A Fool and a Hermie Seed


Well-Known Member
Maturing very quick. Sucks your pulling so many balls off lately... But she's looking nice.
it is that, that's the thing about most grows, there's usually some traits that could be useful
it has been a labor here, though you get better at it as you get more practice
i'll do a side pic in the next few weeks, she does look pretty good, but not going to be a huge yielder


Well-Known Member
Does the. Reverse work. By it self? Or do u need the penetrate as well?
i've heard both stories, that's part of the deal with DM reverse, too many different stories
i've seen it posted that a tiny bit of dish washing liquid in water will do the same thing as the penetrator
if i was convinced that DM reverse worked, i would have tried it, but i'm very cautious in spraying anything during flower


Well-Known Member
5 weeks of flower, much has happened
first thing is the rooster war is winding down
i'm finding 1 or 2 roosters each day, tiny number compared to how it was
apparently you can tweezer your way through a hermie, not a small job though
on the other hand, there are scars from the battle, some seeds
not a lot of seeds, the upper half of the plant appears to be pristine
down lower is where the damage was done, maybe 10%(?) seeded, harvest will tell for sure
pic is from out of the growing chamber, not a heavy yielder from what i'm seeing

and thanks for plugging in shrigpiece, glad for extra eyes on my strange grow



Well-Known Member
week 6 of flower, quite the wild ride
the occasional rooster pops up, pluck and spray with water
that formula seems to work pretty well, my eyes tell me it is 90% seed free bud
but the seeds i see are huge! look like basketballs(for seeds), and show up clearly
now to the silver lining, the rate of ripening is by far the best i've seen in my grows
pistils are turning color, this could be finished at 7 weeks(more likely 8, but still quick)
i did dust a sidebud with some non-hermie pollen, fast ripening genetics may be worth keeping



Well-Known Member
week 7 of flower, it's a bouncy ride right to the end
i had to talk it up about the last hermie roosters
not so fast, another round sprouted in some buds, not fun
hard to find, hard to pull, sigh
the plus side is the ripening speed, 1 more week and cut, that's the plan



Well-Known Member
75 days of growing, 8 weeks of flowering, here's the final show
i've done all the rooster plucking that i'm going to do
the trichomes are a 50/50 mix of cloudy clear, not perfect, but good enough
this 'strain'(parent and 1 other offspring) weren't edgy, so the 50/50 should be fairly good
better pic, shows fatter bud with some purple, not bad looking all told
so time to cut, weigh, and get a better sense of how much seed is in there



Well-Known Member
i've given the finished product a good look over
by the appearance, i'd call it 90% seedless
thick resinous appearance, not much 'seed shrink' visible
on the other hand, could be a fair number of undeveloped seeds
that won't show till i try it out, and break it up some
yield was low, i've done much better in the same grow setup
genetics probably, a random pheno out of a random seeding is iffy at best

i've not yet seen a hermie grow documented with rooster trimming
it can be done, and you can get a pretty good product from what i can see
but it's definitely only for the small scale, a micro grower can do it


Well-Known Member
i have had a bit of interest in this last run, time to give a summary of the product

yield was low, a little more than a 1/2 oz, that was disappointing
my setup has produced 35g dry with other strains, i think the genetics here were the key
you can lose the nice hybrid vigor with non hybrids, which i think this qualifies

now to the product and quality, i have posted a thread 'honoring' this beast in the breeders forum
this was the most hideous weed i've ever had in my life, and we're talking 40 years of puffing
wasn't weak, not at all, kind of hideously strong, and had an awful flavor like burning rubber
and that was through a vape, god knows what it would be like in a bowl
i've never thrown up from weed before, but this was the closest i've come
some kind of powerful body rush, and unpleasant head effect
so i'm leaving it in the curing jar for quite a while before daring to try it again
you hear stories of weed being laced, stuff like this feeds the rumors, if had bought it i would have sworn it had been laced with something


