A couple questions...


Active Member
I'm rapidly approaching my stealth grow op and there's a few things that I'm not quite clear on, and I can only think of two of them right now. My first question is, is it totally necessary to start my seedling in a cup and then transplant it into a larger pot? or can I just keep it in the larger pot. Also, how effective is side/under lighting with light above the plant also. The reason I ask is because I'm pretty sure going to run out of room mid flower or so and will need to either cut my plant's life short or re-arrange the lights so there is still some on top but the rest suspended beside/below the plant. Anyways, any advice would be greatly, greatly appreciated :peace:

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
I don't think it matters on the pot, the plant will fill it up. You might be able to save a little in fert, nutes etc. by graduating up in pot size and you would have better control on the watering, I believe.

There are many solutions to height problems. Look into topping, LST and others. On the lights, do both! The more the merrier and better the buds!

You should also do a grow journal as then people have invested time into your grow and they will be there to help you with questions and problems. (ps, people love the pictures)

Good luck

Farm Hard


Active Member
word dude thanks for the advice. i'm posting a grow journal for sure once I get this show on the road, I just have a couple more things to collect


Dea, FBI, ATF MuthaFucker
yeah man sounds good so far, under lighting is needed for larger yields because only having light ontop only gives light to the leaves...etc on top, also i recommend tieing down branches and bending.