Dolce Vita
Active Member
I'll read it. I'm headed out of country soon and need some reading for the trip.

I'll read it. I'm headed out of country soon and need some reading for the trip.
Cool ... but Beck's book is a really fast read. In the spirit of cooperation, I'd like to suggest that you take this one along also. I think you'd really enjoy it.I'll read it. I'm headed out of country soon and need some reading for the trip.
The same person who is so transparently against Obama while trying to claim it's just his ideology? I was listening to his show the other day and he was sharply critising Obama for not bailing CIT out for a second time. When last year just before the November elections he was the one saying NOT to bail out anyone, AT ALL. He said let them go out of bussiness so stronger bussinesses can take their places. Cool thing is he won't take callers who call him out on his bullshit, and when they do get through he argues something completely different so he can feel like he wins.Hey guys this thread is a place to discuss Glenn Beck's ideas. please no name calling and back up your claims if you want to be takes seriously.
i agree with him when he says no bailouts at all! if a company is going to fail we should let them. the deal with citi is that 99.9% of small business is financially backed by them. and glens problem is that the government bailed out BIG business and ignores small business. if obama wanted to fix the economy he should bail out small business before big business. it just goes to show the mindset of the current administrationThe same person who is so transparently against Obama while trying to claim it's just his ideology? I was listening to his show the other day and he was sharply critising Obama for not bailing CIT out for a second time. When last year just before the November elections he was the one saying NOT to bail out anyone, AT ALL. He said let them go out of bussiness so stronger bussinesses can take their places. Cool thing is he won't take callers who call him out on his bullshit, and when they do get through he argues something completely different so he can feel like he wins.
i agree with the part about glenn, but bill o'riley does put a spin on some things. ok, i am an independent thinker, i support some democratic views and some republican. and i think o'riley's coverage of tillers murder was a classic republican spin. but you know, hes cable news's #1 man in the ratings for some reason lolOn a side note I still feel like sometimes he has some good thoughts, and his programs can be great starting points for people who are less interested in being fed an agenda, and then researching it further on their own, Bill O'Rieley is good at giving the facts without spinning it for someone, guess that's why he calls it the "No Spin Zone."
i agree with him when he says no bailouts at all! if a company is going to fail we should let them. the deal with citi is that 99.9% of small business is financially backed by them. and glens problem is that the government bailed out BIG business and ignores small business. if obama wanted to fix the economy he should bail out small business before big business. it just goes to show the mindset of the current administration
i agree with the part about glenn, but bill o'riley does put a spin on some things. ok, i am an independent thinker, i support some democratic views and some republican. and i think o'riley's coverage of tillers murder was a classic republican spin. but you know, hes cable news's #1 man in the ratings for some reason lol
No he's not, that's bullshit that he says every single show. Do you really think that if you were on top, and oh so far ahead in the ratings, like OReilly claims every single show, you'd need to say the same shit... every single show? Of course not. Not to mention ratings don't mean a damn thing to begin with, do you know how many times I turn it on Fox News just to see the outrageous bullshit propaganda they're spitting this time? Wonder how many other people do the exact same shit.
OReilly is by far the most biased asshole on any of those commentary shows.
From where I sit it looks like this;
From most extreme to most centered-
All of them are totally biased, but Olbermann and Madow don't make total asses of them selves 100% of the time like the rest do. They're also biased, clearly leaning left, but the left wing propaganda they spit doesn't measure up to the rest of the stooges at all.
I'd take the daily show over any of these asshats anyday.
okay, so you hate fox news with a passion, we get it, good for you. let me ask you what you think ofspecial report with bret baier? is that bias?
ive heard him say we need legalization of weed!
*Raises hand*do you know how many times I turn it on Fox News just to see the outrageous bullshit propaganda they're spitting this time? Wonder how many other people do the exact same shit.
agreed. i think i've seen him pick out more corruption in politics than any actual news channel.I'd take the daily show over any of these asshats anyday.
I don't know if I should be pleased by that, or scared, another person that has the brutality of prose to match my own. I wonder if the world is ready for that, especially whereas he has the fame to bring people back in line with the meaning of being human, instead of continuing to act like domesticated animals that are kept alive through the voluntary servitude of the State that they continue to worship like a God, despite the very real factor that they are continuing to trade their liberties for perceived safety?Because Glenn Beck IS talking about the real issues ... everyday on his radio show and on his television show.
Pick up Beck's latest book "Common Sense," Brutal. I just finished it. It reads as though you wrote it.
Beck is just an entertainer. His crying is seriously un-fucking-believable. anyone who believes that shit needs to unplug the TV.
Becks anti-911 truth movement really pushed it over the edge for me. Calling every truther a terrorist and saying we are cheering on murderers... makes no sense. We question because we want the best for this country...[youtube]lmlR17Y8OQM[/youtube]
Compare the 2 videos.
Great post man!Why get specific? All the people who ramble on about liberal media this, or mainstream media that don't get that specific, nor do I think they actually watch news stations other than Fox anyway.
I can't give any opinion of the big three, CBS, ABC, NBC because i don't watch them. But i do watch the cable news channels and switch around a lot. In my opinion Fox is the most full of shit. Not because their news is bad or a right wing bias. But because they devote so much time going out of their way to tell you they aren't. Every commercial break it's in your face "Fair and Balanced" or "We Report, You Decide". Then bash other networks for being "Liberal". MSNBC for example is without a doubt liberal bias. But at least they don't sit around running promos all night trying to say they aren't. Meanwhile you got Beck, O'Reilly, and Hannity lying through their teeth every night about how fair and balanced they are as if they aren't hard right stooges. Right wing bias is fine if you just admit it, or at least stop so much trying to deny it.
In my honest opinion, CNN is the most center of the cable news networks. Unfortunately they are also the most boring. Which is why I flip around between Fox and MSNBC despite the bias.
The reason you don't see conservative politicians going on left leaning programs is because they know they'll get their ass handed to them. Especially with a show like Countdown, every conservative politician knows they're not getting invited on because of their good idea, so why would they put themselves through that? They'd just sit there and get grilled, but check this out, you ever notice how when one of them actually does have the balls to make an appearance, NONE of the hosts mute their mic or cut them off, they all let them make their point then have some other guest counter it or make a different point, it's civil, it's debate. Contrast that with Fox, BIG difference! Whenever a liberal shows up on one of those shows, which you already admitted is often enough, and makes a good point, the host either yells over them or mutes them entirely, totally childish, immature shit that's embarrassing to anyone working at Fox.What station, other than Fox, consistently has guests from both sides of the aisle in their debates?
I beg to differ i will not lie i do not know whole lot about Mr.Beck but from what i have seen from watching his shows and clips he seems to very much support our cause.I am with you 100% on that! I don't think Mr. Beck would be pleading to our cause if he walked into a room where you and I would be sitting in doing what we do.