Well-Known Member
time to dust off this old thread, get back in the saddle so to speak
here's a quick thread summary, had a hermie brainwreck, good quality even if a hermie
so far, i've grown out 2 seeds(100's left)
1st run - a very nice non hermie female, close to the parent and nice quality, not a large yield though
that does track, parent was a hybrid, hybrid vigor went away
2nd run - in appearance, close to parent, the smoke was probably the foulest weed i've ever had
felt like it was laced with something, didn't get sick but close, interesting experience

now to the present, i did dust some side branches with cali-o pollen
i had kept up with the roosters during that time, but let it run wild later
i believe the seeds are from 2 different cali-o males, but it's a best guess
1 of the cali-o males was a very interesting male hermie, had a tiny female cola at its tip
here's the sprout at 2 days, god knows what will grow out here



Well-Known Member
9 days, and now i can see what i have, and it's strange
started growing faster a few days ago, pretty close to usual
more sativa in the leaf, at least compared to my other hybrids
but this may be a mutant, got a strange mottled green color
sections of lighter and darker green, and the soil has plenty of nutrient
no indication of burning, it's a pattern which makes me think it's genetics
which could be 3 different cases, pure S1 or 1 of 2 cali-o males



Well-Known Member
thanks for looking in, i have a strange beast going this time, it's a variegated plant
the leaves have bands of different colors, lighter and darker greens, new pics in a few days


Well-Known Member
a definite twist to my grow, a variegated example of cannabis
there seem to be no ends to the twist and turns this plant can do
some of the leaves are dark green on one side, and a lighter green on the other
the big central leaves are all dark, though there's all kind of stuff going on
leaf texture very close to the mother(and maybe father too), that and the strange color leads me to think this is another of the S1 seeds, which isn't what i was hoping for
but plenty of growing before judgement needs to be passed



Well-Known Member
into flower it has gone, looking good, the variegation seems to be fading
not a complete freak, looks to be growing at a normal pace, seeing more sativa in the leaf shape
interesting trait, no smell, and i mean no smell, even rubbed no odor
but flower may change this, veg odor is a different beast



Well-Known Member
give this hobby its due, it's always interesting
sativa traits are showing, sativa leaf dominates the further you go up the branch
and stretch is big, a solid inch a day, which is more than i've seen in my chamber
which is going to make me a little nervous, no sex showing yet, 3-4 weeks of more stretch
13 inches tall, and smell is essentially zero, rubbing produces just a slight odor on the fingers



Well-Known Member
over the 2 weeks of flower mark, slow to go into flower by my hybrid experience
height was 20 inches a couple of days ago, not huge but 10 of those inches were in 7 days
which is a bit out of my comfort zone, thought about an emergency top
seemed to slow down some in the last 2 days, may be very tight fit by the end
but the smell, it is just non existent, which has its good points, stealth has been made better
maybe some perfume at the end rather than the beginning



Well-Known Member
3 1/2 weeks of flower, i've been wishing for a more sativa plant to appear in my chamber
and it has, but i had a feeling this might be a bitch to finish at 30 inches
she hit 24 inches and not much sign she was ready to stop, desperate times call for desperate measures
supercrop is being done daily near the top, wasn't sure how it would go
so far so good, not stopping but it is slowing, but 6 inches more of head room will be tough
still, no sign of hermie balls, and essentially a no smell plant
you could have a room full of these and never smell a thing



Well-Known Member
long time since i've had more sativa than indica in my grow, as in the 1970's
i do recall some mexican grown bag seed that had a similar look and smell
not much smell, but it was distinct, kind of a weedy smell, but not mj weed
sadly, that old grow never finished, got ripped or some such thing
28 inches tall, had to beat the hell out of her to stay under 30 inches
should come in under the wire, just barely i think



Well-Known Member
5 1/2 weeks of flower, may finish a touch earlier than i had been prepared for
was prepared for 12 weeks after i saw all that sativa look popping
12 looks like a worse case, more like 10-11 range, mabe a little less
30 1/2 inches tall, the tallest i've yet grown in this setup, just about stopped
picture outside the chamber, pretty good upper development, should be a fair yielder

