A cold-hardy beast of a cultivar? [SEEKING RECOMMENDATIONS]


Here, I got landrace issues. I'd share pics. from my spot, but the season's too young, and several farmers I know IRL troll these forums, so I ain't sharing. Y'all think you're cute, raiding my wild sanctuaries to the Green Ambassador. It's less cute than you think. I really spend time out there applying TLC, and punks come and nip 'em just 'cause they can. There aren't even buds yet, you drug addicts!!

A bit of a tangent. We have a homeless problem in Minneapolis, ongoing. And it's spreading into the country with these YouTube pioneers who watch a couple bushmen and suddenly think they're a grizzly bear. Pathetic. You have to put down the meth pipe at some point.

Another tangent. Okay. I live in Minnesota, at the tip top of America's tundra-like wilderness. Thank God we have all the trees North Dakota doesn't, so the wind won't usually murder you in the face. Not usually. So I need a plant that flips cold weather the bird. I like sativa effects and am somewhat functionally anti-indica for personal use. I know I know, it grows faster, bigger yields, etc., but what's the point, if the bud just kneecaps you? Don't recommend Alaskan Thunder Fuck or anything else that will destroy me by the almighty power of myrcene, please. My favorite strains ARE NOT MYRCENE DOMINANT. That's right, I hate 98% of American weed. It just kills your motivation and makes you a slave to the couch. I like to get ripping and get going. Mobilize me, motivate me, kill my anxiety. Not specifically in that order, either.

So how about recommendations of the toughest genetics you know, by personal experience only. No anecdotes of friends of friends, unless you know that a lie never passes their lips. I don't want to waste another growing season trusting some airhead Californian who doesn't know what real winter weather feels like. Talk to me if you're from Alaska, North Dakota (especially), Michigan, and of course: Minnesota. I want Canadians too. You guys know cold-hardy weed. I've seen snow-capped plants in mid-flower in pics. on this very forum, in the recent past. Show me to these babes! I will repay you in spades for good, reliable advice. Because I need a miracle up here, to even dream of improving the dismal high of the wild-type plants that grow locally, all by themselves... I will eventually snap pics. and possibly share them, after the season ends and I have my stash in hand. You guys need to see these hemp heroes. If they can do it, somebody's cultivar surely can as well. If I do what I want to do, injecting the landrace with tropical, real, actual "Sativa" heritage, I might just kill an entire generation, because of the longer flower and lower tolerance. So you see why I'm seeking worthy advice from dedicated hobbyists and pros alike.


Now I live in Florida and I am not as old as some of yall old legends but the strongest strain Ive personally seen was Super Blue Haze plant strength wise. . I suck at growing right now and this thing was the thickest starter Ive seen. It practically ran itself.
Auto Skywalker Haze is another.

any haze thats an auto should be good for you. Ruderalis (auto) is strong and haze is sativa.

someone will give better info but this is decent
AK Bean Brains breeds out of Alaska. It might be worth asking him if he’s got any recs, especially if he tests any of his stuff outdoors. Also, try looking for other breeders that live in similar areas, or landrace varieties that originate from colder climates being used as parents in some more modern strains. Some of the strain report posts have stories about outdoor plants surviving multiple frosts. I’d check all these places and start putting together a list.
Here, I got landrace issues. I'd share pics. from my spot, but the season's too young, and several farmers I know IRL troll these forums, so I ain't sharing. Y'all think you're cute, raiding my wild sanctuaries to the Green Ambassador. It's less cute than you think. I really spend time out there applying TLC, and punks come and nip 'em just 'cause they can. There aren't even buds yet, you drug addicts!!

A bit of a tangent. We have a homeless problem in Minneapolis, ongoing. And it's spreading into the country with these YouTube pioneers who watch a couple bushmen and suddenly think they're a grizzly bear. Pathetic. You have to put down the meth pipe at some point.

