomato"


Well-Known Member
My new gang. I got the other 3 off "that bloke" but i walked to meet him and made treble sure no fucker was following me. I'm fucking knackered i ain't walked that far for ages!! I can veg them for a week and flower 'em for 9 1/2 should be enough, I hope..


mr west

Well-Known Member
As long as he dont know ur name or where u live u should be fine lol. Looks like they got some good roots starting.


Well-Known Member
He knows my number (unregistered p.a.y.g.) and i gave a moody first name. They are pretty healthy Westy, I just hope they are the real deal they are supposed to be jack herer.
I've potted them into some little pots now.
Does anyone know if the cfls(2 18w) are better than a 600w HPS for vegging, common sense tells me to go with the HPS for sheer power but i've read the spectrum of cfls is better for veg (time is an issue).
Some pics. Nutes are root stim, bio biz grow and some foliar feed which i used last time and the plants erupted! Oh yeah and the plants lol..



New Member
if you go with the cfl's your going to have to keep the distance right and make more alterations to keep it in the right spot, they are a little weak in power to be vegging with compared to others i see but you can get nice tight nodes with cfl's when you veg but you do get slower growth than under a hid,

if your hps is an enhanced spectrum bulb then veg with that, its not that far away from an enhanced mh bulb

mr west

Well-Known Member
i would go with the hps man more lumins means more growth, if ur worried bout them not getting enough blue spectrum stik the cfls in as well.


Well-Known Member
Cheers guys, the bulb i got the other day is a dual spectrum HPS. Good idea Westy i will put the cfls in there too.


Well-Known Member
A few new pics.
Do you guys think I'd be better off using one of the weeks I have for vegging or using it for flowering? I say this coz i think they may be a bit small to start flowering. I'll start 12/12 in 2 days if you guys think they are big enough.
I could've got away with 9 weeks with my jh's but as you know these ain't my jh's.
I really hope they are jh coz i'd hate spending all this time and effort to end up with something crappy.
Sorry about the quality of the pics, I took 'em with my phone, I should get a decent camera.



Well-Known Member
I've been really struggling temps since i got a new bulb (??) so i had no option but to try one of those cooltube thingys. It cost me £45 and hasn't made that much difference but its made some difference.
The shade you get with it is crap so i had to butcher my old one and bolt it on the cooltube.


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I have to believe that it made a pretty big difference in the temperature directly under the light. Maybe the ambient temperature in the room only went down a couple degrees but I have found that the extra layer of glass between the bulb and the plants really helps out. Looks good man. Nice job.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I missed them. so i went back and retrieved 'em from their out side home and brought them back inside.
I can give them 8 1/2 weeks, I've put them on 12-12 now.
They didn't seem to mind there brief outside stay in fact they enjoyed it (I hope).



Well-Known Member
In the buckets I've layered the clay pebbles and soil to let the roots get some oxygen. Is that a good idea?

mr west

Well-Known Member
well the roots need O2 so i cant see it being a bad thing Osca, u might have to water more tho.


Well-Known Member
I don't mind the watering. I just need 'em to grow quick and thought I'd give it a go.
I'm also thinking about getting some sort of CO2 set up. Does anyone know anything about how you do it and if its worth doing on such a small setup?

mr west

Well-Known Member
Its prolly notworth it with a small grow, its grows of 20+plants in the same room that benifit from co2 being added to the air in the grow space. imo.

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
If your growing an oak tree then co2 would help also if your running hi temps 88f plus otherwise its not worth the hassel, theres loads of it in the air anyway.
I tryed a home made yeast & sugar mixture, it made a small amount of growth improvement but not enough for me to bother with again.


Well-Known Member
Cheers guys, I don't think I'll bother with it then.
I've just done my dodgy taping thing again so the plants are almost horizontal now, one of them looks like it'll have 8+ decent tops on it, They've been flowering 2 days now. And the adventure begins again!! I'll put some pics up in a few days I'm busy as hell atm..