Another tangent. Okay. I live in Minnesota, at the tip top of America's tundra-like wilderness. Thank God we have all the trees North Dakota doesn't, so the wind won't usually murder you in the face. Not usually. So I need a plant that flips cold weather the bird. I like sativa effects and am somewhat functionally anti-indica for personal use. I know I know, it grows faster, bigger yields, etc., but what's the point, if the bud just kneecaps you? Don't recommend Alaskan Thunder Fuck or anything else that will destroy me by the almighty power of myrcene, please. My favorite strains ARE NOT MYRCENE DOMINANT. That's right, I hate 98% of American weed. It just kills your motivation and makes you a slave to the couch. I like to get ripping and get going. Mobilize me, motivate me, kill my anxiety. Not specifically in that order, either.

So how about recommendations of the toughest genetics you know, by personal experience only. No anecdotes of friends of friends, unless you know that a lie never passes their lips. I don't want to waste another growing season trusting some airhead Californian who doesn't know what real winter weather feels like. Talk to me if you're from Alaska, North Dakota (especially), Michigan, and of course: Minnesota. I want Canadians too. You guys know cold-hardy weed. I've seen snow-capped plants in mid-flower in pics. on this very forum, in the recent past. Show me to these babes! I will repay you in spades for good, reliable advice. Because I need a miracle up here, to even dream of improving the dismal high of the wild-type plants that grow locally, all by themselves... I will eventually snap pics. and possibly share them, after the season ends and I have my stash in hand. You guys need to see these hemp heroes. If they can do it, somebody's cultivar surely can as well. If I do what I want to do, injecting the landrace with tropical, real, actual "Sativa" heritage, I might just kill an entire generation, because of the longer flower and lower tolerance. So you see why I'm seeking worthy advice from dedicated hobbyists and pros alike.


If you hate most american weed u grow outside and want hardy stuff try kc brains gear cos it sounds right up your street he breeds outdoors and also for big hardy plants plenty of sativa options i especially reccomend his kc33 strain also the seeds are cheap as hell too plus the guys been around forever also i find snow isnt the death blow ime rain is the killer humidity i might be further north than u im at 56 ish we can only grow autos and semi autos our seasons short windy wet and can be cold
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Browse dagga gardens seedbank there are quite a few outdoor breeders that sell their gear on dagga. Then when you find a sativa dom strain that you like the look of hit up the breeder and get some more info on how the strain will handle the cold. Dagga is def the go for outdoor strains and landraces.
Next generation Texada Timewarp

those genetics is if not the most mold,cold, can even handle small amount of snow and frost np. I’ve never seen a more resistant and cold tolerant plant (cannabis wise) on my life. I had tons of growers near me growing her including myself for 5+ years.

soo worth it if cold ,frost, mold and bugs are issues, timewarp will defend against all

Next generation Texada Timewarp

those genetics is if not the most mold,cold, can even handle small amount of snow and frost np. I’ve never seen a more resistant and cold tolerant plant (cannabis wise) on my life. I had tons of growers near me growing her including myself for 5+ years.

soo worth it if cold ,frost, mold and bugs are issues, timewarp will defend against all

I reckon friesland indica would give it a run for its money with snow resistance mighty mite isnt bad either in that regard so id add them to the list but they aint the kinda high op is seeking why i never mentioned them previously
A few guys in england on another forum have managed to pull off parvati and mazari outdoor guerilla style so i think your right there it can be pretty hardy and it isnt your classic afghan indica either so it suit op
I reckon friesland indica would give it a run for its money with snow resistance mighty mite isnt bad either in that regard so id add them to the list but they aint the kinda high op is seeking why i never mentioned them previously
A few guys in england on another forum have managed to pull off parvati and mazari outdoor guerilla style so i think your right there it can be pretty hardy and it isnt your classic afghan indica either so it suit op
I live in Interior Alaska and can verify Mazar can take really cold temperatures and keep growing.
Aye well yer right there if it can thrive in alaska it can take a beating
Not suggesting anyone do this but I had some that survived 2 freezes with minimal damage before a really hard freeze took them. I had read that the Afghans don’t even think of chopping until there’s snow on them. They use it to make hash.
Been trying to research for frost tolerant strains myself. So far the top options seem to be
Northern Lights
Hindu kush
UK cheese
Frisian duck/ Frisian mist.
I find a lot of cross over researching best frost tolerance and best heat tolerance. Google search on the topics love afgani and N African strains ak47, Durban poison, afgani
I put a caramel apple fritters and a thorsberry from captain redbeard though hell for a spring bloom and they remained stable. Yeild was shit but that's to be expected considering the amout of stress they took on but they were still healthy plants a did not herm out
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Not suggesting anyone do this but I had some that survived 2 freezes with minimal damage before a really hard freeze took them. I had read that the Afghans don’t even think of chopping until there’s snow on them. They use it to make hash.
Depends where in afghan and what type mate your correct with the northern afghan turkestani strains such as mazar shebergan tashkurgan and stuff like that they are harvested november or december later than other regions and it would be cold by then too possibly snowy as well and yes your right its hash they dont smoke ganja much in there culture its garda there into
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Been trying to research for frost tolerant strains myself. So far the top options seem to be
Northern Lights
Hindu kush
UK cheese
Frisian duck/ Frisian mist.
I find a lot of cross over researching best frost tolerance and best heat tolerance. Google search on the topics love afgani and N African strains ak47, Durban poison, afgani
I put a caramel apple fritters and a thorsberry from captain redbeard though hell for a spring bloom and they remained stable. Yeild was shit but that's to be expected considering the amout of stress they took on but they were still healthy plants a did not herm out
Ok no on uk cheese and hindu kush frost might be ok but there not very moisture ressistant ime so id worry they would still mould out on you plus ime cheese prefers warmer vs colder conditions tis a skunk pheno after all and as for northern lights yes the nl#1 being pure ghani mazar x Kandahar most likely would handle it well i wouldnt bank on nl5 handling it tho theres more than one nl you see tbh if you want a kush type id reccomend chitral kush from pakistan that seems to be the most cold/rain resistant of the hindu types ive came across
Depends where in afghan and what type mate your correct with the northern afghan turkestani strains such as mazar shebergan tashkurgan and stuff like that they are harvested november or december later than other regions and it would be cold by then too possibly snowy as well and yes your right its hash they dont smoke ganja much in there culture its garda there into
Well Mazar i Sharif is less than 40 miles from Uzbekistan. Doesn’t get much farther north in the country than that.
Ok no on uk cheese and hindu kush frost might be ok but there not very moisture ressistant ime so id worry they would still mould out on you plus ime cheese prefers warmer vs colder conditions tis a skunk pheno after all and as for northern lights yes the nl#1 being pure ghani mazar x Kandahar most likely would handle it well i wouldnt bank on nl5 handling it tho theres more than one nl you see tbh if you want a kush type id reccomend chitral kush from pakistan that seems to be the most cold/rain resistant of the hindu types ive came across
Thank you, I love you guys, everything google tells me is stupid.
AK Bean Brains breeds out of Alaska. It might be worth asking him if he’s got any recs, especially if he tests any of his stuff outdoors. Also, try looking for other breeders that live in similar areas, or landrace varieties that originate from colder climates being used as parents in some more modern strains. Some of the strain report posts have stories about outdoor plants surviving multiple frosts. I’d check all these places and start putting together a list.
I got his freeze land going right now there only 10 days old but look good! He does everything indoors he's in Alaska so he's not growing much outdoors.
Check out poro purple Valley and freeze land and also serious 7 a pheno of serious 6. Had good luck with seed stockers blackberry gum there's 2 phenos 1 finishes early but has bad pm and mold resistance the other has really good pm and mold resistance but takes longer to finish. The blackberry gum I grew for a couple of years was an auto.
I got his freeze land going right now there only 10 days old but look good! He does everything indoors he's in Alaska so he's not growing much outdoors.
Well theres two strains really cos freezeland is a friesland bx with pluton in its genetic backround
And m33 friesland indica is the original sssc line they never say what it was many guess its from balochistan hash plant stock but again thats just guesses no one really knows